We all need food but we must keep to a balanced diet.
What is a balanced diet?
A balanced diet is a meal that consists of all the things that you need to be healthy and have enough energy.
What is a nutrient?
A nutrient is a chemical or food that provides the things to live and grow.
What is good about fruit and vegetables you will find out listening to this Rainbow Food Song
Answer the questions according to the song:
What is the name of this group?
What fruits and vegetables are in this group?
Apple, Red Cabbage, Tomato, Cherry, Red Pepper, Red Onion, Watermelon, Strawberry
What are they good for?
Answer the questions according to the song:
What is the name of this group?
What fruits and vegetables are in this group?
Cantaloupe, Carrot, Mango, Yellow Pepper, Butternut Squash, Papaya, Pineapple, Pumpkin, Orange, Sweet Potato
Канталупа, Морква, Манго, Жовтий Перець, Патисон, Папайя, Ананас, Гарбуз, Апельсин, Солодка картопля
What are they good for?
Answer the questions according to the song:
What is this group of foods called?
What fruits and vegetables are in this group?
Asparagus, Bok Choy, Green Grape, Cucumber,
Cabbage, Collards, Broccoli, Green Beans, Green Pepper, Honey Dew, Kale, Spinach, Peas
– Спаржа, бок-чой, зелений виноград, огірок,
Капуста, Коллар, Брокколі, Зелена квасоля, Зелений перець, Медова роса, Капуста, Шпинат, Горох
Have you ever seen all these foods?
What are these vegetables good for?
Answer the questions according to the song:
What is this group of foods called?
What fruits and vegetables are in this group?
Dark Beans, Eggplant, Beet, Fig, Blueberry, Blackberry Темна квасоля, баклажани, буряк, інжир, чорниця, ожина
What are these vegetables good for?
Answer the questions according to the song:
What is this group of foods called?
What fruits and vegetables are in this group?
Ginger, Jicama, Onion, Mushroom
Імбир, Джикама, Цибуля, Гриб
What are these vegetables good for?
Choose one of the group of foods.
Why do you like this group of foods?
What fruits and vegetables from this group have you never eaten / seen?
What food from this you do not like?
Why is it important to eat these fruits and vegetables?
How many colours can you eat today?
Listen to the song one more time.
Notice the new words.
Published: Feb 14, 2021
Latest Revision: Feb 17, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1044129
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