His Last Bow

by itay shachar

Artwork: Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle

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His Last Bow


Artwork: Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle

  • Joined Mar 2021
  • Published Books 2

Name of the book: His Last Bow

Author: Arthur Conan Doyle

Genre: Detective novel, Mystery, Short story.

New Cover:(printed badly)


This rare third person account of the skills of Sherlock Holmes not written as an account by his boon companion John Watson has the legendary consulting detective coming out of his self-imposed retirement to Sussex to raise and study bees. At the center of suspense stands one Herr Von Bork, a German intelligence agent who has been a nefarious presence in English for four years, operating without the least bit of concern of punishment and, along the way, building up a rather substantial and impressive amount of wealth.

Baron Von Herling is seated with Von Bork in the luxury of his Harwich home, enjoying the vitriol his friend is directing toward the very basic elemental component of character among the Brits. His work close to ending, he has merely to meet with an Irish-American agent named Altamont whose own scorn for the English is nearly a match for the German’s. At the heart of the espionage being conducted is the transfer of England’s secret naval signals to the waiting hands of Germany.

Von Herling takes his leave and Von Bork’s housekeeper, Martha retires for the evening, allowing Altamont to arrive with his chauffeur without fear of undo tension. Unfortunately for Von Bork, Altamont is anything but uneasy: questions pour forth that bring into question whether the German has taken all necessary security precautions. He also expresses concern about the manner in which the Germans seem to routinely bring the lives of agents to a swift end immediately upon the realization that they no long prove useful. Altamont wants his money before delivering the goods. Von Born wants to inspect the goods before delivering the payoff.



Boon Companion: Closer friend

Sussex: a historic county in South East

suspense: a state or feeling of excited or anxious

nefarious: a criminal

vitriol: cruel and bitter criticism

espionage: the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information.

chaffeur: a person employed to drive a private or rented automobile.



charachter description:

Dr. Watson: Dr. Watson is modest and intelligent. he is a patiant and sensitive observer, but his detecting capabilities are no match for sherlock holmes.


Sherlock Holmes:

Sherlock is very complex and moody charachter who is very strict and a strategist, he always looks for the best solution doesn’t matter if it risks his life or his parter’s Watson.

i cannot describe Dr. Watson’s apperance, because he never talks about himself, but i can describe Sherlock.


Sherlock is 6ft tall (1.8m) he is thin, he has black hair and grey eyes, he always carrys a pencil, small notebook and small magnifying glass.



My favourite charachter is Sherlock, i feel like we have the same personality, always think about the best solution to a problem. think of every possibility and way to get out of a bad situation.


I recommend the book to people who like reading short stories with great plot twists!

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