Greedy Roger by Noam sofer -
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Greedy Roger

  • Joined Mar 2022
  • Published Books 1

Greedy Roger

By: Noam sofer


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A few years ago there was a man named Roger and he was very wealthy, however he was also a very greedy man and everything he wanted he paid someone a lot of money to take it for himself.

one time he even went onto the open road and paid people for their cars in the middle of the road, another time he was so greedy and he actually bought an entire gaming company so no one else could play the game anymore and that Roger would be the only one to play it.

By: Noam sofer

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one day Roger went to a public auction which was good only if you were Roger, due to the fact that he bought everything in the display there.

he bought a vase, a few paintings and even a katana.

everyone there was mad at him for being the only person to buy anything.

when Roger drove home all the people who looked at him frowned towards him.

but Roger didn’t give it a second thought.


Greedy Roger by Noam sofer -

Page three,

When Roger got home he saw in his mailbox that there’s a letter for him.

it was from the bank, the letter said: “Hello Mr.Miller you have spent a lot of money, without earning a lot at the same time and so you now have gone bankrupt and so next week the bank will come to claim your house”.

Roger has always feared that this will happen but never thought it actually would.

he was sure that his accountants would tell him if there was a problem much before.

Roger felt miserable.

Greedy Roger by Noam sofer -

Page four,

Roger was furious, and started blaming everyone he knew.

he was sure that the people around him tricked him for his riches.

so he invited his lawyers, employees, accountants and his bank consultant to an emergency meeting scheduled a week later at his house.

a week passed and everyone gathered at Roger’s house.

Roger asked them for an explanations to why did he end up in this situation.

his accountants showed Roger all the documents confirming they notified him over a year ago that in spending much more than his income however Roger ignored them and kept being greedy spending way too much every single month.


Greedy Roger by Noam sofer -

Page five,

His lawyers presented him all the warning letters that they have received from the bank regarding Roger’s financial state and unfortunately even when they told Roger about it he completely ignored them and continues to live in his greedy way of life.

the employees representor claimed that for a long time back they warned him that business are slower than usual for a long time and although he got all of those warnings he never gave it a second thought.


Greedy Roger by Noam sofer -

Page seven,

after Roger heard all the explanations, he closed his eyes slowly and took a big breath.

it finally hit him, and he really got the real reason why his company ended up with chapter 11.

the only one he could blame, was himself.

he asked from everyone in the room for forgiveness, that for being too greedy and not caring enough about the company.

he promised to himself that he would never repeat the same behavior, and asked everyone in the room for a second chance to recover the company’s financial status.

and so next day he began a yard sale where he sold all the stuff he bought unnecessary things he sold throughout the years.

he took all the money he got and paid back to all his company’s vendors, and closed his crushing debt to the bank.

he works 24/7 in order to recover the company, and make business successful again

Greedy Roger by Noam sofer -


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