Healthy Life – Happy Life by Shazar Juniour High - Bat Yam -
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Healthy Life – Happy Life

  • Joined Mar 2016
  • Published Books 1
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Book Introduction

This great digital book was prepared by roi hertz and alon klein and the students of Shazar Junior high school.

The book is the English project of the 8th graders.


The book deals with the following subjects:

♦ Healthy life and happy life, and the relation between them.

♦ Healthy food.

♦ Healthy / unhealthy recipes.

♦ Diets

♦ Sports.

♦ Sleep.

♦ Tips for healthy life and good lifestyle.

♦ Recommendations and conclusions.

Healthy Life – Happy Life by Shazar Juniour High - Bat Yam -
Healthy Life – Happy Life by Shazar Juniour High - Bat Yam -
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What ‘sleeping’ means?

Sleeping is a physiological and cyclical state, characterized by the low activity and low response to stimuli.  Sleep is often influenced by the activity of the person during the day and takes up nearly a third of his life.


Why is sleep important?

Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life, getting enough quality sleep at the right time can help protect your mental health and physical health, life quality and safety.

How you feel when you are awake depends in part of what happens when you were sleeping.  During sleep your body works to support healthy brain function and maintains your physical health.  In children and teens sleep supports growth and development.


♦ Sleep is a physiological need of the body, just like oxygen, water, and food.

♦ The immune system is built during sleep.

♦ Sleep saves energy.  During the stages of deep sleep the body uses a lot less energy.

♦ The growth hormone in children is secreted mostly asleep, when the peak of the provision is the first part of the night concentrating on deep sleep.

♦ Sleep is the time both the body and the mind rest;  yet during sleep intense activity occurs in the brain.  Sleep is essential for the developing brain and body.  Babies, for instance, process what they have learned during the night.

♦ Sleep affects learning, memory and reasoning; the ability to regulate emotional arousal, and the ability to deal with the sensory stimulation level: touch, sound, and so on.

Healthy Life – Happy Life by Shazar Juniour High - Bat Yam -
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The relation between sleep and studies

Do you often forget things that you’re sure you know?

Do you find it hard to concentrate on complex assignments?

Do you get less than six hours of sleep a night?


If so, you’re probably not getting enough sleep. That’s right!

Lack of sleep can hinder you from thinking clearly and can even kill!

Studies show that excessive sleepiness can hurt work performance.

Sleep plays a critical role in thinking and learning.

Lack of sleep hurts cognitive processes in many ways.

First, it impairs attention, alertness, concentration, reasoning, and problem solving, it makes it more difficult to learn efficiently.

Second, during the night, various sleep cycles play a role in “consolidating” memories in the mind.  If you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t be able to remember what you learned and experienced during the day.

During sleep, our brain takes our memories, reactivates and looks at them again, and stores them in a more efficient way.  Not getting enough sleep hurts our brain’s ability to do so, and it hurts our memory.

So if you feel it’s hard to remember things and think during the day, lack of sleep might be your problem.  Try to go to bed earlier.  If  8-9 hours of sleep are not enough for you, try to get more.  Then you are going to find out that it is easier to remember and understand things, be more alerted, and just enjoy life even more.


A video that was made by Shiran Haskal and explains lack of sleep.



The following 2 videos explain what happens when you get enough sleep time.


Healthy Life – Happy Life by Shazar Juniour High - Bat Yam -
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What is the impact of lack of sleep in children?

♦ Problems starting from levels of concentration and information comprehension, losing information knowledge and memory, and finishing with cognitive physical and mental disabilities.  Moreover, lack of sleep can lead to slower reactions and consequently causes accidents and injuries.

♦ Research shows a connection between sleep disorders and behavioural problems of children.  Perhaps a child who is born with a tendency to behavioural problems can develop sleep problems which can cause a child to be irritable, impatient and restless. Sometimes there are signs of hyperactivity in the kids as a result of cumulative fatigue.

♦ Lack of sleep causes hunger inducing hormone secretion, leading the children to eat more and develop obesity.  Parents should encourage a greater number of hours of sleep which arranged metabolic function of children and the maintenance of normal weight.

♦ Weakness of the immune system since the body remains in a state of alertness and stress, which increases the risk of damage to health.

Too little? dangerous! Too much? Too!

Study from 2011 published in the European Heart Association found that people who get enough sleep “are at increased risk of 48% of developing or dying from coronary heart disease During the follow-up of 7 to 25 years, and an increased risk of 15% of developing or dying from a stroke during that time.  “According to the studies, sleep too little also increases the risk of diabetes, headaches, and depression, and affects libido, aging skin, memory capacity judgment and reaction time.

And what about too much sleep?  It’s not ideal.  The same study found that “those who sleep nine hours or more per night, showed an increased risk of 38% of developing or dying from coronary heart disease and an increased risk of 65% having a stroke.

How many hours of sleep are enough?
Age Category # of sleeping hours recommended
0-12 months 12-17
1-5 years 10-14
6-13 years 9-11
14-17 years 8-10
18-64 years 7-9
Healthy Life – Happy Life by Shazar Juniour High - Bat Yam -
Healthy Life – Happy Life by Shazar Juniour High - Bat Yam -
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How sports help you stay healthy?

Regular physical activity can produce long-term health benefits.


It can help:

♦ Prevent chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke (the three can cause to death).

♦ Control weight.

♦ Make your muscles stronger.

♦ Reduce fat.

♦ Promote strong bone, muscle, and joint development.

♦ Condition heart and lungs.

♦ Build overall strength and endurance.

♦ Improve sleep.

♦ Decrease potential of becoming depressed.

♦ Increase your energy and self-esteem.

♦ Relieve stress.

♦ Increase your chances of living longer.


When you are not physically active, you are more at risk for:

♦ High blood pressure.

♦ High levels of bad cholesterol.

♦ Stroke.

♦ Type 2 diabetes.

♦ Heart disease.

♦ Cancer.

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What kind of sports are good for the health ?


Basketball teaches you about being a good team player and can be a great social sport.  Adults should check with their doctor before taking up basketball.  Basketball puts a lot of stress on the body and injuries can happen, so warming up, stretching your muscles and joints, and cooling down is important.  Make sure you have plenty of fluids on hand and rehydrate regularly.



Increases Aerobic Capacity: Running, at any intensity, for 90 minutes requires a high level of stamina.  Therefore, soccer players often have a tremendous amount of aerobic   capacity which enables them to go from walking to sprinting and have a fast recovery to do it again and again.


Improves Cardiovascular Health:  An average player runs about 5 to 7 miles in a full game.  The constant walking, jogging and running keep the players’ heart rates up, and provide excellent cardiovascular exercise.  This constant movement helps players strengthen their hearts, resist plaque build-up in the coronary arteries, reduce their blood pressure and burn excess calories.


Lowers Body Fat and Improves Muscle Tone:  Soccer is a great sport for burning fat because it works the muscles and your heart in different ways. Soccer builds more muscle mass and burns more fat by recruiting both slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers. As a general workout, soccer playing burns more calories than typical workouts because players are forced to switch between using the aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways.


Builds Muscle Strength: lower body strength is required for kicking, jumping, tackling, twisting and turning and also forms the foundation for explosive speed. Upper body strength is required for shielding the ball, holding off opponents, throw-ins and also contributes to overall power and explosiveness. Regular soccer playing builds strength by using the whole body.



Healthy Life – Happy Life by Shazar Juniour High - Bat Yam -
Healthy Life – Happy Life by Shazar Juniour High - Bat Yam -
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Healthy Diet – Introduction

We are going to examine in this study the healthiest foods for youth in ages 12 – 18

♦ We should balance calories.

♦ Drink plenty of water but in small doses throughout the day.

♦ One egg per day.

♦ A sufficient amount of calcium for bones and teeth.

♦ Eat a variety of food.

♦ Note that there is enough iron in the body; if not take supplements.

♦ Eat five or six meals a day.

♦ Consume fish from deep and  cold water.

♦ Eat chicken and lean meats.

♦ Consume greenhouses full and legumes.

♦ Replace snacks with fruits and vegetables.


What is recommended

♦ Reduce sweets and sweet drinks.

♦ Reduce coffee and cola.

♦ Avoid trans fats.

♦ Reduce sausages and smoked meat.

♦ Reduce dairy products and prefer goats milk.


What is not recommended

♦ Do not skip meals.

♦ Do not give up on Breakfast.

♦ Don’t eat junk Food.

♦ Reduce sugars.

♦ Avoid fried food.

♦ Avoid fat sauces.

♦ Avoid salty snacks.

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Healthy Food recipe


Well, one of the brilliance of this kind of kitchen (after the pasta, pizza, risotto, polenta, tiramisu and more…) is the Frittata. Although it is slightly less famous and maybe sounds like a piece of music, but the Frittata is a world of surprising and exciting culinary.

Not less important is that one can quickly and easily prepare this harmonious and satisfying meal, without complicated cooking rules. ingredients in fertilizers. Add some salad and bread and you have a completely refreshing and amazing meal..

Frittata belongs to one of the oldest kitchens in the world, it is a rather democratic kind of meal – it easily adopts almost everything you’ve got in the vegetable drawer, on a cheese shelf in your refrigerator and any herbs and spices.


Frittata recipe:

Ingredients for 4-6 servings:

– 6 eggs

– 2 chopped onions

– cup olive oil 1/4

– 4 ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped

– 50g grated Parmesan cheese

– 1 teaspoon of Italian seasoning mix herbs (basil, oregano, thyme, marjoram)

– salt and pepper according to your taste.



1 – Heat half of the oil in a pan and fry the onions until they begin to brown. Add the chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper and cook over medium heat until the tomatoes are tender and all the liquid has evaporated. Transfer to a bowl.

2 – Add tomatoes and grated cheese mixture cool slightly. Beat the eggs and add the mixture to the vegetables along with herbs. Mix well and season again with salt and pepper.

3 – Heat the remaining oil in a large pan and pour the mixture into it. Cook over medium heat for 7 minutes or until the omelet is stable.

4 – Heat the grill in the oven. Transfer the pan under the grill (leave the handle out of the oven, if it does not comply with the heat). Roast for 2 -3 minutes or until the omelet becomes golden brown. Wait for few minutes and serve (can be accompanied by grated Parmesan cheese).

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We wanted to make book about healthy life and how to manage it.

Our question was “Is healthy food enough to have a healthy life?”


We worked very hard to produce this book.

We worked in groups and every one made his/her part. In the book we talked about sleeping, eating and sports.

While making a research we have learned a lot about different kinds of diets, the influence of sleeping on our body and the importance of sport. We got a lot of new knowledge about our bodies and health. This project made us think over and over again how important it is to be healthy and to stay healthy.

The research was very integrative and challenging because this kind of work is new for us and it’s always not so easy to start something new.


To sum up, we hope that you will enjoy reading this book as well as we enjoy writing it.

Thank you.

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Credits – 

pedagogic coordinator – roi hertz

computing coordinator – alon klein



Adi Atiya

Anastasya Burunov

Aviv Levi

Aviv Ben Meleh

Aviv Mizrahi

Daniel Cohen

Daniel Diri

Daniel Gramovich

Erez Harosh

Gavriel Meir

Hadas Tir

Idan Baruch

Idan Yanko

Liel Kupershtic

Lihi Kadosh

Lior Ben Haim

Maxim Knafo

Michael Chugai

Noa Turiel

Opal Huato

Or Mendelbaum

Or Haim

Orel Levi

Raz Aviv

Roni Tothani

Roxana Mussat

Sagi Karmi

Samanta Davidoski

Samuel Lasri

Shay Benyamini

Shay Tothani

Vaicman Ben

Yaron Molokandov

Paul Roitman

Eyal Chachmi


The English Teaching Team:

Basima abu Samra

Svetlana Kulagina

Natali Milman

Hani Malinger

Doron Kol


Healthy Life – Happy Life by Shazar Juniour High - Bat Yam -
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