Yoana Net

by Esti
- Joined Dec 2020
- Published Books 7
Copyright © 2021
Articles-Yoana Net
Introduction- by Yulia Bobovich, English Teacher.
Life During Corona- by Liam Homai, 7b.
During The Corona and After- by Esti Binyaminov,Editor. 9b.
Learning In Zoom- by Hila Shimon and Aviv Vaspi Caspi-Vaspi-7b grade.
The School Trip Of The 7th Grade-by Shai Zilber, Or Hodrian, Ben Grafit, Michael Partigul-7b grade.
The School Trip To The Carmel-by Noga Pinhas – 7b grade.
Yoana`s Farm-by Noga Neiman, Maayan Huna, Carmeli Peretz, Ofri Rahimi-7b grade.
Yoana`s Petting Zoo-by Maya Sando, Noya Cherkkasky, Ella Haim, 7b grade.
Animals At Our School-by Noga Pinhas and Khatia Iremadze-7b grade.
Farm Day-by Maya Sando, Noya Cherkassky and Ella Haim. 7b grade.
The Hot Dog In The Cafeteria-by Philip Altman and Sahar Klainer-7b grade
Recipes-by7b grade.
The Child Without The Nose-by: Itay Cohen ,Yali Rauch, Liam Homay, Roni Rapoport ,Yonatan Shlinger, Lio Janashvili – 7b grade.
Interview With The Infamous Anthony, The Nose-Less Boy-by Itay Cohen ,Yali Rauch, Liam Homay, Roni. Rapoport ,Yonatan Shlinger, Lio Janashvili – 7b grade.
The Killer Peacock-Fiction Story-by Rotem Ashkenazi, Noam Bibi and Noa Ben Yosef – 7b grade.
Memes About The Lockdown-by 8th grade students.
Hula Vally Project-by Maria Novikova and Sophia Tashkinova-8th grade.
Time Capsule Project-by 9th grade students.
Israel Today-by 9th grade students.
The World In The Future-by 7th grade students.
Dear Readers,
During the past year we had to stay at home because of Covid19 and learn in a different way than we were used to in the past. It was a real challenge for both the students and teachers.
In addition, 7th grade students who came this year to our School (Yoana Jabotinsky) had to face with different challenges and adapt to the changing reality. Our students had to deal with School life and Zoom life, attend online lessons, and communicate with their teachers and friends through their computers and smartphones. Despite the challenges that this unusual year brought on us, there are a lot of succesful things that happened this year.I would like to tell about one particular success story which is called Yoana Net-The Digital School Newspaper.
The idea of a digital School newspaper came out when I was looking for project ideas for my 7th grade students.
I wanted to make something interesting and practice paragraph writing during English lessons. The results of the project are on the digital pages in front of you. Most of the articles that you are going to read in the digital newspaper are written by 7B students (ז2). The students themselves decided on the name of the newspaper (Yoana Net) and also gave the idea for the nespaper logo.
Moreover, students from 8th and 9th grade also took part in the newspaper making, some students wrote articles especially for the newspaper and others agreed to share works that they handed in during our English lessons.
In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to all the students who took part in this project and helped me turn the idea of an online English newspaper to reality.
Enjoy your Summer vacation and take care of yourself during the holiday.
Yulia Bobovich, English teacher.
קוראים יקרים,
במהלך השנה האחרונה נאלצנו להישאר בבית עקב הקורונה ולשנות את דרכי הלמידה שאליהם היינו רגילים אליהם בעבר. זה היה אתגר אמיתי הן עבור המורים והן עבור התלמידים.
נוסף לכך, תלמידי כיתה ז’ שרק הגיעו לבית ספרנו (יוענה ז’בוטינסקי) נאלצו להתמודד עם אתגרים רבים ולהסתגל למציאות המשתנה. התלמידים נאלצו להתמודד עם בית ספר חדש ועם זום, להיות נוכחים ולקחת חלק פעיל בשיעורים מקוונים ולתקשר עם המורים והחברים דרך המחשבים והסמארטפונים.
למרות האתגרים ששנה זו הביאה עימה, ישנם הרבה דברים מוצלחים שהתרחשו השנה. ברצוני לשתף אותכם בסיפור הצלחה אחד והוא יוענה נט-עיתון בית ספר דיגיטלי. הרעיון ליצירת עיתון בית הספר עלה כאשר חיפשתי רעיון לפרויקט באנגלית שאותו אוכל לעשות עם תלמידי כיתה ז’, המטרה בפרויקט זה הייתה למידה ותרגול של מיומנויות כתיבת פסקה בשפה האנגלית.
תוצאות הפרויקט נמצאות לפניכם בעמודים הדיגיטליים של עיתון בית הספר. רוב הכתבות שתקראו בעיתון הדיגיטלי נכתבו על ידי תלמידי כיתה ז’2. את הנושאים לכתבות כל קבוצת תלמידים בחרה לבד לפי הנושאים שהוצגו בשיעור. התלמידים עצמם הציעו ובחרו את השם לעיתון וחשבו על הלוגו של העיתון. תלמידים נוספים שלקחו חלק בכתיבת העיתון היו תלמידים מכיתות ח’ וכיתות ט’. חלק מהתלמידים רשמו כתבות יזומות עבור העיתון בעוד אחרים הסכימו לשתף בעבודות שהם הגישו במהלך שיעורי אנגלית.
לסיכום, הייתי רוצה להביע את הערכתי הרבה לכל התלמידים שלקחו חלק בהכנת העיתון ועזרו לי להפוך את הרעיון של עיתון בית ספרי דיגיטלי למציאות.
מאחלת לכולכם חופשה נעימה, שמרו על עצמכם.
יוליה בובוביץ, מורה לאנגלית.
Life During The Corona
By : Liam Homay – 7b grade
When the Corona just started, I lived in Rishon Lezion.
I was only at home when the corona started, at the beginning of the corona not much was known about the corona yet, the Ministry of Health closed all Schools and we studied in zoom.
In the summer break, I moved to Beer Yaakov, it was a difficult process during the corona.
When the summer break was over, my first year of School at Yoana Jabotinsky School began.
At that time the second wave of the corona Started so we had to deal with it and get back to study in the zoom.
After we stopped studying in zoom, we went back to school,I met the friends I did not meet since the beginning of the year and we filled in gaps.
During The Corona And After
By : Esti Binyaminov – 9b grade
A dangerous disease called COVID- 19 has badly influenced the world in 2020-2021. This disease was caused by the virus, which first appeared in China and quickly conquered the entire planet.
There is no doubt that the disease affected people in many different ways. Some of them struggled with financial difficulties, others isolated and didn’t communicate with people because they were afraid to get infected. However, the saddest news is that approximately 3 500 000 people all over the world died, because doctors didn’t have any information about the virus and there was no cure for it.
I was also affected by this terrible period. First, it was really hard to learn via Zoom and focus on studies because my little sister distracted me. In addition, I had to spend most of the time at home without meeting friends, going to the mall and watching movies, visiting my grandparents and flying abroad .It made me feel frustrated and sad. I must say that it was the most challenging year I have ever had.
The good news is that there are almost no infected people and the Ministry of Health lets the citizens live more freely. Schools are finally back and all the entertainment sites, such as cinemas, spas, hotels, restaurants and events have opened. There is no need in social distancing and next week there will be no masks. It seems that we are coming back to a healthy routine.
To sum up, I am so happy, that the situation in Israel is slowly coming back to what it used to be in the past due the vaccines that were invented.
I hope that we will forget it forever like a terrible nightmare!
During the Corona:
After the Corona :
Learning In Zoom
By : Hila Shimon and Aviv Vaspi Caspi-7b grade
In the end of the year 2019, a virus called Corona began to spread. The Corona was a type of flu. The virus spread very quickly and made a lot of mess in the world. Everyone who fell ill in Corona suffered greatly and some of them died and anyone who met Corona patient had to go into quarantine for two weeks and do a Corona test. This why students learned in zoom (video calling software) because that a lot of people got sick in Corona and it was dangerous to go outside. If you wanted to go outside you had to put on a mask. Learning in zoom wasn’t easy because of a few things ,for example: first , internet problems, second distractions, third , social distance and eye pain. During the zoom it was very difficult to concentrate because there were people in the house that made a lot of noise and the phone was near you. After the situation calmed down the students went back to school and it was more easier to concentrate and study.
The School Trip Of The 7th Grade
By : Shai Zilber, Or Hodrian, Ben Grafit, Michael Partigul-7b grade
The first school trip of the 7 grade was supposed to be to the Carmel but it was cancelled. For a month the students at school talked about the trip, the students also bought snacks and sweets. The kids made plans about the sitting arrangements on the bus. While the students were organizing their bags for the trip, everyone received the news about the deterioration of the security situation. All the students didn’t know if the trip will be cancelled or not. Everyone was very confused about the situation. After two hours of a lack of knowledge. The message about the cancellation of the trip arrived. In the end, the student were sad and didn’t know what to do with the snacks, so they decided to donate them. We found out that more than 50 percent of the students donated the snacks, the rest ate them at home with their families.
Eventually, the trip was scheduled for another day.
So, we are planned to visit the Carmel, near Haifa. There we will hike and then we will go to a challenge park in Haifa .We think its going to be a very joyful day .
The School Trip To The Carmel
By : Noga Pinhas – 7b grade
On my last School trip, me and my classmates went to the Carmel to a nature site called “Little Switzerland”. When we arrived there, we ate our breakfast that we brought from home. After we finished eating, we went hiking for about an hour. Then, we ate lunch and went to the extreme park in Haifa. In the park we climbed on ropes and on a climbing wall and also on a zip line. I climbed on the climbing wall and also on the zip-line. In conclusion, the trip was very special because we were at the park and had a chance to spend time with our friends.
Yoana`s Farm
By : Noga Neiman , Maayan Huna, Carmeli Peretz, Ofri Rahimi-7b grade
There is a special place in our School that we would like to tell about in this article. This place is the School farm. Yoana’s ,farm is a place with a lot of animals such as goats, peacocks chickens and more. During the break between 12:30 to 13:10 you can go feed the goats and play with them. Just a month ago new goats were born and we helped take care of We showered them and fed them with a bottle of milk and also gave them names. Last week we had a goat activity and people who work there explained to us how to milk them and also let some kids try. It was very interesting and we also took pictures with the goats.
Yoana`s Petting Zoo
By: Maya Sando, Noya Cherkassky and Ella Haim-7b grade
Who doesn’t love pets? We are going to tell you about one special place in our lovely School Yoana Jabotinsky. Our school is located in Beer Yaakov, it’s a junior high School and a high School. It is a very big School on a very big territory.
One special place in our school is the Petting Zoo. There are many animals there like goats, chickens and chicks and a dog named Kiara. We, the pupils, love to go there and take care of the animals. We like to feed and take care of them.
When pupils need a break they go to the petting zoo during breaks. In addition, sometimes, during Biolog (Biology) lesson we go there and study about the animals. There are also pupils that help the person who is in charge of the petting zoo and take care of the animals.
Animals At Our School
By : Noga Pinhas and Khatia Iremadze-7b grade
In ordinary schools there is usually one kind of animal, however in our school you can find goats, peacocks ,cats ,chickens and even dogs. They are walking freely around our school and students are able to pet them, take pictures and enjoy their presence.
In the student’s free time, they can go to the farm and pet the goats they can feed them as well. Each student can volunteer working at the farm where he can help feed the animals and help with the farm’s chores.
In addition, visitors and students can pet the cats and take pictures of the peacocks.
In conclusion, in our opinion, having many kinds of animals in our school can be really fun and enjoyable for the students
and even for the teachers and visitors.
Farm Day
By: Maya Sando, Noya Cherkassky and Ella Haim-7b grade
Once in a while there is a day called “Farm Day“. On this day we did something new. We made a honeycomb. In the following passage we will explain how we did it, step by step. First, a teacher opened the hive. Then ,We took a net and peeled of the honey wax from it. After that, we rolled it and put it in a jar. In the end, we put a sticker of our School logo on the jar.
We also made cheese. First, we milked the goat. Second, we filled a bottle with the milk and fed the young goat. After that, we took the rest of the milk and put it in a pot and boiled the milk. We added to it yogurt, vinegar and salt. Finally we split it to small cups, and took of all the liquids from it.
It was a wonderful day at the petting zoo. It was nice to take a break and spend the say on the farm. In addition to the hard studies in Yoana Jabotinsky School, we do some amazing things and that’s thanks for the great petting zoo.
The Hot Dog In The Cafeteria
By: Philip Altman and Sahar Klainer-7b grade
We want to tell you about our favorite dish in the school cafeteria. The hot dog. The dish costs 15 shekels and it’s made of rolls and sausage and you can add things like ketchup and mustard and toppings like chips and salad. In addition, you can buy a drink with your meal like cola or water or any other type of juice. We love the dish and we buy it in our lunch break. We recommend it for you if you are hungry to buy it.
Recipes Introduction
During our learning at home we learned how to use Present Simple tense in English. Each student had to write a recipe of his/her favorite food, add a picture and use Present Simple tense.
The Child Without The Nose
By: Itay Cohen ,Yali Rauch, Liam Homay, Roni Rapoport ,Yonatan Shlinger, Lio Janashvili – 7b grade
Maybe it’s just a broken nose, but this injury has caused a lot of unusual conversation about Anthony.
On April 14, 2121, there was a painful and slightly funny unfortunate event at our school “Yoana Jabotinsky” in Be’er Ya’akov. A boy named Anthony decided to show off and to hang with his feet on the pull up bar. His feet slipped and he fell on his nose.
First, the injury wasn’t that bad, it was an excuse to skip the Math test and rest at home.
After, Anthony announced that something had to be stitched up in his nose and that it was a serious fracture.
This is where we all started to worry.
Finally our friend Antony returned to our School with a broken, swollen nose full of tears.
*The boy’s name was changed from his original name to Anthony for privacy purposes.
Interview With The Infamous Anthony, The Nose-Less Boy
By: Itay Cohen ,Yali Rauch, Liam Homay, Roni Rapoport ,Yonatan Shlinger, Lio Janashvili – 7b grade
Itay: As a start, did you ever think or even imagine you’d break your nose, or you’ve had a similar experience
Anthony: I had no similar experience, no vision, no thought that such a thing would happen.
Itay: What do you remember from this accident/experience?
Anthony: At first, I got on the voltage rod during the break, and then I decided to do an exercise called the axe, during the axe you kind of hang yourself on the pull up bar with your feet and go down in a backflip. Therefore, I got up with my feet on the bar, tried to do a flip, and then I fell on my face. Luckily, my nose softened the fall. My nose held all my body weight and as a result, I broke it. That’s what actually happened, what I saw was the whole world turning up side down . I was performing the backflip, I fell to the floor, but I didn’t really feel my nose, I saw that blood started dripping from my face to the floor and my friends calling for help, A few hours later, I found myself at a hospital with blue stitches on my broken nose.
Itay: Wow, I wonder if you’ve learned anything from this special experience.
Anthony: To be honest, I realized you can’t try such dangerous things as the “axe”.
Itay: In conclusion, how do you sum up this strange experience?
Anthony: This experience was a bit funny, a little sad and a little bit painful.
Itay: Well, I see we’re out of time, but I want to ask you one more thing. Do you have a message for students who like to climb on the pull up bar at School?
Anthony: Yes sure, don`t show off and do dangerous tricks at the pull up bar. And one more thing, in any case of emergency call a teacher or other grown up person to help you, if you can`t do it, ask your friends to do it for you. Be safe and stay out of trouble.
Itay-Thank you so much, I really enjoyed talking to you, and I’d love to talk to you in the future, Bye .
Anthony: I also really enjoyed this conversation, and to talk to you in the future would be fantastic , Bye.
The Killer Peacock – Fiction Story
By : Rotem Ashkenazi, Noam Bibi and Noa Ben Yosef – 7b grade
When I opened my eyes, I felt dizzy and nauseous. I looked around I saw a lot of devices and a woman. I asked the woman where was I, she replied that I was in the hospital. I was very scared and asked to see my family. When my mother came into the room I asked her why I was here. My mother began to tell me: In, Yoana Jabotinsky School, where I learn, there is a special breed of peacocks. This peacock is rare and special and the principals did not know that it was at School and was a threat. During the break, I saw this beautiful peacock and photographed it. It saw that I took its picture and started attacking me. He pulled my long hair and I immediately fell on the sidewalk. My mother suddenly stopped the story, I asked her what happened and she sadly asked me if I wanted to hear the rest of the story. I told her that of course, I wanted to hear what happened. She continued sadly: the special breed of these peacocks can drink people’s blood. This is what happened to me. The peacock dropped me on the sidewalk and drank my blood. I suddenly remembered that all the students and teachers were looking at me from above, that’s the last thing I remember. Suddenly, I heard a voice calling me, I opened my eyes and realized that I fell a sleep during Math class. I was glad it was just a dream, but it was so realistic at the time and I was very scared. Since then I am not getting any closer to the School peacock.
The end!
Memes About The Lockdown
By 8th grade students
They say that ” Laughter is The Best Medicine”, so when the third lockdown began, we had to stay positive and Keep Smiling. One of the tasks in our English lesson was to create our own meme about the lockdown and post it ot the padlet. Click on the link to view all the memes.
Link : https://padlet.com/yulenda4ka/4ghe8umvcmh8p5g0
Hula Valley Project
By : Maria Novikova and Sophia Tashkinova-8th grade
Have you ever heard of Hula Valley? Most of us haven’t and that’s why this project was a wonderful journey which has also given us a lot of useful information. Our project all had different sections, all connected with birds.
We found out about how birds know when to migrate, wrote Bird’s I.D., made different comics which included maps and tracks. But the star of all the work was definitely Hula Valley – the place, where all those birds stay to have a quick rest.
We learnt a lot about working in groups, connection between our classmates and dividing all we needed to do into parts in order to have tasks for everybody in a group. Some of us even became good friends while working on Hula project.
It was an exciting experience, we are all proud of the work we’ve done – our thanks to English teachers, who have made up this project for us from the start and till the end!
Time Capsule Project
Time Capsule was one of the English projects in the 9th grade. In this project students had to write and reflect about the year they had, their feelings and thoughts. By the end of the project, the students had to create their own Time Capsule and present it in class. Most of the project was made online during the lockdowns. When the students came back to School, we decided to create a real Time Capsule.
The students wrote notes to the future about their goals, the year they had, about everything they want to achieve next year etc. The students also had to put one object inside the Time Capsule that represents their year. The students decided that they will open the Time Capsule together on their Graduation day from School-20/06/2024.
In the link below you can have a quick glimpse to one of the lessons in which the students wrote about their year during Corona Pandemic.
Link : https://padlet.com/yulenda4ka/dffjg99y26dr989u
By : 9th grade students

Israel Today
The following activity was created during the military operation “Guardian Of The Walls”. During the lesson the students expressed their point of view on the situation in Israel and wrote about their life as Israeli students in the 9th grade. On the following lesson, students had to write a comment to their friends in a respectful way and use the skills of OREO writing both in their opinion and comment writing.
Link : https://padlet.com/yulenda4ka/viy7xavv12ej9v2c
By : 9th grade students
The World In The Future
In this lesson students had to think about how our world will be in 100 years from now. In this task 7th grade students had to use Future Simple, be creative and express their personal vision of the future.
By : 7b grade students
Yulia Bobovich-English Teacher.
Esty Binyaminov, 9b grade-Editor.
Romi Nekelenbaum, 9b-Art Designer of the newspaper cover.
7th, 8th, 9th grade students who took part in the creation of Yoana-Net Digital newspaper.
Published: Jun 5, 2021
Latest Revision: Jun 17, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1165139
Copyright © 2021