Who is Sauron ?

by Enes ÖZKAYA

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Who is Sauron ?

  • Joined Jan 2021
  • Published Books 2

It is one of the first creatures to be born in the middle earth. Sauron is lord of evil. Sauron race is based on Maia. Sauron is a ruler who ruled the lands of Mordor. Sauron designs a country that closes his region to the middle earth. Made a power ring to be stronger. This ring will rule the world and It will scare the world. Although other races opposed it, they promised themselves a ring. However, these rings were of no use because they were fake. 


Sauron was preparing to invade the middle earth. The kings who learned this plan did not pay much attention to it, causing great destruction. Sauron allied herself with the Orcs, taking advantage of their power. Sauron prepared for the great War the Kings of middle earth did nothing. Sauron was creating Orc soldiers by developing powerful war machines. Sauron is number of soldiers has reached millions. Was ready for war now.


Sauron left the black gates and went north. Kings took the situation seriously. They gathered and made a decision. Armies formed, people armed. The kings got together. They encountered Sauron. Sauron attacked without waiting. The kings were losing the war. Sauron crushed everyone who attacked him. No body could touch him because he had heavy armor. He saw the big-hearted Isildur in front of him. Isildur took his father’s sword and Sauron was advancing.


Sauron waved his sledgehammer towards him and broke his sword. Isildur waved his Broken Sword towards him as Sauron reached out to him. He cut off his finger because his sword was too sharp. Sauron, whose finger was severed, lost his power as he separated from his ring, and his soul was separated from his body. Isildur, who received the ring, was fascinated by the power . The ring wanted to break up with him.


While passing by the river after the war, the ring fell into the river suddenly. The ring has disappeared for three thousand years. Where and who has the ring is unknown. Gandalf would be the one who revealed the ring three thousand years later.  Sauron built a tower for his soul in the last three thousand years.  Middle earth was happy. Sauron was weak because he had no ring. Gandalf wanted to destroy the ring. But he couldn’t do this alone.


He sought help from the hobbits, who were close to him and loved him very much. The hobbits agreed because they were looking for adventure, but they were unaware of what was going to happen to them. At first, two hobbits volunteered, but then their number increased to four. These hobbits are Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippen . The road was long. Their goal was Mount Doom. Yes, they were going to Mordor. Next to Sauron. They faced a lot of obstacles.


During the journey, they  encountered Aragorn and his friends . Aragorn protected them. Sauron was looking for the ring. Mordor spies roamed the Middle Earth.  The spies found out where the ring is. They moved to get the ring. Aragorn and his friends did everything they could to protect the ring. But as Mordor approached, their numbers began to dwindle. After all there are two of them left, just Frodo and Sam. As the ring approached, Sauron received his power.


He gathered his powerful army and sent it to the Rohan bunker. In a long battle, they lost when Gandalf arrives at the last minute. Sauron’s next target is Minas Tirith. As Sauron prepared for war, he asked his ally Saruman for help. Learning of Saruman’s betrayal and that Sauron was preparing for a new war, Gandalf demanded that the ring be destroyed immediately. In order for the ring to be destroyed quickly, the soldiers in Mordor had to be distracted.


The armies prepared for the Battle of Minas Tirith were placed under the command of Aragorn. Along with these armies, a secret agreement was made with the souls of dead people. These spirits helped in    battles. The spirits had not yet arrived when the armies of Mordor came to the gates of Minas Tirith. The war took a long time. Resources and troops were dwindling. The soldiers of Mordor thought they were winning.


The spirits had joined the siege. Mordor soldiers and Orcs were forced to retreat. They returned to Mordor in defeat. Seeing the Mordor soldiers returning, Gandalf took him soldiers and Aragorn with her and advanced towards Mordor.  The goal was for Frodo and Sam to have no trouble entering Mordor. They drove to Mordor at full speed and came before the black gates. Aragorn stepped forward and offered to make peace.


The black gates opened and the Mordor soldiers came out. Aragorn, Gandalf and the soldiers are surrounded. While all this was happening , Frodo and Sam enter Mordor. They had to pass through the Watchtower of Sauron to reach Mount Doom. Since the Sauron Watchtower was looking at the Black Gates, he did not notice them. They walked for days hungry and thirsty. They had a hard time getting up Mount Doom.


When they arrived at the gate of Mount Doom, The Ring captured Frodo. Sam became suspicious of Frodo and told him to discard the ring himself. Frodo fiercely opposed him. They passed through the door together. They’re sweating because it’s full of lava. The ring was using his last efforts. Gollum was the creature that brought them to Mordor, he knew where they were. The ring knew this, so he called Gollum to his side.


Gollum suddenly grabbed the ring from Frodo and put it on. When Gollum, who was invisible, was about to escape, Sam, who caught him in his footsteps, took the ring from him. As Sam was about to throw the ring, Gollum jumped and fell into the lava with the ring. The ring disappeared with a big sound. Everything was quiet in Mordor. In an instant, Sauron’s Watchtower collapsed.  Everyone started screaming. Gandalf began to laugh. Mordor was destroyed, and peace came to Middle-earth. Sauron is dead. The people chose Aragorn as the only king . The evil spells were gone. Who knows, maybe the ring is still in Gollum.



Preb/B                   🙂


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