One day, OMEGA came to us from a distant world similar to the Earth, called SPACE 20.20, inhabited by many robots. He was the only survivor of his world, which had been completely destroyed by its inhabitants and where it was no longer possible to live.
So he set out on a mission to save our Earth!
Un giorno, OMEGA giunse da noi da un mondo lontano simile alla Terra, chiamato SPACE 20.20, abitato da molti robot. Era l’unico sopravvissuto del suo mondo, che era stato completamente distrutto dai suoi abitanti e dove non era più possibile vivere.
Così è partito in missione per salvare la nostra Terra!
When he arrived on our planet, he was amazed by its beauty: full of trees, plants, water, animals and children.
Quando arrivò sul nostro pianeta, rimase stupito dalla sua bellezza: ricco di alberi, piante, acqua, animali e bambini.
That day the sun was warm and bright and children were playing in a small park. The robot approached the park and… what did he see? Some children were throwing empty bags of snacks on the ground, plastic bottles and even ripping flowers from a plant!
The angry robot, with his metallic voice, said: “Children, NO! Don’t throw anything on the ground! Don’t pick flowers! Damage everything!!!”.
Quel giorno il sole era caldo e luminoso e i bambini stavano giocando in un piccolo parco. Il robot si avvicinò al parco e… cosa vide? Alcuni bambini stavano gettando a terra sacchetti vuoti di merendine, bottiglie di plastica e persino strappando fiori da una pianta!
Il robot arrabbiato, con la sua voce metallica, disse: “Bambini, NO! Non gettare nulla per terra! Non raccogliere i fiori! Danneggiare tutto!!!”.
The frightened children began to run, but the robot reached them and reassured them: “Don’t want to hurt you! Good, me!”
The children surrounded him and began to ask him questions, “Who are you? Where do you come from? What do you want from us?”
I bambini spaventati cominciarono a correre, ma il robot li raggiunse e li rassicurò: “Non voglio farvi del male! Bene, io!”.
I bambini lo circondarono e cominciarono a fargli domande: “Chi sei? Da dove vieni? Cosa vuoi da noi?”.
The robot told his sad story: his planet was beautiful, full of green plants, animals, cities with many happy robots, but they did not use resources properly, such as water, fruits and everything their planet offered. They did not sort, throwing everything together and above all they threw everything away without thinking. At a certain point there was nothing left and all the robots disappeared. Only he was left… OMEGA!
“With telescope look for new planet!” said the robot – “seen nice planet full of life!”. Set off immediately to tell you: “NOT DESTROY!”.
Il robot raccontò la sua triste storia: il suo pianeta era bellissimo, pieno di piante verdi, animali, città con molti robot felici, ma non usavano bene le risorse, come l’acqua, la frutta e tutto ciò che il loro pianeta offriva. Non facevano la differenziata, buttando tutto insieme e soprattutto buttavano via tutto senza pensare. Ad un certo punto non c’era più niente e tutti i robot scomparvero. Era rimasto solo lui… OMEGA!
“Con il telescopio cercare nuovo pianeta!” disse il robot – “visto bel pianeta pieno di vita!”. Partire immediatamente per dire: “NON DISTRUGGERE!”.
-We are not destroying! We have thrown down just a little piece of paper! Said a kid.
– Do you think it is nothing? Look!
OMEGA opened a screen in his body. Now ,the children could see a beach. But this beach was full of rubbish : plastic bags, bottles, papers, food packing.
-Do you like this beach? asked Omega.
Do you want to swim in this sea, do you want to sunbath here?
-No! No! It’s very dirty here!
-Do you know where all this rubbish goes?It goes to the bottom of the sea. And then?
Fish will eat it , as it looks like their food, said a kid.
Yes, but people also eat fish. So all this rubbish goes to your plate.
It’s disgusting!
-Δεν καταστρέφουμε! Ένα μικρό χαρτάκι πετάξαμε μόνο! είπε ένα παιδί.
-Νομίζεις πως αυτό δεν είναι σημαντικό; Κοίτα!
Και ο OMEGA άνοιξε μια οθόνη που είχε στο σώμα του. Τώρα τα παιδιά έβλεπαν μια παραλία. Αλλά αυτή η παραλία ήταν γεμάτη με σκουπίδια: πλαστικές σακούλες, μπουκάλια, χαρτιά, περιτυλίγματα τροφών.
-Σας αρέσει αυτή η παραλία; ρώτησε ο OMEGA.
Θέλετε να κολυμπήσετε σ’ αυτή τη θάλασσα, και να κάνετε ηλιοθεραπεία εδώ;
-Όχι! Όχι! Είναι πολύ βρώμικα εδώ!
-Ξέρετε πού πάνε όλα αυτά τα πλαστικά και τα σκουπίδια; Πάνε στο βυθό της θάλασσας. Και μετά;
-Θα τα φάνε τα ψάρια, γιατί θα νομίσουν πως είναι η τροφή τους, είπε ένα παιδί.
-Ναι, αλλά οι άνθρωποι επίσης θα φάνε τα ψάρια. Έτσι όλα αυτά τα σκουπίδια πάνε στο πιάτο σας.
-Είναι αηδιαστικό!
Then Omega showed in his screen another place. Kids could see a trash can and everywhere around garbage was thrown down.
-Why don’t people put their garbage in the can? Why are they not recycling?
-Do you like this place? asked Omega.
-No! It’s dirty and awful!.
Μετά ο OMEGA έδειξε στην οθόνη του ένα άλλο μέρος. Τώρα τα παιδιά έβλεπαν έναν κάδο σκουπιδιών και παντού γύρω του σκορπισμένα σκουπίδια.
-Γιατί οι άνθρωποι δεν πετούν τα σκουπίδια μέσα στον κάδο; Γιατί δεν τα ανακυκλώνουν;
-Σας αρέσει αυτό το μέρος; ρώτησε ο OMEGA.
-Όχι! Είναι βρώμικο και απαίσιο!
Then Omega showed a factory that produced smoke.
People can’t breathe here! Let’s go to another place! said the kids.
Μετά ο OMEGA έδειξε ένα εργοστάσιο που έβγαζε καπνούς.
-Οι άνθρωποι δεν μπορούν να αναπνεύσουν εδώ! Δείξε μας ένα άλλο μέρος! είπαν τα παιδιά.
The next place was a big city with a lot of traffic on the streets.
-There is no place for children here! We don’t like this city!
Το επόμενο μέρος ήταν μια μεγάλη πόλη με πολλή κίνηση στους δρόμους.
-Δεν υπάρχει μέρος για παιδιά εδώ! Δε μας αρέσει αυτή η πόλη!
-Look here! said Omega.
Now children could see a forest destroyed by fire.
-What a pity!
-Fire also destroyed many animals that had their home here, said Omega.
Κοιτάξτε εδώ! είπε ο OMEGA.
Τώρα τα παιδιά έβλεπαν ένα καμμένο δάσος.
-Τι λυπηρό!
– Η φωτιά κατέστρεψε και τις φωλιές των ζώων που ζούσαν στο δάσος, είπε ο OMEGA.
I saw all these from my telescope. Your planet Is slowly being destroyed and you are responsible for this destroyment. Can you understand now why I was so angry when I saw you throwing down your trash?
After that, do you think that you can protect Earth? Can you find ways?
The children thought, decided and told to everyone:
We can recycle and keep the space around us clean!
Είδα όλες αυτές τις εικόνες από τηλεσκόπιό μου. Ο πλανήτης σας καταστρέφεται και εσείς οι άνθρωποι είστε υπεύθυνοι για την καταστροφή. Τώρα καταλαβαίνετε γιατί θύμωσα τόσο πολύ όταν σας είδα να πετάτε τα σκουπίδια σας στο πάρκο;
Μετά απ’ αυτά, νομίζετε πως μπορείτε να προστατέψετε τη Γη; Μπορείτε να βρείτε τρόπους;
Τα παιδιά σκέφτηκαν, αποφάσισαν και το ανακοίνωσαν σε όλους:
Μπορούμε να ανακυκλώνουμε τα σκουπίδια μας και να κρατάμε το περιβάλλον που ζούμε καθαρό.
We can save energy in our classroom and our home. We can turn off lights when we get out of the room- We can close the television when we don’t watch.
Μπορούμε να κάνουμε οικονομία στην ενέργεια στο σχολείο μας και στο σπίτι μας. Να σβήνουμε τα φώτα όταν βγαίνουμε από το δωμάτιο. Να κλείνουμε την τηλεόραση όταν δε βλέπουμε.
We can use our bikes instead of cars. So our cities would be much better.
Μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιούμε τα ποδήλατά μας αντί για τα αυτοκίνητα. Έστι οι πολεις μας θα είναι πολύ καλύτερες.
We can close the refrigerator’s door as soon as we get the food.
Μπορούμε να κλείνουμε την πόρτα του ψυγείου αμέσως μόλις πάρουμε την τροφή που θέλουμε.
One child added: “We can build a big machine to clean the sea! The machine could fish the rubbish out of the sea with a big net!”
Un bambino aggiunse: “Possiamo costruire una grande macchina per pulire il mare! La macchina potrebbe pescare i rifiuti nel mare con una grande rete!”
A little child said: “I heard on television that you can recycle plastic and with the plastic you could produce other objects, like clothes, T-shirts, so all the objects collected by the cleaning machine can be used”.
Una bambina disse: “Ho sentito in televisione che si può riciclare la plastica e con la plastica si potrebbe produrre altri oggetti, come i vestiti, delle magliette, quindi tutti gli oggetti raccolti dalla macchina puliscimare possono essere utilizzati”.
The child continued: “That’s why it’s so important to sort your waste properly.At home we do it: paper in the blue trash can, glass in the green one and plastic in the yellow one!”
La bambina continuò: “Ecco perché è importantissimo fare bene la raccolta differenziata. A casa noi la facciamo: la carta nel bidone blu, il vetro nel bidone verde e la plastica nel bustone giallo!”
My grandmother even takes food waste, such as fruit and vegetable peelings, to his fields to fertilise the soil in a natural way, without using all those environmentally harmful products.
Addirittura mia nonna porta nei suoi campi i rifiuti dei cibi, come le bucce della frutta e le verdure, per concimare i terreni in modo naturale, senza usare tutti quei prodotti dannosi per l’ambiente.
Another child said: – If each of us planted a tree in our lives, we wouldn’t have a problem with smog-filled air, but much cleaner and my grandparents would breathe better! A forest can grow from one seed!
Un altro bambino disse:- Se ognuno di noi piantasse un albero nella vita, non avremmo problemi di aria piena di smog, ma molto più pulita e i miei nonni respirerebbero meglio! Da un solo seme può nascere una foresta!
On a trip with my mum and dad I saw some very large pinwheels, which my mum called wind turbines, which harness the air and are used to produce clean energy.
Durante una viaggio con mamma e papà ho visto delle grandissime girandole, che mamma ha chiamato pale eoliche, che sfruttano l’aria e che sono usate per produrre energia pulita.
I have panels on my roof at home that heat up in the sun and produce electricity to turn on the lights, the blender and the television. These panels are also non-polluting.
Io ho a casa sul tetto dei pannelli che si scaldano al sole e producono la corrente per accendere le luci, il frullatore e la televisione. Anche questi pannelli non inquinano.
After hearing all these thoughts from the children, Omega realised that it was the right time to go to other children to make them aware of the need to SAVE THE PLANET!
The End
Published: Feb 22, 2021
Latest Revision: Apr 5, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1052964
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