Anna’s Piano Solo by John Smith -
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Anna’s Piano Solo

  • Joined Mar 2016
  • Published Books 1

One morning at school, Anna is so excited to play her piano solo. Miss Baker told Miss Sherlock, the music teacher. “Are you excited to play your piano solo?” asked Miss Sherlock. “Yes I am, because I have got a piano at home” said Anna.


“When is the solo going to start?” asked George. “It’s an assembly, but it’s starting now” said Miss Baker. “We have to go” said Katie. Anna and her friends went to the hall. Mr Hutton starts to speak loudly. “This is Anna’s first piano solo at school, so we have to be quiet” he said. “OK, Mr Hutton” said everyone in the audience. “I can’t hear you” said Mr Hutton. “OK, Mr Hutton!” shouted everyone in the audience. Lilly didn’t like the noise at all.


“Are you okay, Lilly?” asked Katie. “No, I did not like the noise because I was putting my hands in my ears!” said Lilly. Anna was coming up to the stage. She was playing her piano solo slowly. Her piano solo made Miss Baker cry. “You are getting there” said Mr Hutton. “Keep going, Anna!” said Katie. “Keep going!” said Jamie. Jamie fell asleep.


Anna stopped playing her piano solo. She did it perfectly. “Well done, Anna. You got there now” said Mr Hutton. “Thanks” said Anna. Anna came back and sat next to Miss Baker and George. Katie and Anna gave Miss Baker some tissues to help her dry away her tears. “Don’t cry, Miss Baker. It’s just my piano solo” said Anna. Miss Baker said ok. The assembly finished.


Anna and her friends went back to class. Jamie went on the beanbag and he fell asleep again. Miss Sherlock is coming up to Anna first and then Jamie. “You did very well there on the piano, Anna. Well done!” said Miss Sherlock proudly. “Thanks” said Anna. “Hi Jamie. You look a bit tired” said Miss Sherlock. Miss Sherlock left Jamie alone.


“Is it 12 o’ clock?” asked Katie. “Yes, I believe it’s lunchtime” said Miss Baker. “Someone else is playing a piano solo” said Anna. “It must be my mum” said Lilly. Jamie stayed in Miss Baker’s classroom and ate his lunch. “Hi Lilly!” shouted Lilly’s mum. “Hello” shouted Lilly. Ann waved to Lilly’s mum. “I’m playing a piano solo” said Lilly’s mum. George went onto the stage. He was looking at the piano. “Why are you looking at the piano?” asked Lilly’s mum. “Because I like pianos so much!” said George. “OK, go and eat your lunch then!” said Lilly’s mum.


Anna’s mum went to collect Anna from school. “Did you have a great time at playing the piano?” asked Anna’s mum. “Yes” said Anna. “I’m going to watch you tomorrow for your concert” said Anna’s mum. “I agree” said Anna. They went home early.


The next morning, Anna’s mum went to watch Anna play her piano solo. She was very excited. She ate her breakfast, got dressed, brushed her teeth and got ready to go to school. Anna’s mum took Anna to school. “I will see you at the hall” said Anna’s mum. “Goodbye” said Anna. Miss Baker won’t cry again. She has done the register. Ann took the register to the reception.


Next, they went to the hall to watch Anna’s piano solo. “Have a great time at playing your piano solo” said Miss Baker. Miss Sherlock and Mr Hutton are here. “The concert is now starting, so we have to be quiet, OK?” said Mr Hutton askedly. “OK, Mr Hutton!” shouted everyone in the audience. Anna is now going to play her piano solo. Miss Baker cried again. Katie gave her a tissue to dry away her tears. “Well done, Anna. You did so well with playing your piano solo” said Miss Sherlock. Darren and Edward were laughing.


The concert ended. Anna said goodbye to her mum. “The concert started at 11:00 and you were late to school” said Katie. “I was because the time was 9:15!” said Anna. Darren was laughing at Anna and he sat next to her. Now, it is lunchtime. Darren and Edward were sitting with Anna, Ann and George. Jamie went to the hall for lunch. He sat with Anna. “Are you feeling a bit better now?” asked Katie. “Yes, because I was asleep yesterday because I was tired” said Jamie.


Anna and her mum went home. “Did you have a good time at school?” asked Neil, her brother. “Yes I did” said Anna. “Because yesterday, Jamie was feeling a bit unwell and went for a little sleep”. Anna had a good time at school and it was a joy.

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