The partner by adannarany - Illustrated by JOHN GRISHAM -
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The partner



  • Joined Feb 2021
  • Published Books 7

name of the story:

The partner



Presented to:

omsia kenane



Presented by:

adan narany




for the outher:

John Grisham


the characters in the story:


Patrick: the main charcter and he was have two names in the story the first one is Patrick and the seconde one is Danielo and he was a greedy man.


Jack stephno: he work in the FBI and he the one how torment Patrick and he bad character.



Lance: she is Patrick’s wife and she a required the divorce after when she know that Patrick is a life.


the main characters: Patrice and Jack stiphano


the secondary character:lance


the vailen characters: lance because she was love his self and Jack stephano because he tormented Patrick with no Compassion


State the setting of the novel:(time:&place:)


The time: in 1992


The place :in two places Biloxi and a little town in Brazil




The main idea want to show you how bad it is to be a greedy person, and greed has been described as the stealing of the money in the story, which can make you uncomfortable tomorrow.


The story talking about a man his name is Patrick he steal a ninety million dollar from the law firm that’s belong to his clients, after that he make a trick, his death was fabricated by a road accident and he was not the one inside the car.



He put another person inside the car and due to the resulting fire, the identity of the deceased was only identified through the address of the car, as the car belonged to Patrick.



So he escaped and hid from the FBI because of the stolen money after that he live the aria and changed his identity, name and even shape, and the were stumbled on him after 4 years and investigate him to know where is the stolen money.


the plot:


the polt begining when Patrick steel ninety Million dollars and the FBI target him and he desapper and they found him in another place in particulary in Barazil.




the solve:

after the FBI cach him he run a way and hiding frome the FBI after thate he back and life like anthor person

the character i like is Patrick that because of his planing to the steeling and the hiding frome the FBI




The character I dislike is Lance she is Patrick’s wife, I dislike her because when Patrick falsify his death she take two million dollar from the government(due his life insurance)and when she know that Patrick is a live she required the divorce from him because if the government know that Patrick is a live then the government will take the money back from her.





the character i like is Patrick because his planing to steel the money and how he thinking to hide and change his name to Remove suspicions.


Ten words I learned from the story :



crash: تحطم


discussed: ناقش

fingerprint:  بصمة اصبع





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