WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com
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  • Joined Jan 2021
  • Published Books 3





  Cheetah is the fastest animal on the land. Because it has power leg. It eats gazelle, impala, etc. It color is yellow and black. It lives in south and east Africa. It doesn’t like leopard, jaguar, lion, etc. wild animals because they eat baby cheetahs.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




  Penguin is a bird but not fly because it has powerless wings. But it nice swims. It has a few type. Empereor Penguin, King Penguin… Penguın eats small fish and small squid. It color is usually black and white. It lives in South Pole. It doesn’t like leopard seal, killer whale, etc. wild animals because they eat penguıns.


WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




  Lion is king of the jungle. It has power chin and leg. It has mane. Lion eats gazelle, impala, giraffe, etc. And it can eats hyena and elephant. It color is dark yellow. It lives in Africa. It doesn’t like other lion and hyena because they are waring for food.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




  Blue whale is the biggest animal in the world. It is 33 metres. It second noisest animal in the world. It eats krills. It color is blue and white. It lievs in usually Pole Sea. It doesn’t like killer whale and people because they kill blue whales.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com





  And Condor is the biggest bird in the world. It has 1.3 metres

wings. It eats animal carcass. It color is brown black and white.

It lives in And Montains and near the Big Ocean.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com


TURTLE (land turtle)



  Turtle is slow animal. It has a few type. Caretta Caretta, Land Turtle, etc. Wild animals are usually don’t eat turtle because it has power crust. Crust color is yellow, black and brown. It doesn’t like people because people are kill turtle.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




Giraffe is the longest animal on the land. It has two small horn. It eats leaf. It color is dark yellow and brown. It lives in Africa. It doesn’t like lion, tiger, etc. wild animals because they eat giraffe.


WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




Dolphin is more intelligint fish in the world. It likes game. It eats fish. It color is grey. It lives in also every sea. It doesn’t like people because people are do illegal hunt a dolphin.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




Cow is a farm animal. It has eatable meat and milk. It eats grass.It color is black, yellow, brown, etc. It lives in farm. It doesn’t like wolf, lion, etc. wild animals because they eat cow.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




Zebra has white and black striped. It looks like horse but zebra is a wild animal. It lives in Africa. It doesn’t like crocodille, lion, etc. wild animals because they eat zebra.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




Anaconda is the longest snake in the world. It is 4.6 metres. It can lives in the sea and on the land. It eats crocodille, gazelle and other snakes. It lives in Brazil and Venezuela. It doesn’t like other anacondas because they eat anaconda.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




  Elaphant is the largest animal on the land. It has two tall tooths. It has big ear and foot. It has trunk. It eats leafs but 225 kilograms a day. It color is red soil and grey. It lives in Africa and Asia. Africa elephants and Asia elephants are relative. It doesn’t like lion, tiger, etc. wild animals and people because they kill elephant.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




  Narval is a horned fish. It has a tall horn. It eats cod fish. It color is black and grey. It is 5.1 metres. It lives in North Sea. It doesn’t like killer whale and polor bear because they eat narval.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




Tarantula is the strongest spider. It has ten leg. It has web. It eats bird, small snake, other spiders, etc. It color is brown. It lives in South Amerıca. It doesn’t like other tarantulas and wasps becayse they kill tarantula.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




  Chamelon is can change color. It sees 360 degree. It has tall end speed tongue. It eats insects. It lives in Madacasgar. It doesn’t like cat, snake, bird and people because they kill chamelon.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




Panda is a bear type. It has power chin. It eats bamboo. It color is black and white. It lives in Chine jungle. It doesn’t like people because people kill panda.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com


PARROT(cockatoo parrot)


Cockatoo parrot is can immitiate people and animals. It eats tropical fruit, insect, etc. It color is white and yellow. It lives in Africa and South Pasific İslands.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




Shark is very strong a fish. It has power chin. It has a few type. Hamerhead Shark, Great White Shark. It eats fish. It color is usually blu, white, grey, etc. It lives in Mediterrenean, Black Sea and oceans. It doesn’t like whales because whales are eat shark. And shark is doesn’t like magnets because magnets are disturbing shark.


WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




Rhino is big and strong animal. It has two horn. The first horn is tall and the second horn is short. It color is grey. It lives in Asia and Africa. It doesn’t people, lion etc. because they kill rhino.



WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com




Bee very important animal. Because they does honey. It has needle. Bee color is black and yellow. It lives in almost every where earth and it lives in hive. It doesn’t like bee-deaters because they eat bee.

WILD ANIMALS by Hamza Akdeniz - Ourboox.com
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