My dear Mother Catrin by emelie hoory -
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My dear Mother Catrin

  • Joined Mar 2021
  • Published Books 10

My mother is the strongest woman I know.

It was only as I got older that I began to realize the great difficulty and challenge she experienced over the years due to the decision to leave religion, imagery and family behind.

Especially while me and my sisters were growing up, feeling nothing and never being exposed to any difficulty she was experiencing.


My dear Mother Catrin by emelie hoory -

My mother was born on March 3, 1968 in Gothenburg, Sweden. Her parents are Stig Sabenson and Ola Udhamhar.

During her childhood she was a sporty girl, playing football and used to bake and sew.

At the age of 19, she came to volunteer at a kibbutz in Israel in Kfar HaHoresh. At the kibbutz she met my father and the rest is history.



During the life beside my father, they tried to move back to Sweden and live there. Unfortunately, my father did less well in Sweden and after two years of living, they decided to return back to Israel.

This was a very extreme decision to make at age 20 for my mother and a really big new beginig.

She lives in Israel for about 35 years. 

These are 35 years of longing, disconnection, adaptation time and time again to the transition between two countries and two cultures.

The difficulty always arises in the recurring separation between us and the family that created in Israel and the separation in visits to her family in her homeland.


The main reason she is my hero is her dealing with leaving religion, culture, country, language, and family over so many years and raising a family without transmitting and showing difficulty. Throughout the years she has raised me and my sisters, three successful daughters, who are very connected to Israel and its culture, without feeling any dissonance.

Throughout the years she has been concerned that we remain exposed to Swedish culture as well and from a young age she has made sure to teach us fluent language

Thanks to this, all we were able to maintain a close relationship with my grandparents and with the rest of the relatives and we were able to conduct real and close communication.


My mom’s favorite band that reminds her of home is “Abba”.

So I bring here a video of them so everyone can get to know them and enjoy the music


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