TWINSITE STORIES A2 B1 by TwinSite - Illustrated by Twinsite project team -
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Artwork: Twinsite project team

  • Joined May 2021
  • Published Books 4
TWINSITE STORIES A2 B1 by TwinSite - Illustrated by Twinsite project team -



One day the recess bell rang. Mustafa and his friends were out to recess. As they were walking down the corridor, a poster paper on the wall caught their attention. The poster included a quiz show, which competitors would participate from abroad, the subject of the contest, the rules of the contest, and the final date of the contest. The tablet would be distributed. Mustafa and his friends had decided to participate in this quiz show. They had to work hard to succeed. They got together to prepare for the contest. They started working by consulting each other and focusing on the subject of the contest. They were working by exchanging papers they prepared to improve their knowledge.

They have 2 weeks ahead. Each day, they take lessons from the teachers they have already talked about the competition. Some of them don’t go to cinemas or meet with their friends and some do not even visit their relatives to make time to study for the competition. They spend their days preparing themselves for it. When the date of the competition approaches, they begin to get excited more and more. The headmaster of the school wants to buy the students’ tickets to the place where the competition takes place and asks for the city, place, date etc. One of the students takes the poster out, looks at the date and says disappointedly “This poster is about last year’s competition!”



Short story about plans

-Good afternoon dear spectators, in today’s program we are going to do an interview with AleynaTilki who is become famous at age of 16 through her songs. She is going to answer the questions about her future plans and dreams that you have been wondering and want us to ask to her. Hi Aleyna, how are you? Are you happy to be here? You are looking like coolheaded now.

-Thanks for asking, I’m pretty good and it’s a nice emotion to be here, I’m just a little bit excited.Your programme means a lot to me because all my idols were here as well, so this means that my songs are successful and my work has been recognized by the public in general.

-Okay then, let’s start asking questions if you are ready too. Do you have another career and future plans-intentions apart from singing, and if you have, what are these things?

-Well, I am still very young and I have just started my singing career. Right now, I am quite focused on that and I wouldn’t like to lose track of what I have achieved. But I don’t discard the idea of doing other things regarding my professional life. This is because I also enjoy other artistic areas, like show producing, film making and song writing for other singers. Writing is very interesting, so I don’t put aside the possibility of writing a book. That’s one of my dreams! I just don’t know whether it will be a poetry book or a novel. I love both genres!

-By the way, what will you do about your school as you continue your career?

-Of course I concentrate on school as well, and it is my priority, in fact! My parents always told me how important school is! So, I really want to keep on having good grades at school and maybe have a university degree. It demands a lot of organization and dedication, but I think I can do it!Therefore,of course I like singing but I have to find a way to combine all my thoughts and plans! I want to publish my own book, shoot a film and do artistic things, activities that reflect how deep is my soul. Actually, I’m producing ideas for humanity in my own way. I’m reading a lot about these topics, I talked with people who are the professionals of this business. I have ideas about genetics branch in my mind. I want to study abroad in the USA to get good education in this areaand explore some new locations, so my parents are going to book a language course for me in there.So, as you can see, I think I can manage my career and school, but I can consider taking a break in my career if it isneeded.

-These are nice plans. I hope you will be succeeded. Are you considering about travelling this summer?

You know we didn’t get rid of corona virus yet.

-We made arrangemenst with foreign directors, so yes, I’ll go abroad. I might go to vacation if I can have extra time. I didn’t decide which destination yet, maybe it could be the Maldives.But if travelling is not possible, I will stay here and probably go to the beach, as I love the ocean! Maybe Also going to the mountain toget some inspiration for next songs!

-It sounds fun! Thanks for answering questions Aleyna……

– It was a pleasure being here! This was an experience I had in my dreams. Good work for you and remember, stay safe!





It was an autumn day. A well-built man was standing and smoking cigarettes in front of the door.He was tall and medium aged.He had blonde straight hair and blue eyes.He looked like a strong statesman who fought against enemies for his country.

Well, this statesman was called The Great Leader in his country and all over the world after World War 3.In his country, the people loved him very much and relied on him in every condition.There we’re still so many poor,homeless and unemployed people after World War 3 in his country.

He was ambitious, determined and brave. However, he was getting older and had some health problems. Because of smoking cigarettes so much, he probably had lung cancer…It would not be surprising to suffer from lung cancer, because due to the stress during the war he smoked a lot and did not eat regularly. It is difficult to run a city but to run a country you need certain skills, to know how to communicate with people and you can never make everyone happy. Of course he is going to do medical checks to see his health. But his health does not prevent him from being very involved in leading the country. He set out to convene his government to see in what situation the financial state of the country, so shaken by the war. It is absolutely necessary for housing and having jobs. With the help of companies from all over the country and the people, the Great Leader hopes to be able to rebuild everything that was destroyed during the war. He is confident that better times will come. Hope dies last!







When we talk about traditions I think they are very important because they define who we as people and as individuals are.


Traditions are unique to everyone and they are passed through generations. It can be passed on by lingual  or literal exchange.


It is good that not only every country has its unique history and by that its

tradition , it also depends on the individual.


It is good because every culture on the planet is connected to each other and every tradition is different  and as different traditions grow we as kind are growing.


We can preserve some traditions by talking more commonly with  older members of our family.


Some traditions are lost and there are two reasons for that.


First one would be that that kind of tradition became outdated and it could not be celebrated as they have to be.


Second reason for abandoning some traditions is that they became  weird looking in the eyes of present times.


Although some traditions are left in the sand of history other traditions are very much alive.


Traditions are changing as they grow we shouldn’t be afraid of the change.









It is 11.00 a.m. in the morning. Sally is still sleeping. She is very tired but very happy in her new life with her husband whom she loves very much. They have just come back home from their dream vacation. It’s the best vacation they have ever had. They arrived home at 3 a.m. and since then they have been sleeping.

Sally and her husband have known each other for about ten years. Two weeks ago, they got married with a wonderful wedding ceremony. After the wedding ceremony they flew to Florida for their honeymoon. Every moment of their vacation was really great ! They have stayed at an all inclusive hotel in Miami.The climate in Florida was fantastic. They have spent a great time on Miami Beach. The sun was shining everyday so they had a chance to sunbathe. They have had a tanned skin.

The cuisine in Florida was very rich. They have eaten different kinds of delicious meals. Sally have learnt new recipes. They have also visited many places in Florida. They’ve seen Walt Disney World Resort which is known as the landmark of this famous state. They have made many new friends during their stay there.

Everything was perfect until the day of departure. The happy couple was going for a walk for the last time near the beach before their flight when they were attacked by a thief who stole Sally’s bag. Sally started to scream and her husband ran after the thief. Fortunately there was a police officer near who caught the thief and gave the bag to Sally with her documents and money. The couple thanked and invited him in England to be their guest when he wants.

Sally and her husband was at the airport 20 minutes before the flight and immediately went to check in and got on the plane. During the flight they talked about their experience and beautiful moments.




      A “green” group work

Chapter 1

Jack and Adrian, two environmental friendly students, would like to make the world a better place .They are really worried about world  pollution and would help people to be more responsible about Earth and its problems.

One day while Jack and Adrian were walking along a  river they saw a man who was throwing trash in the river.They realized he was against law, and started thinking how to handle the situation. They needed to involve other people and talk about  the consequences of human actions and distraction on world pollution.

Jack,more fervent  than Adrian,stated:

“To help our earth we should protect it,we should reduce our carbon footprint which is the main cause of pollution . Adrian argued:

“If man didn’t throw rubbish  in seas and rivers, if we reduced the emission of poisonous  damps ,if people were more aware of the importance to respect regulations ,our Earth wouldn’t be as poisoned as it  is now”.

As they were really interested in the issue,  they thought to cope with it  at school with their all classmates and science teacher.

So they presented their thesis at school and their teacher supported them. She gave them  group work  about  forms of pollution and rules and advice to follow .

Jack’s group focused on water pollution and worked very hard for two weeks and Adrian’s group focused on the other forms of pollution . Finally,they collected their works and made their list of rules people are supposed to respect.

Chapter 2

They started considering that water that we drink comes from the ground. We drink water from wells and aquifers, all of it is pumped from the ground to the places we need it. The water that we all pollute, drains into the groundwater. Chemicals should be only used when needed. Maintaining a healthy environment for all creatures is also a great reason for following these simple steps. The many species of plants and animals also will be healthier with fewer pollutants in their habitat.  We can keep the water source clean for all of us.

The outcome was  a list of advice that any individual should follow to reduce the pollution of our environment.


Finally, Jack and Adrian were satisfied with their work and with their “green” lesson.







Me and my friend went to the shop one day to shop.I could not restore myself to look at all the devices because of my curiosity.But the ı liked it and bought a device.The effect of the device ı bought was good at first then ı had to change it because the effect was gone. But they wanted the label of the device and a witness to change it. Since ı went with my friend,he wanted to appear as a witness.

When we went to the shop, the shop assistant told me that first they will check the web cameras to see who was with me when I bought the device. My friend heard that and immediately escaped. I wondered what to do in this situation but I couldn’t do anything. I decided that I don’t need this device and hurried to go back home.

After a while my phone rang. It was the manager of the shop. He told me that they checked the cameras and found out that my friend stole a very expensive device that day. I was shaking and couldn‘t decide what to say or do. The manager told me to go to the police to give details. After some minutes of thinking I called my friend and asked him to bring back the device to the shop. He was so scared but he wasn‘t a bad boy and brought the device to the shop.

The end was happy. My friend understood his fault and promised that he will never do that again.





MadelineWILSON.She is known as software engineering but she has an extraordinary story.She was born in North Ireland,1970.She came from a small family. She started the school in the beginning as an ordinary student.She got high Marks all of her studies.She has one desire.Computer.

When she came back to home,she was on the computer all day. She researched into software.As a result of her researches and keenness,she wanted to be a software engineering.She was already intelligent student. By studying more,she dedicated to computer herself. After sometime,she was appreciated by her teachers.They supported her all time.She took part in a contest at university.This contest was her milestone.Everything was great but one day,unfortunately,she had an accident…

Because of this accident, her life changed.Because,she couldn’t use her right hand anymore.Unfortunately, her hands were injured heavily.She has stayed at the hospital for a long time and had physiotheraphy. Every single day at hospital,she wish she didn’t have that accident.

After days, she came back to her home and school.Madeline was worried about her passion of computer.Her right hand was not still like before.She had difficulty in using computer however she did not give up.She tried and tried every day…

Finally, she coped with this and successed to be a software engineer.



There is good in all evil


Emma is a beautiful woman in her thirties, with freckled cheeks and a beautiful tanned complexion. She usually puts her long blonde hair into a ponytail. She is slim and short. She has a lot of hobbies like shopping, wearing fashionable clothes, travelling, reading different kinds of books and watching horror films. But she also has a strange hobby: She loves cleaning her house very much. She cleans her bathroom three times a day. Unfortunately she has a lot of scars on her hands because of her cleaning habit.


Last Tuesday, Emma got very tired after cleaning up. Also, she was tired of her routine work. She decided that she should go on a vacation at the weekend. So where should she go? She was quite hesitant, she just couldn’t decide where to go. Finally, she decided to go to Switzerland. Switzerland would be the most beautiful place to visit in winter. She needed some new clothes, so she decided to go shopping for her vacation.


She went around many stores, but she was indecisive about what to buy exactly. Finally she went into a small boutique. She saw a lot of beautiful clothes but she couldn’t decide what to buy. The salesman approached her and said “Welcome madam! Can I help you?” Emma told her that she was going on a vacation at the weekend, she was looking for some clothes.


She started to look for some clothes and the salesman offered her help, she agreed.

She liked a silk blouse, a woolen sweater, a leather jacket and a waterproof coat. She looked at the prices. They were very expensive. But she didn’t have enough money to buy all of them. She felt indecisive again and she couldn’t decide what to buy.

The salesman smiled and said “I think both of them are great but the waterproof coat is the best choice for the winter holiday.” Emma looked at the jacket and the coat hopelessly. She thought “The leather jacket is better than the coat but it is more expensive than that. Also, the coat is thicker than the jacket but I love the jacket more than the coat.” Then, she looked at the silk blouse and the woolen sweater. The salesman smiled and said “I think both of them are great but the woolen sweater is the most suitable choice for the winter holiday.” Emma looked at the blouse and the sweater hopelessly again. She thought “I like the silk blouse more than the woolen sweater but it is less suitable for the weather conditions. Also, the woolen silk blouse is more beautiful than the sweater.”


The salesman said “Don’t worry madam. I will show you other clothes.” A few minutes later, he brought other winter clothes like glittery coats, embroidered sweaters, different brands of jackets for Emma. But unfortunately, Emma couldn’t decide on any of them. The seller was getting angry. Although the salesman was annoyed, he remained calm towards Emma until she thought rationally telling herself that she would take something that could keep her really warm and that she could afford, rather than something that would she looked good, because she didn’t have to impress society but have fun. So she bought the wool sweater and the coat.

After she finished shopping, she returned home and packed her clothes and arranged them very nicely in her luggage. The next day he flew to Switzerland. Arriving in Switzerland, she took a taxi to the hotel where she was going to stay for the next few days. This hotel was very nicely arranged, it only had good reviews because it had  an extraordinary service, a wonderful view and the place where it was located was very close to the most beautiful ski slope in those parts.

After arriving at the hotel she rested a bit and then went to the ski slope. Outside the weather was beautiful, the sun shone beautifully but coldly on the blue sky on which could be seen the fluffy clouds from which fell the white, immaculate, snowflakes. It was a wonderful day to ski. The slope was not extremely crowded so Emma skied on the slope for quite some time.

On one of the last descents Emma wanted to make, she inadvertently bumped into a man who had just stopped descending. They apologized to each other and started talking as they climbed back up the slope. On the way down they went down together and had a great time, but unfortunately it was getting dark and the ski slope was closing. So they decided to meet at a restaurant to drink hot chocolate and talk. His name was Nathan and he lived three cities away from the city where Emma lived. He was a tall, well-built man with black eyes, brown hair, and a beautiful smile that revealed the cute dimples on his face, he often wore glasses that along with his well-developed vocabulary highlighted his intelligent character.They saw each other for most of the holiday and continued to talk even after returning from vacation. They got along so well that just a few months after this vacation they became a couple. Nathan was a doctor so he explained to Emma what treatment to take for the irritations caused by cleaning products, but he also gave her advice that would help her get rid of the desire to clean continuously, so she got over it very easily.

The next vacation Nathan proposed to Emma to go on the next winter vacation to the same place where they met because he wanted to surprise her and ask her to marry him exactly where they had met,  Emma knew nothing about this but still agreed.She had some important tasks to do at work so she was going to arrive 2 days later than Nathan, so he had more time to implement all the parts of the surprise.

Emma took a taxi from the airport to the hotel to meet Nathan. Unfortunately, the taxi driver did not pay attention for a few seconds, in which a truck suddenly appeared in front of them causing an accident. Emma and the driver were rushed to the hospital, where, although they were bandaged and treated, they both fell into a coma. The hospital was pretty close to Nathan’s hotel, so he got there very quickly. But he had to wait a long time to see her. When he first saw her after the accident, he could hardly recognize her, she was seriously injured everywhere, and the infusions and all the tubes implanted in her made the situation even more horrifying.

Nathan was extremely sad, but he still had hope, he knew in his heart that she would wake up and the two would get married and live happily ever after. He prayed every morning and evening to wake her from a coma, but for 2 years he received no results, yet his faith remained steadfast.

After a long period of prayer and fasting for Emma, ​​on a Thursday, he visited her as usual at the hospital, Emma had just woken up and was talking to one of the nurses who took care of her. Nathan, when he saw this was shocked, tears began to flow down his face. He was overly happy. They started talking, and Nathan told her all the news for the past two years, but his marriage proposal remained secret because he wanted to carry out his plan.

After that accident, Emma had changed her behavior a little, she didn’t want to risk anything, but she wanted to see the world more, she was much more determined, much more organized and she was much more attached to Nathan. Nathan began to notice all this and rejoiced in himself and thought that it was true the saying, “There is good in all evil.”

Nathan was afraid that Emma was left with a trauma related to the place of the accident, so she decided to ask her somewhere else, namely in Transylvania, because they were going to Romania for the next vacation, he had some relatives there, so he managed to plan the whole route, and at the top Pietrosul Rodnei, he was going to propose.

The long-awaited vacantion had arrived and they had left to Romania, this time together. They arrived safely both in the country and at the hotel where they were staying. Everything went perfectly. At the top of the mountain, Nathan proposed to her and said she was happy. After three months the wedding took place and two months after the wedding Emma became pregnant.

In a grant, Emma realized that despite all the bad things that had happened to her, God made her life better and He had put the sun back to her sky after any storm.”There is good in all evil.”




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