Източници[редактиране | редактиране на кода]

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  30.  Antimatter. // Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council, 28 октомври 2003. Посетен на 10 август 2006.
  31.  Landau and Lifshitz (1975), p.361.
  32.  WMAP Mission: Results – Age of the Universe
  33.  Luminet, Jean-Pierre. Topology of the Universe: Theory and Observations. 1999. Посетен на 5 януари 2007.
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  34.  Strobel, Nick. The Composition of Stars. // Astronomy Notes, 23 май 2001. Посетен на 4 януари 2007.
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  35.  Shape of the Universe, WMAP website at NASA.
  36.  Токарев, Сергей. Религията в историята на народите (предговор). Народна младеж, 1983, София.
  37.  Leeming, David A.. Creation Myths of the World. 2nd. ABC-CLIO, 2010. ISBN 978-1598841749.
  38.  James, William, The Will to Believe, 1895; and earlier in 1895, as cited in OED’s new 2003 entry for „multiverse“: „1895 W. JAMES in Internat. Jrnl. Ethics 6 10 Visible nature is all plasticity and indifference, a multiverse, as one might call it, and not a universe.“
  39.  Tegmark, Max. Parallel Universes. // Scientific American. Май 2003.
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  41.  Гамма всплески на астронете
  42.  Tne Nobel Prize in Physics 1978. // Nobelprize.org. Посетен на 13 юни 2008. ((en))

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