In Weiss State, which is at the end of the world on the left side, all the residents liked to eat pizza
In the state of Weiss, there was one small and special pizzeria. The reason the pizzeria was so special was that its pizza boxes had emotions! And they could talk.
All the pizza boxes were happy to live in the pizzeria and especially loved their dad the pizza delivery guy who loved them and took care of them so much.
All the pizza boxes knew, whoever behaves the most appropriate Dad will take him for a ride with his cool motorcycle!
So all the pizza boxes worked hard and helped Dad make the pizzas.
One day while one of the pizza boxes was cleaning the leftover sausage from the floor and clearing it in the trash.
IT noticed her little brother the went out with Dad for a ride just the day before, torn in the garbage!
While Dad took one of the brothers on a “trip.”
All the pizza boxes Gathered and heard about the hard news that Dad is actually a killer!
After thinking about what to do, the pizza boxes decided that not only the father should be punished, but all the residents of the country who knew about the act and did nothing!
Pizza boxes quickly packed all the pizzas that were in the pizzeria inside them.
And with the help of the stork that brings children into the world they flew and never came back.
The pizza delivery guy returned to the pizzeria and was surprised to find that it was empty!
And so did the Weiss residents who will not get to eat more pizza in their lives.
In conclusion, those who do not recycle will not be eligible to eat!
Published: May 3, 2021
Latest Revision: May 3, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1125121
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