But let me tell you a short story….
- Joined Nov 2015
- Published Books 10
Copyright © 2016

Telling a story is a powerful experience!
We are fascinated by stories…
They remind us of our childhood and stimulate our imagination.
Stories can be exploited for a variety of reasons
also at school!

Digital Storytelling
can be a good way
for learning content &
school subject matter
in a playful way

Storytelling can help our students:
Build knowledge in a way that is meaningful to them ==>> ACTIVE LEARNING
Reflect and interiorise content ==>> DEEP LEARNING
Give sense to reality and one’s own identity ==>> AUTHENTIC LEARNING
Acquire cultural identity & awareness
Memorize notions and information
Acquire language
Trasmit values
Plan the future
Communicate ideas and projects
Present theories, concepts and problems
Develop transversal skills
Stories can involve more than one subject

What really makes a good story?
The point is:
What feelings and sensations am I able to convey to the reader or spectator through my story?
It’s not just about trasmitting a message crammed with ideas and notions
The aim is that of creating a story that can have emotional impact on the viewer
This is the reason why storytelling is also used in Advertising! There is also “Corporate Storytelling”.
Check out this great Infographic: Seven Steps to create a really good story

What is Digital Storytelling?
It is not merely a digital presentation. It contains a story based on a combination of:
sounds and
voice narrative
to create a story with the help of a web 2.0 digital tool

Storytelling requires good planning:
The main ingredients of a story are:
The script ==>> subjective: personal or fictional
objective: created or curated
mixed: aggregated
The storyboard ==>> to combine text with images and soundtrack
The recording ==>> Narrative voice – podcasting or video
The editing ==>> to syncronize images, sound and video
The Production & Sharing ==>> A digital platform, an eLearning system, a channel (uTube, Vimeo, etc)

DIGITAL STORYTELLING requires accurate planning:
It’s not about the Tool!
It’s about the Skills!
A good story and a good Storyboard are the first ingredients!

What kind of story are you going to write?
Fiction? Reportage? Biography? Imaginary interview? Science fiction? TV news? Advertising?
Write down a first draft of your story:brainstorm your ideas on a sheet of paper or use Sticky Notes.
Create a storyboard – Divide the story in various frames (use a chart or a template like Storyboard That http://www.storyboardthat.com/
Find images: Use a camera to take your own pictures; draw your own pictures or use comic strip tools; serch for Public Domain (Pixabay) or Creative Commons Images (PhotosforClass, Google Images for non Commercial Use with Modifications)
Record your voice: If you want to use music, look for Creative Commons licensed music (if it is ND= Non Derivatives you are not allowed to mix it in videos)
Check, revise, edit, remake
Produce, Publish and share
Reflect, Debrief

Here are a few examples created by my students:
A horror story created using Buncee: Alessia’s Creepy Story
A film review with embedded podcast: Alessandro’s review on MadMax
Fotobabbles on Thinglink: Why study languages by Class 4EU – Our favourite sports by Class 4LCO
A virtual tour of London on Thinglink: Tellagami tour guides by 3LCO
A life reportage with VoiceThread: from my Blog by Class 2C
Unreal interviews to celebrities: Video Storytelling by 3LCO
Daily routines with Powtoon: from my Blog by Class 1G
Groupwork with Powtoon: Why study languages? by Class 4DU
Groupwork on Theatres at the Times of Shakespeare: Video on Elisabethan Theatres by Class 4LCO
Web 2.0 tools for Digital Storytelling
eBooks & narrative
Storybird: https://storybird.com/
Ourboox: http://www.ourboox.com/
My Storybook: https://www.mystorybook.com/
Bookcreator (only iPad): http://www.redjumper.net/bookcreator/
Tackk: https://tackk.com/tellastoryday?via=related_tackks
Comic strip tools:
Capzles: http://www.capzles.com/
StoryboardThat: http://www.storyboardthat.com/
Toondoo: http://www.toondoo.com/
Makebeliefs; http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/
Bitstrips: https://www.bitstrips.com/create/comic/
Audio tools:
Voki Avatars: http://www.voki.com/
Tellagami (only mobile): https://tellagami.com/
Spreaker: http://www.spreaker.com/
Clyp (PC, Android, IOS): https://clyp.it/
Per bambini: Zooburst (Animated 3D) http://www.zooburst.com/
Sockpuppets for iPad; TinyTap: http://www.tinytap.it/
Audio & video:
Voicethread: http://voicethread.com/
Adobe Voice (only iPad): https://standout.adobe.com/voice/
Meograph: http://www.meograph.com/education
Utellastory: http://www.utellstory.com/
Powtoon: Animated videos
Animoto: https://animoto.com
Video editing tools:
WeVideo: https://www.wevideo.com/
Kizoa: http://www.kizoa.it/
iMovie (only Mac & IOS)
MovieMaker (Windows)

Thank you for you attention!
I can’t wait to read / watch / listen to your stories:
Please share them with us!
Booklet created by Anna Laghigna 2016
Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling by University of Houston
“Fifty Ways to tell a story” – http://50ways.wikispaces.com/
Published: Mar 1, 2016
Latest Revision: Jun 21, 2017
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-106444
Copyright © 2016

This is a great and informative book on how to tell a story, particularly relating to digital platforms. I am sure to use this book, thanks so much!