If you want someone to treat you right, first of all you need to treat that person right. By beating a woman you don’t obtain anything, you’re not going to be more masculine or attractive, you will just become a person that other people don’t want to deal with.
I think violence against women or violence in general is horrible, terrible, shocking.
I don’t understand why someone needs to hurt someone else, both physically and psychologically. Victims are injured psychologically because the act of violence remains in their minds forever and for this they are scared to walk or stay in public places.
After some acts of violence, the victim thinks she is the wrong one, so many women or people are afraid or ashamed to report the violence also because they could be hurt again.
This must not happen because they don’t have to live with fear every single day, but they have to feel free always and everywhere.
We have to understand we aren’t wrong, but THEY are wrong, they who hurt us, whatever form of violence they use.
In my opinion violence against someone is an act of incivility.
Unfortunately it is widespread all over the world because of those people who believe they are superior to others but it does not mean that they can hurt other people.
A lot has been done to contrast violence, but a lot more still needs to be done.
People are unable to understand what respect is and that all the rights must be recognized.
It is very important to educate people to comprehend and accept all the differences.
Only if courage and trust in institutions are increased, violence can be stopped.
Only a little man uses violence on a woman to feel great. Unfortunately, even today in the twenty-first century there are many little men, psychologically fragile and emotionally unstable.
I think most people use violence as an outburst for a sad and unhappy life.
Every 25 November is the International Day for combating all forms of discrimination and violence against women.
victims of violence are often weak and helpless.
Both victims and perpetrators should receive help.
Violence is a weapon that is used on the weakest for what? To be more powerful? To have some kind of gratification? To be happy to see a person in tears of pain?
All this is inexplicable, but it is reality and I think there is still too little information today, despite the means we have.
November 25 marks an important day for the whole world.
Important and fundamental.
Violence (in general) is widespread and must be defeated.
There is no excuse for hitting a woman, violence is never the answer. I think that nobody has the right to do it. Every woman has the right to be happy.
Women are precious because it is thanks to them that we exist.
Women should be protected and appreciated, but some people disagree, they do not see women as something precious, but as objects without rights. Consequently some people think it is their right to abuse a woman. Evidently these people are not as brilliant as they think they are, because mistreating women creates trauma and fear, sometimes leading to physical problems. And that’s why I think women should be loved and protected.
I’ve never understood violence, I don’t understand its meaning.
Violence can cause two types of pain: the psychological one that stays with you forever and the physical one that hurts but with time passes. When a woman suffers violence, she remains in constant fear of doing anything, which is why many women do not report the act.
As the years go by, violence against women increases more and more. Over the centuries, women have worked hard to obtain civil recognition (eg. Right to vote, right to education, etc.)
But unfortunately in some parts of the world women are still considered inferior, such as in the Middle East. In this place women must always be covered in the presence of other men, they must keep the windows closed. All of this is synonymous with a society that lets men do whatever they want just for sexual pleasure, making women more self-confident. In my opinion, men should be taught not to rape women and not women to go out accompanied by someone and never alone.
I don’t understand why men would even try to abuse a woman or another person. As a male, i’m trying to understand why a men would think to do that. Do they feel better? Do they feel stronger? Is it to “assume dominance”? The woman abuse is a serious danger and it is underrated. It brings just useless violence. The physical violence hurts and leaves scars, but the psychological one has the same effect. Unfortunately every day, too many women are traumatized beacause of these abuses. I can’t think about a world where someone is disrispected or discriminated for their gender, skin or religion.
If you don’t respect women just beacause they’re women, you should be ashamed! I have three more things to say:
1 Don’t allow men or anybody to submit you!
2 Be proud to be a woman!
3 Raise your voice!
In my opinion we must not only remember violence against women but violence in general. Made this premis, I think violence against women is really disgusting.
Sadly, we hear about violence against women every day, what is it men don’t understand? An answer can only be given over time.
There are still men who use women as objects and think they are.
I conclude by reminding everybody we always have to respect women and all other creatures.
I’m convinced that violence is not a sign of strength, but of weakness and that it is usually used by people who aren’t really self confident. In my opinion there shouldn’t be people who think they are superior if they beat others, who don’t know what they’re doing and who destroy the souls of their victims. These actions are without dignity and horrible, all people should stop for a moment, reflect on these things and understand that these actions should never be done. I can’t and don’t want to think of a world where violence is allowed. In my opinion we should join forces to stop these acts of violence, to reason with the people who use it and change their mentality to make the world a better place.
Women aren’t objects. They aren’t
puppets in the hands of big forces. They were
made to love and be loved. It isn’t love what
limits you, what hurts you, what’s left on your
skin with dark bruises.
Never stay in silence in
front of abuses.
Why is there violence in the world? I don’t know how vioence was born, I know almost nothing but I know it shouldn’t exist. There is a lot of violence in the world. Many men and women feel unwell after being beaten. Violence is often against women because they are weaker and more defenseless but even if they are defenseless it is not right to attack them. To raise awareness and try to eliminate violence against women, November 25 was chosen as the day against violence on women. There is a lot of talk about violence against women, but I think violence is dangerous even if it is not against a woman, hardly anyone talks about violence in general which can be against men, children, women and animals, and this is not fair, violence is not fair.
Violence is the most stupid way to command, because with violence you only get violence.
To fight it you need to have the courage to react but only a few people succeed in doing so, because fear is a very difficult obstacle to overcome.
November 25 is a day dedicated to violence against women. A lot of men use violence against women just to make it clear that they are stronger.
They want to feel stronger, superior, they think they have more rights than women. In my opinion, a woman is free to go out or go home without being afraid that something bad will happen to her and she is free to make her own decisions and express her thoughts without fear of the consequences.
In my opinion, violence against women is wrong. This problem must be solved immediately because we have all the same rights and there are no distinctions between a man and a woman. If the situation of violence goes on, the problem could become much more serious…. that’s why we must intervene at once!
Violence is a bad thing
I don’t know what violent people have in mind
but I think they are crazy
or just sad maybe….
You’re not strong
just a monster you become
Violence is a very bad act towards a woman.
We have to try to stop people from beingg violent because it is not acceptable that a woman has to endure nsuch injustice.
We all must try to protect women from violent individuals because women must not and can not be sujected to such oppression.
I think that we are all the same, there is no one better than another person.
People who are violent against other people are not well.
In some countries females are abused and do not have the same rights as males.
I heard that a woman was shot for taking off the veil that covered her face. This is unacceptable!
with the help of their teachers
Mariacarmela Li Pizzi and Paola Parato
Published: Dec 3, 2021
Latest Revision: Jan 28, 2022
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1239891
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