My Fairy Tale Bus

by Kevser SEVİNÇ

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My Fairy Tale Bus

  • Joined Oct 2019
  • Published Books 9
SKINNY AMY IN THE WELL Once upon a time,there was a girl named Amy and she lived in a small village with her parents.Her family was so poor.Amy’s father carried wood with his own donkey and sold the wood in bazaar.Her mother was ill,she couldn’t walk so she lied on the bed all the time.Amy was so skinny that she could only do household chores and look after the vegetables in her garden.She was getting tired easily when she carried heavy things and worked hard.As she was so skinny and tall like a cypress,villagers called her Skinny Amy Skinny Amy was very helpful,kind,honest,modest and calm.She helped old people,gave some cake to the children when she baked,shared the meal with her poor neighbours,contined to wear her clothes even they became old.Since she was goodhearted,the villagers loved her a lot. One day,while Skinny Amy’s father was cutting down the tree in the forest,the tree fell down on him and he died there.Skinny Amy and her mother was so sorry for him.They became poorer and poorer because Amy couldn’t cut down the trees and sold them.She sold the vegetables and did some shopping.Day by day Skinny Amy was getting skinnier.She was carrying the water from the well to her house so hard. She came to the well again to get some water but she was so tired that just as she was pulling her bucket from the well,she fell into the well since she had no power. At that moment something incredible happened. In response to her kidness and mother’s prayers,Skinny Amy turned into a fish so she wouldn’t drown in the well and fell into that well . 
The well was very deep but Amy could swim freely in the water now that she was a fish, but there was a more important problem. How would she return home? Her mother was very sick and she had to look after her. Suddenly Amy saw a rock before, I wonder how it came and what the markings on it meant Amy He tried to touch the hole in the middle of the stone with his fin, but his fins were so small that the fry resembled a fish, but when he tried to touch it, the water in the well rose suddenly the stones lifted up and a mysterious book appeared.Amy was suddenly out of breath and he fell hard in the water again. But whatever happened, Amy was reading the writings involuntarily, there were various scaly fish in the book, all of these fish had a different power Amy tried to look at her scales to understand her species The scales had rainbow colors When Amy looked at her own colors, she was literally mesmerized, suddenly the book said that you are the strongest scaled fish. She was angry, the book was the first test. Well done Amy, you are very clever, I am proud of you. We have ten tests and the most difficult is the last tests, if you use your mind, you can solve every request and you will reach a happy life. Then he said the magical ocean will make you beautiful or a beautiful scaly mermaid. Why a scaly mermaid wise book? Because you are the most special scaly fish and when you go to the magical ocean, everything will obey you except one person, but why is that wise book I cannot give you this information, you will learn this information and reach the second book, do not be afraid, you will have friends in the ocean will not interfere, but be careful, at the entrance to the ocean, you will encounter three caves and your adventure will begin when you enter the cave, which is clean and clear like your heart. See you at the end of the road you will see me for now Amy said and Amy turned into a sea foam.Now Amy’s big adventure had begun and she had no chance to get rid of it 
Amy moved on and as the first book says she saw three caves in front of her and remembered what the book said I should choose the clean and clear like my heart, and on the way to the cleanest cave, a beautiful fairy appeared and scaly mermaid Amy I mean you are so beautiful around here, but there is also an arrogant fairy saying don’t say anything wrong to her or she will be your arch enemy
After saying goodbye to the pretty girl, she came out of the cave and while examining the surroundings, she noticed the gorgeous looking wand with a fancy tip with a star. The wand
looked so magnificent and different that he thought it could not be a normal wand, and suddenly he thought of looking at the book he had found in the well. When he contrasted the book, he
realized that the still life was magic. The magic of the rod caught his attention. And he started to play with the magic wand. On the one hand he was playing with the fancy wand, on the other
hand he was thinking of the only person who would not obey him, the evil fairy. Who was the Aceba fairy and what was she like? He lifted the rod up to examine it even more carefully, and
the star briefly flashed at the tip of the stick, facing the wall at that time. And what do you see? A beautiful and remarkable fairy who looks pretty dangerous in front of the wall. But
before that fairy was not there. How did that happen? He was going to the fairy just to meet him, and he remembered. It was a Magic Wand, and when you raised the rod and thought of
what you wanted it to happen, what you wanted was where the star on the tip of the staff was looking. So this fairy was actually a bad fairy. So he shouldn’t have talked or even met him. He
would turn around and go when he hit something. He looked up and was shocked when he saw what he hit.
She found a ring, actually the fairy who was a witch came and said don’t touch that ring she just said and stopped Amy asked her to bring it to the rest of the sentence but when the witch didn’t bring the rest of the sentence she started to tell her story I was once the most beautiful fairy in this magical ocean, there was 1 king and 2 fairies in this ocean girls They were not beautiful at all, the king, if you don’t give your daughters beauty, I’ll curse you and hold a grudge against the girl who came after exactly 5 years Her name said Amy Amy suddenly started to go back and the witch understood that she was Amy and this ring was yours, she was very surprised she never expected anything like that witch immediately said the ring she took it and started to run away but don’t look at what I say witch she was the most beautiful fairy in the magic ocean Amy said stop behind her please stop please we can make a deal you know I always follow my agreements but the witch didn’t listen Amy got angry and unintentionally spilled some words witch started to scream “No” Amy was scared but she did something worth doing broke the king’s curse The witch had returned to her old self, first she had to correct her relationship with the people in the sea. She apologized and put the ring on Amy with her own hands. Suddenly the magic wand and the ring merged with the wand became more mysterious now Amy did not know how to use this wand so she did not use the wand to avoid harming anyone, then the fairy she saw there in the cave came And he took her to the water room The strength of Amy’s staff was determined in the water room, only the witch’s water drop was missing, but Amy had saved her from the curse Amy was too strong now she was in charge of the seas Amy was very excited but she had to take the ring off to keep control, but the ring did not come out, what was next to the fairy. She understood because there was another scaly mermaid that dominated the seas. Mle said come to fairy
Amy followed the fairy and there was a mermaid with a wonderful beauty in front of them, why would I take the domination for a moment? I even said that she is younger than me. My first question is how old is your age? He had lived here for 105 years, but I just came here, it was very different, the fairy offered me a condition if you bring him one of the magic lamps in the depths of the sea, this is very special, I will give you domination. I am going to travel and dust in my last time, he said, of course, I would make this wish not only for myself but for him to be happy.I immediately set off, my fish, which never left me alone, guided me immediately I started looking for the lamp, I found the lamp, but I did not know how it would come out. He wanted it was a swordfish, he bought it for me, and only he could get it. Of course, if you are going to use it for good, now the ruler of this place, do not hesitate, I allow you, I trust you because he said you deserved it and handed the lamp to the mermaid, took the mermaid and went to say goodbye to her friends and the other day wished her wish and left.I was in control now but I didn’t even have a single idea how to manage this place and I called the mermaid, the mermaid gave me ideas and handed the lamp in her hand, you need it more, look, I have my ring, it is much stronger, this lamp will help you and went Amy wasn’t really upset that the mermaid was gone, and she was going to beg her mother for the magic lamp when she got a little more control they would live, they would save from that miserable and bad life, and they would always live healthily. 
 Amy wanted to wish this magic lamp to both save herself from the sea and this life, and to heal her sick mother, but learned that it was necessary to complete some tasks in order to activate this magic lamp. In order to learn these tasks, it was necessary to reach the second book. Amy tried to find a way, but unfortunately she couldn’t. It suddenly occurred to her that she was the strongest fish, but she didn’t know how to use her powers. While navigating the magic ocean, he saw a lighthouse. A beautiful red light was flashing. Amy thought this lighthouse might be a sign, because a lighthouse meant finding way. Amy approached the lighthouse, and a very handsome sailor was right in front of her. Thinking she would never see people again, Amy was hopeful. She would seek help from him. Amy approached this handsome sailor, but how was she going to show herself, how would she talk to him? She had to think of something. At that moment an idea came to mind. Her scales were as colorful as a rainbow. She would use her scales to create a reflection of light. Yes, she’s done, Amy. The handsome sailor noticed this cute fish. As soon as he saw her, he realized that she was different, the power in her. Amy told him what had happened, and they looked for a way out of this situation. Using the flashing red light of the lighthouse, they summoned the wise person of the magic ocean. The wise man said that he could find the answers he was looking for in this lighthouse. But when he found what he was looking for, it would come at a consequence. Amy asked curiously: Tell me what will happen, please? The wise person is said to have paid a different consequence for everyone. That’s why he said I don’t know too and walked away. Amy looked into the flashing light of the lighthouse. Something was standing there, the book he was looking for was standing there. Amy reached the second book with the help of the sailor and tried to understand the tasks required to make wishes from the magic lamp.
 According to the book, a person who wished a wish that could change fate would either disappear or turn into another living being. She sat down under the red light of the lighthouse and tried to make a decision.
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