Fairy tales by Tifenn Boukhers - Illustrated by Tifenn and Internet - Ourboox.com
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Fairy tales


Artwork: Tifenn and Internet

  • Joined Mar 2022
  • Published Books 1


Fairies are often fantasized as friendly little winged creatures that possess supernatural powers. However, the history details an entirely different account of fairies. The word Fairy belongs to Latin roots meaning “fate”. In folklores, Fairies were defined as mystical characters that had the power to do good and evil. In fairy folklore, mostly fairies were mischievous and indulged in tomfoolery. The origin of fairies dates to Greek mythology, where fairies were referred to as Nymphs. These nymphs protected the face of Mother Earth.

In the 13th Century, England theorized a new concept of fairies introducing them as “little people” with or without wings that were either nice or evil. Eventually, the English mythological beliefs and Christianity produced a theory of Fairies explaining them as “Fallen Angels”. They believed that fairies were good enough for hell but bad enough for heaven, so they were sent to Earth. Fairies have long had the image of slender, beautiful females. However, various types of fairies were introduced with cultural and religious evolution, including leprechauns, goblins, elves, enchanters, fay, genies, gnomes, goblins, gremlins, hobs, mermaids, nymphs, pixies, and much more.

The fairies belonged to four different matters, i.e., the fire fairy, the Earth fairy, the water fairy, and the Fairy that belonged to air. In the 1900s, the media industry started dramatizing Fairies in cartoons and movies. Today, people barely believe in any mythology based on fairies, ghosts, or anything supernatural.

Fairy tales by Tifenn Boukhers - Illustrated by Tifenn and Internet - Ourboox.com


Fairies are beautiful



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