The Brown Bin by Sigal Magen - Illustrated by  Translated by Dana G.Peleg. Illustrated by robotic teams of Rabin school (74) and Nitzanim school (380) from Shoham -
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The Brown Bin


Artwork: Translated by Dana G.Peleg. Illustrated by robotic teams of Rabin school (74) and Nitzanim school (380) from Shoham

  • Joined Jan 2014
  • Published Books 467

Paul brings the Brown Bin

A bag of veggie peels

So in love Bin’s never been

Head over heels!

The Brown Bin by Sigal Magen - Illustrated by  Translated by Dana G.Peleg. Illustrated by robotic teams of Rabin school (74) and Nitzanim school (380) from Shoham -

Running soon comes Belle

Giving him lots of egg shell

“Egg-cellent!” Brown Bin then says.

Belle’s eyes are sunshine rays.

The Brown Bin by Sigal Magen - Illustrated by  Translated by Dana G.Peleg. Illustrated by robotic teams of Rabin school (74) and Nitzanim school (380) from Shoham -

Next are Jill and Jim.

With delight they serve him

Peanut butter and some jelly

Brown Bin is happy, back and belly!

The Brown Bin by Sigal Magen - Illustrated by  Translated by Dana G.Peleg. Illustrated by robotic teams of Rabin school (74) and Nitzanim school (380) from Shoham -

The twins come bearing gifts

Of cut grass and fallen leaves

“Yummie!” he had them all,

He almost rolled out like a ball.

The Brown Bin by Sigal Magen - Illustrated by  Translated by Dana G.Peleg. Illustrated by robotic teams of Rabin school (74) and Nitzanim school (380) from Shoham -

He likes tea for two or three or more.

Pasta and bread he won’t ignore.

Share your special sauce with Bin,

You’ll never hear a “no” from him.

The Brown Bin by Sigal Magen - Illustrated by  Translated by Dana G.Peleg. Illustrated by robotic teams of Rabin school (74) and Nitzanim school (380) from Shoham -

He loves wet waste

Of every style and taste

Give it to Brown Bin, for your health

And for the sake of Mother Earth!

The Brown Bin by Sigal Magen - Illustrated by  Translated by Dana G.Peleg. Illustrated by robotic teams of Rabin school (74) and Nitzanim school (380) from Shoham -
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