Inta Omri by Majd Ailabouni - Illustrated by Majd Ailabouni -
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Inta Omri


Artwork: Majd Ailabouni

  • Joined Mar 2021
  • Published Books 3

Umm Kulthum


An Egyptian singer, songwriter, and film actress that was born on


31 December 1898 in Egypt , she was given the honorific


title Kawkab al-Sharq (‘Star of the East’) , she is considered


a national icon in the middle east and  has been dubbed


“Egypt’s fourth pyramid” , for many people until this day Umm


Kulthum is considered as the gratest singer of all time.

Inta Omri by Majd Ailabouni - Illustrated by Majd Ailabouni -

Mohammed Abdel Wahab


An Egyptian composer , singer and actor that was born


on March 13, 1901 , he considered to be one of the most


innovative Egyptian musicians of all time and was given the


honorific title ” The Generational Musician” , Abedel Wahab


introduced Western rhythms to Egyptian songs in a way


appropriate to the known then very classical forms of Egyptian


songs .

Inta Omri by Majd Ailabouni - Illustrated by Majd Ailabouni -

The controversy


Although Umm Kulthum was the greatest singer and Abd al


Wahhab was the greatest composer at that time, they did not


work together due to a controversy caused by the rivalry that


was between them as they were called “The Enemies” in


the press and  no one ever thought that they would ever



Inta Omri by Majd Ailabouni - Illustrated by Majd Ailabouni -

The real controvery between Umm Kulthum and Abdel Wahab started in 1942 when Umm Kulthum wrote an article entitled “Why do I challenge Abd al-Wahhab?” , she said in her article that Abd al-Wahhab visited her at her house, proposing to her the idea of ​​establishing a union for musicians, and he swore that he would not establish it without  Umm Kulthum’s joining but on the condition that he must be the captain , she thought that Abd al-Wahhab’s assumption of the position of captain would mean that  he is a better singer than her, so she objected and wrote the article to tell the story.

Five days later, Abdel-Wahhab responded with an article and the press wrote more to make the controvery even bigger so that the presence of Umm Kulthum and Abdel-Wahhab in one place became like mixing oil with water.

Inta Omri by Majd Ailabouni - Illustrated by Majd Ailabouni -

The surprise

16 years later , in 1958 there were rumors about a joint work between the two giants , Abdel Wahab liked the idea and immediatly a poet called Ahmed Shafiq offered him the lyrics of “Inta Omri”, Abdel Wahab felt that the song would be appropriate for Umm Kulthum , then he sent Ahmed Al Hefnawi  a famous violinist in Umm Kulthum’s band to tell Umm Kulthum about the song and she agreed to start working on it.

Abdel-Wahab began to compose but unfortunately they both had some objections on the lyrics , and Abdel-Wahab had more than 5 years composing the song , as a result Umm Kulthum was desperate and convinced Shafiq (the poet) to find another composer to compose the song ,Abdel-Wahab heared the news from the press, so he got excited again , he composed the song and recorded it with his voice.




before finishing the song , Abdel-Wahab recorded him self , but this record has not been published.


President interference

During the revolution celebrations in 1963 President ِAbdel Nasser asked Umm Kulthum and Abdel Wahab about their song which the press writes that it had not appeared yet because of their controversies , Abdel-Wahhab had a diplomatic response that resolved the situation when he said that he had finished composing the song, and some minor details remain.



Inta Omri by Majd Ailabouni - Illustrated by Majd Ailabouni -

“Meeting Of Clouds”

On Wednesday, January 29, 1964, Umm Kulthum recorded the song “Inta Omri”, and it was the fourteenth day of Ramadan, Umm Kulthum and her band were fasting, but the recording took 12 hours from ten in the morning until ten in the evening, and she refused to let any musician leave the studio at breakfast time until she recorded the whole song at exactly ten o’clock in the evening.

That was the most difficult and well-known meeting the music has known , it was called “meeting of clouds”.

Inta Omri by Majd Ailabouni - Illustrated by Majd Ailabouni -

The legacy


The song has met a great success in the Middle East and all


over the world to this day , It has been sung by many singers


including israeli singers such as  Zahava Ben , Sarit Hadad and


the music has been played by many great musicians.











Zahava Ben






The Master of the Pan Flute Gheorghe Zamfir



A little surprise for you guys ,  I have translated the song’s lyrics so you can have fun listening to the words not only the music.

Om Kalthoum – You are My Life

Your eyes returned me to the days that had gone by
They taught me to regret the past and its wounds
That which I experienced before my eyes saw you
What is the wasted life to me?

You are my life whose morning began with your light
How much of my life before you has passed and gone by
My darling, how much of my life has gone
My heart never experienced one bit of joy before you
And had never tasted in this world anything but the flavor of injury
I’ve now just begun to love my life
I’ve now begun to fear for the passing of my lifetime
Every joy that I longed for before you was fantasy
My heart and mind meet find it in the light of your eyes
Oh life of my heart, oh you who is more precious than my life
Why didn’t I meet your love, my darling, sooner?

The sweet nights and the desire and the love
For so long my heart carried them for you
Taste love with me
Taste love with love
From the feeling of my heart whose desire extended to your feeling
Give me your eyes they reflect my eyes in their world
Give me your hands their touch calms my hands
Oh my darling come on forget about that which has passed us

Oh you who is more precious than my days
Oh you who is sweeter than my dreams
Take me to your longing take me
Pull me away from the universe
Far, far away you and I
From the love that awakens our days
From the desire than sleeps our nights
I’ve reconciled time my days with you
I’ve reconciled time with you
I forgot my pains with you
And I forgot with you my woes

Your eyes called me to the days that have passed
They taught me to regret the past and its wounds
That which I experienced before my eyes saw you
What is the wasted life to me?


Thank you guys for reaching the last page of my book , I hope you enjoyed reading it , The most important thing is that you have seen a glimpse of the glory that these giants have created for the world.

Inta Omri by Majd Ailabouni - Illustrated by Majd Ailabouni -
Inta Omri by Majd Ailabouni - Illustrated by Majd Ailabouni -
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