Conscious Use of the Internet by MRT  -
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Conscious Use of the Internet

  • Joined May 2019
  • Published Books 25


Conscious Use of the Internet



Prepared Schools



Erkan ERDOĞAN  – Bulutoğlu Anadolu Lisesi


Muhammet ŞEN – Bulutoğlu Anadolu Lisesi



Internet and Health


We can gather computer and internet usage in health under 2 headings:

Physical Health Issues
Psychological Health Problems
Find the most important password encountered in physical health, information technology. Many physical ailments can be encountered, from musculoskeletal problems to host computers, obesity and eye health problems. Most of these troubles are;

Neck and back pain
Pain in the hands and carpal tunnel syndrome
Sight Head
Headache and migraine
Especially in children, it is excessive weight gain.
To meet the movement;

Conscious Use of the Internet by MRT  -

Avoid sitting at the computer for hours, take small breaks, and try to use ergonomic seats and flexible back-support materials.

Try to sit upright on your table without bending too much and adjust the table-chair posture well.

The top edge of the computer screen should not exceed eye level.

To rest the eyes, after 45 minutes in front of the screen, do activities that will not strain the eyes and require less attention for 15 minutes.


While sitting, move your knees slightly upwards, above the waist level, and keep your whole body moving.

If you are constantly typing at the computer, do some finger exercises and stretch your arms vertically from time to time.
In order to prevent excessive weight gain and other physical problems, first of all, increase your daily physical activity, try to exercise and do sports at least 4 times a week and at least half an hour. Walking and swimming are the most ideal sports to prevent physical ailments.

Stay in touch with your physical therapy doctor and follow what your doctor says.


In addition to physical ailments, psychological health problems are problems that are not as easily understood as physical ailments and the treatment method is more time-consuming and difficult. Major psychological disorders;


Anxiety (anxiety) disorder
Introversion, stress, asociality and depression
Internet addiction


Anxiety disorder related to internet use can also cause anger and violent behavior. Especially sites containing violent elements, social networks that encourage violence and ganging, and sites and games that define violence and destruction as success can cause changes in children’s emotional states. Virtual friendships and relationships can cause the child to feel lonely in a crowded virtual environment due to the fact that the child does not reflect himself / herself in social networks.


In order to cope with stress, introversion and depression, the individual should encourage himself to think positively as possible, to control the time limitation on the computer and internet, to enter social environments, to do sports and to read books. In addition, people who stay on the internet all day and have habits such as smoking / alcohol should check these habits.


Internet addiction can be detected in various ways by the person’s inability to control himself on the computer.


The individual begins to lose the concept of time
When the individual is blocked from connecting to the internet, he / she begins to exhibit abnormal behavior.

Breaking off from social life and increasing introversion
The most common ailments in people with internet addiction are physical health problems, sleep disorders, depression, substance abuse, personality disorders, sexual addiction and lack of attention. Although internet addiction is a phenomenon on which consensus has not been reached yet, existing addiction concepts can be used to understand Internet addiction. The addict thinks that he cannot live without his dependent object. Therefore, diagnosis and treatment of internet addiction should be done based on personality structure.


Rights & Laws and Responsibilities on the Internet


Some cyber crimes that exist online are:

Unauthorized Access to Computer Systems and Services
Computer Sabotage
Computer Fraud
Computer Fraud
Unauthorized Use of a Computer Software
Misuse of Personal Data



Fake Personality and Personality Imitation
Illegal Publications
Theft of Trade Secrets
Terrorist Activities
Child Pornography
Other Crimes (Organ, prostitution, threat, drugs, etc.)


Articles 243, 244 and 245 of the Turkish Penal Code have regulated crimes committed through informatics. With the article 243, entering the whole and a part of an information system illegally and continuing to stay there is regulated as a crime. With the provision of article 244, a person who obstructs or disrupts the operation of an information system is punished with imprisonment from one to five years, the person who destroys, destroys, changes or renders the data in an information system inaccessible, and who sends the existing data to another location. The sentence was sentenced to imprisonment from months to three years. The abuse of debit and credit cards is regulated as an independent crime type with article 245. Any illegal act of gaining benefit by credit or debit cards constitutes this type of crime.


In addition to cyber crimes, internet content editing is included in more than one law, and the most important of these is the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications on the Internet and Fight Against Crimes Committed Through These Broadcasts. With the law, for the first time, the procedures and principles of blocking access to illegal content within the scope of catalog crimes in the internet environment have been regulated and certain obligations and responsibilities have been imposed on the internet actors providing internet services. Related to the catalog crimes defined in the law; Information Technologies and Communication Authority Information and Notification Center; It was established as a referral center where citizens can submit their complaints regarding these crimes. The center, which became operational on 23.11.2007, can report illegal content from the web address Within the scope of the law, application processes are also defined for citizens regarding violation of personal rights on the internet and privacy of private life.


Online Games


Children should be educated about the Internet and online games, they should be informed about self-protection and necessary precautions should be taken. For example; Children should avoid sharing their pictures and personal information with other players in the games they play. They need to know how to react when another player starts bullying them. Parents should also be aware of the game content their children play. For this;


It should be kept in mind that children’s psychological and psychological development can be negatively affected by playing violent games or games that are not suitable for their age.
Our children should not be allowed to spend a long time at the beginning of games that are very active and contain action for eye health.
Although the content of the games their children play is suitable for them, parents must make a daily time limit. In addition to online games, activities requiring physical movement and other social activities should be encouraged for the healthy development of the child.
Today, many internet games now host a chat room. Since chat rooms may contain bullying behaviors, swearing, online communication with strangers, and even sexual correspondence between children and young people, it should be treated very carefully.


The number of games in the form of multiplayer (multiplayer) is increasing day by day. In multiplayer games, because the identity of the other party cannot be known, you may encounter a person we never expected, and this person may even force your child to meet in real life.

Most of the computer and online games are played by children in internet cafes. Learn about the time spent in internet cafes, the styles your child plays and the players they play. First of all, respect the internet cafes you know and know.


The main negative effects of online games on children are:

Physical stimulation increases (eg heart rhythm, etc.).

The thought of aggression increases.
Aggressive feelings increase.
Social behavior decreases.
Communication with the outside world is reduced.
Perception and focus problems are experienced.
Introversion and therefore social communication problems are experienced.


Parental Control Tools


One of the ways that parents can resort to regarding the protection of children online is to use parental control tools. These tools include filtering software and other tools developed to control the internet and computer usage of children. Of course, while doing all these, it is necessary to apply proportional measures without restricting the right of children to access information.


What’s on the Profiles?

Child Profile

In the Child Profile list, there are no websites that may adversely affect the mental and physical health of children or where users communicate directly with foreign people. In this context, chat sites and social media sites are not included in the Child Profile. Email, instant messaging, news, business, shopping, health, education, government agencies, banking, etc. You can access sites in categories, forum sites with well managed content and topics discussed, and game sites without online messaging. The child profile is the profile that provides the highest protection against online risks. Sites that cannot be accessed in the family profile cannot be accessed in the child profile.


Family Profile


Family Profile works with the “banned list” method. In this method, the list of sites containing harmful and illegal content cannot be accessed, and all sites other than this list can be accessed. It has a wider content than the children’s profile. The Family Profile list includes gambling, referral to suicide, sexual abuse of children, drugs, dangerous goods for health, prostitution, obscenity, racism, terror, violence, malware, etc. Sites with content are not included. Forum and sharing sites can be accessed in the family profile. When Family Profile is preferred, Game, Social Media and Chat (friendship-dating) sites can also be optionally disabled.


Neden Filtreleme Programları?

İnternet, bilgiye ulaşım için güçlü bir araçtır. Bugün birçok internet sayfası önemli kaynak ve bilgiler sunmaktadır. Öğrenciler çeşitli e-kütüphanelerden yararlanarak, uluslararası veya ulusal yayınları takip ederek ödev hazırlama, proje içeriği oluşturma ve bilgilerini artırma olanağı bulmaktadırlar. Çocuklar tüm bunların yanı sıra bilerek ve bilmeyerek pornografi, uyuşturucu, kumar, çeşitli silahlar, bomba yapımı ve dolandırıcılık yollarını içeren sitelerle karşılaşması ve doğal olarak bunları merak etmesi, dolayısıyla bu sayfaları incelemesi olağan bir durumdur. Çocukların internette gezinmek, okul projeleri için araştırma yapmak, oyun oynamak ve arkadaşlarıyla sohbet etmek için çevrimiçi olduklarında daha güvende olmalarını filtreleme programları ile sağlayabilirsiniz.


Protection of Personal Data


Striking results have been achieved in the field study conducted within the European Union on Internet usage demography and the protection of personal data. In the study in question, it was observed that the vast majority of citizens clearly shared their names (79%) and pictures (51%) and which country they were citizens of (47%) on social networks. 62% of them state that they share their personal data at the lowest level in order to protect themselves, 10% of the participants do not share their identity information, 50% do not share their social information and 90% do not share their sensitive information. 70% of the respondents are worried about how to use the personal data they share and think that they can only have a limited say over the use of their personal data, 74% ask for their consent for the collection and processing of their personal data while using the internet, 55% of their personal data on social networks. 43% are concerned that companies may share their personal data without permission.


The respondents were asked if they read the confidentiality agreements on the internet and 58% of them declared that they did. Of these, 34% stated that they read and understood; 24% said that they could read or not. Those who do not read the confidentiality agreements listed their reasons for not reading as follows:

The thought that the relevant website should even have a privacy policy (41%)
Belief that laws will protect them in any situation (27%)
The belief that the relevant website cannot protect itself in any case (24%)
Those who do not have any thoughts (15%)


Even a game that you download to your smartphone and can’t wait to play can transfer the contacts in your directory to its database while you play the game, after receiving your consent with a simple confirmation method with a small pop-up, and then share them with companies you do not know what they do. In this context, while states and related industry stakeholders have been trying to produce technical solutions that will increase the control of the user in data sharing for a long time, there are some points that internet users should also pay attention to.


For this;

We recommend that you enable the “do not track” option of your internet web browser. You can find more detailed information on the subject in the web security section.
Please read the usage policy and confidentiality agreements of the web pages you want to operate. Also, get information about the page from the contact and about us sections of the relevant page.
Analyze well what kind of information is collected from you by the applications you download from mobile platforms. If necessary, do not download applications that you will not use too much to your phone.
Pay attention to what your downloaded mobile apps are synced with. Disable information that you do not want to be synchronized. For this, we recommend that you review your phone settings, application management, location services and security.
Reconsider your privacy and security settings on social networks. For this, we recommend that you read the security section on social networks. In addition, Rik Ferguson, Vice President of Security Research, Trend Micro, lists 5 things users should pay attention to on Facebook as follows:


5 Things You Should Consider On Facebook
If you do not control the privacy settings of the message you post on a friend’s wall, it is automatically set so that “friends of your friend” can see your message.
It is not enough to adjust your privacy settings to prevent your posts from being seen by people you do not want. If any Facebook user is tagged under what you posted, that person sees all of your conversations and posts.
When you post on a public event or on a page, you cannot change the privacy settings of that post. You can only remove that post from your profile.
When you place a post with privacy settings set as “Friend of my friends” on your friend’s wall, people you don’t want will see that post. Because they are your friends.
Make your posts public or only friends of your friends can see. Remember that many people you don’t know can see you, and even people you remove from friendships can follow you. For this reason, always pay attention to your posts.


What Are Your Rights According To The Law On Protection Of Personal Data?
As personal data owners, the Constitution’s “Law on Protection of Personal Data” numbered 6698 has now become legal. Some of the rights we have according to this Law are as follows:

Learning whether your personal data has been processed.
Requesting information if your personal data has been processed.
Learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used appropriately for their purpose.
Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data.
To object to the occurrence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems.
In case of damage due to unlawful processing of your personal data, you have the right to demand the compensation of the damage.


Internet Ethics


It is the knowledge of what can and cannot be done in online environments to respect the rights and laws of other people. Internet ethics is a concept that is used to show the respect and courtesy you show to the people you communicate with in real life on the internet.


In order to use the internet correctly and effectively, it is necessary to comply with certain rules and behave ethically when using online environments, just as in other environments. In order to avoid any violation of rights and damage the system used, usage policies should be followed when using online environments. Also;


It should not be forgotten that people have the freedom of communication as well as the freedom of access, and the rights of other users should be respected. Nobody should be bullied / harassed in the internet environment, no bad words should be spoken, and malicious behaviors should not be displayed to anyone unintentionally.


Avoid downloading, sharing or storing inappropriate (illegal) content on the Internet. It should not be forgotten that producing and sharing such content is a crime.

It should always be remembered that any sharing made over the Internet can suddenly reach millions of people and should be treated accordingly in online environments.

Meticulous attention should be paid to intellectual and artistic works, copyrights and licensing. Unlicensed copies of copyrighted materials must not be created or used for download purposes. Un-owned works should not be shared with communities.


Internet Literacy & Search Engines


It is like an endless road consisting of a combination of Internet information networks. Although everyone uses it for different purposes, the main purpose is to reach information. The main points we need to understand when it comes to internet literacy are:

Finding the right information by comparing different websites.
To approach every information encountered on the Internet with a “healthy suspicion” and “critical look”.
To understand the importance of protecting your personal data and creating strong passwords for your security.
To use different search engines properly and effectively while searching the Internet.
To know the usual and the risks and damages you may encounter on the Internet in advance.


In the past, encyclopedias, libraries and bookstores were ideal tools for finding a source of information. Today, which is called the information and communication age, the biggest source of information has started to be the internet. However, in addition to being a unique resource where you can access a lot of information, the internet is a medium where it is extremely difficult to distinguish between right and wrong, misleading and guiding information.

This is especially true for students. The most common tool that students use while searching their homework on the internet is search engines. They can use the first information they encounter without confirming the accuracy or falsity of the first page that appears as a result of the words searched in search engines. This is not always the right method. Because search engines work in a specific algorithm structure and do not always show correct and reliable information at the top. The conclusion that every piece of information searched on the Internet has a counterpart is not a correct approach.


For this;

First of all, whether the information source accessed and the relevant website are websites belonging to corporate structures; If not, the contact and about us sections of the relevant page should be examined.
Free access data and services should always be suspect.
Information should be accessed from at least 3 different sources and its accuracy should be confirmed.
Encyclopedias of today are now accessible and utilized in electronic media. It is also possible to reach many electronic and academic databases through various memberships.
Especially those who work in academic studies, instead of Google’s Search Engine service, Google Scholar


Tips for Efficient Calling

To do a good search, you should use simplified titles or phrases.
Do not explain the word or topic being searched for. Keep your search short.
Remove any attachments at the end of the word.
It is not case sensitive. Whether you use uppercase or lowercase letters, they will automatically be detected as lowercase letters.
Do not search in long long sentences. Search only with keywords that are required.
If the search is to be done within a specific site and for a specific file type, special search techniques should be used.


Social Networks and Mobile Networks



Social networking platforms, which consist of only one service such as friendship, photography, video, microblogging, or offer many services for online socializing, are used extensively today for socializing in the internet environment.

It operates via social networks, web-based, mobile application or mobile browser, as well as a number of add-ons that will allow integration with websites.

Social networks that generally offer the same services, whether on web-based or mobile platforms, pose different security and privacy risks for users on each platform, as internet users identify social networks and the services provided by social networks with their daily lives.


3rd Party Applications Allowed on Social Networks
By creating a virtual identity on social networks, users can share content, messaging, write comments, play games, and engage in various activities through third party applications. In social network accounts where photo, video, location and location information and all kinds of personal data can be shared, users who do not know the security and privacy settings adequately and allow certain applications are faced with multi-faceted risks in the virtual environment by unwittingly sharing their private information and passwords with third parties.

Allowing the use of 3rd party applications, which have been spreading rapidly in social networks in recent years and containing numerous security vulnerabilities, may cause personal information to fall into the hands of malicious individuals. It is known that both applications in social networks and applications downloaded from the internet environment of unknown origin demand more personal data than necessary, and these applications should also be careful.


Users who approve downloaded or third-party applications on social networks also allow approved applications to access friend lists and open profile information, to share or like on behalf of the user, to access cameras, microphones and other information on their smart devices, to avoid undesirable situations such as reading messages and listening to conversations. can be exposed. Especially on social networking platforms, collecting data such as “Which Race Are You?”, “What is the best job for you according to your date of birth?”, “Which celebrity do you look like?”, “Who will you look like at xx years old?” Or “Who last viewed my profile?” Users who allow applications share their private information with third parties in the background, risking data security.

Information That Should Never Be Shared

Most users in social networks are faced with multiple risks in the internet environment by sharing their private information unconsciously or consciously. Personal information belonging to private life that is openly shared on social media or applications can be collected and used for any purpose by someone or some organizations through data collection programs.


May put people in a difficult situation when shared;
Personal data,
Location and location information
• Private information about family and friends (password, problems experienced, weaknesses, plans such as vacation, etc., daily, weekly or monthly activities, physical features, abilities …)

When information such as information is shared on social networks and 3rd party applications that request information, an invitation to possible problems in the future is raised. In short, any information that may cause future distress should never be shared on social networks. The fact that social networks provide their services to users free of charge means that the privacy of personal information may be at stake.


Considerations on Social Networks
Internet users should pay utmost attention to the following issues on social network platforms they use to protect their personal data.

• Review your privacy and security settings in social networks by reading the usage policy and privacy agreements of the social network platforms you use, and make sure that the security and privacy settings are properly set.
Limit access to your social network accounts to people you know and trust,
• Never share your private and personal information (information that may reveal your mother’s maiden name such as real birth date, uncle and aunt)
• Instead of easy-to-guess passwords consisting of personal information such as your date of birth, place of birth, and phone number, set difficult to guess passwords with at least 8 characters, both small and uppercase characters.
• If you are accessing social media platforms from your smartphone, check the access permissions you have given to your applications in the settings section of your phone and remove any permissions you think are unnecessary or risky.
• Remember that the posts you make on social media platforms can reach millions of people and make your posts accordingly.


• Remember your responsibility to respect the rights of others while exercising your right to access the Internet.
• Question the permissions granted by constantly reviewing the security, accessibility and privacy policies of 3rd party applications.
• Block 3rd party applications of social networks and web services (Unused network games and 3rd party applications should be completely removed)
• When any game or application is wanted to be installed on social networks, it should be thoroughly checked what information it wants to access.
• You should never log in to a social network account on a non-personal computer.
• Internet security software such as anti-virus, anti-malware and anti-spyware should be used in computers to be connected to social networks. Social network accounts should not be accessed in public wireless networks and internet cafes.




Mobile networks, smart phones and 3G / 4.5G Technologies have taken the internet usage to a very different level and started to offer the users the opportunities and advantages of being accessible from anywhere at any time. This situation has also led to a new secret life of young people on the Internet. In a study conducted by an anti-virus company, 69% of the young people shared their lokaysan information while sharing their instant status on social networking sites, 28% of them chatted with people they do not know in real life, and the mobile internet usage of these young people between the ages of 13 and 17 It was observed that there was an increase of 256% in. In addition, a young person sends an average of 3417 SMS or mobile internet based applications per month. In a recent study conducted by the Federal Trade Commission in America;
Mobile networks, smart phones and 3G / 4.5G Technologies have taken the internet usage to a very different level and started to offer the users the opportunities and advantages of being accessible from anywhere at any time. This situation has also led to a new secret life of young people on the Internet. In a study conducted by an anti-virus company, 69% of the young people shared their lokaysan information while sharing their instant status on social networking sites, 28% of them chatted with people they do not know in real life, and the mobile internet usage of these young people between the ages of 13 and 17 It was observed that there was an increase of 256% in. In addition, a young person sends an average of 3417 SMS or mobile internet based applications per month. In a recent study conducted by the Federal Trade Commission in America;


Families are not aware of what kind of information mobile applications collect, who will use that information and how;
Only 20% of mobile applications warn their users about their security policies;
Most applications (about 60% on average) take personal data from the device used and give it to other places (they are transmitted to advertising networks, analyst companies or third authorities);
that the authorities access most of the information from the information they obtained from mobile applications and thus create a profile based on the behavioral uploads of children and use it for their commercial interests;
results have been achieved. This means that mobile platform data producers can easily access user information, and users may face many risks since they do not act consciously.


What should be considered in mobile networks?
• Anti-virus software should definitely be used in mobile networks. Make sure that the anti-virus software you use can warn you about the certificates and reliability of the applications on mobile platforms.
• Use Secure Internet Service for your mobile phone. For detailed information:
• Check the user comments before downloading the applications you have downloaded from the mobile markets. Try to be informed about what information it collects from you during the download phase and for what purpose.
• We recommend that you do not use your mobile networks in public wi-fi areas. We recommend that you use either private and encrypted wi-fi networks or 3G / 4.5G when making transactions on your mobile networks.


Cyber ​​Bullying


Today, the internet has brought many benefits and innovations to our lives as a part of social life. In addition to the benefits and facilities it brings, the unconscious use of the internet also contains threats to individual and social life.

With the rapid developments in web and communication technology, communication and relationship between people have moved to virtual environments. People meeting each other, communicating, sharing content, creating a discussion environment and forming groups around common interests is a situation that occurs with the constantly developing web technology. The number of users of social networking networks is increasing rapidly in our country as well as in the world, and the real and virtual world distinction is gradually disappearing. With this increase, the internet and social networks have brought many threats and dangers that are unknown, unnoticeable or difficult to perceive.


One of these dangers, “cyberbullying”, is the deliberate practice of embarrassing rude behavior, abusive speech and hostile online messaging, threats, harassment and negative comments against others, unauthorized photo sharing, via e-mail, websites, social networks and messaging In other words, sharing and behaviors using information and communication technologies that will harm users in a technical or relational manner fall under the scope of cyberbullying. Bullying in electronic environments is also called “electronic bullying”, “cyberbullying” or “cyberbullying”.


The behavior of users in virtual environments is different from real life. Users create virtual identities in this environment and can easily share emotions, thoughts and various information without fear of recognition. As a result of this, rumors, threats and inappropriate content are spreading very quickly on the internet and can make the young generation both cyber bullies and cyber victims.

The behavior of users in virtual environments is different from real life. Users create virtual identities in this environment and can easily share emotions, thoughts and various information without fear of recognition. As a result of this, rumors, threats and inappropriate content are spreading very quickly on the internet and can make the young generation both cyber bullies and cyber victims.


Violence in digital games or cyber bullying in social networks has a negative effect especially on the physical and mental development of children. Although there is no physical contact between the attacker and the attacker in cyberbullying, the attacked person is psychologically damaged.

In the internet environment, users mostly experience bullying, meeting with strangers, being exposed to fraud or abuse, and unconscious data sharing.


Which Actions Are Covered By Cyberbullying?
The behaviors that fall under the scope of cyberbullying are listed below. If you, a relative or your child are exposed to these situations online, you are facing cyberbullying.

Gossip: Public speculation. Intentional and public gossip about you online.
Exclusion: Separating a person from a group of friends. Exclusion, especially that begins at school and continues in cyberspace.
Harassment: Continuous and deliberate harmful and disturbing behavior.
Tracking: Don’t feel being watched at any moment. The feeling of being followed, starting on the Internet and reflecting on real life.
Trolling: Deliberate and deliberate provocation and veiled insult, sabotage.
Comments: Negative messages containing insults and swearing through text, photos, videos. Disrespect: Crossing the limits in communication and continuing it.
Fake Account: Perpetuating threats and bullying by creating fake accounts on behalf of the victim and through these created fake accounts.
Deceiving: To deceive or defraud people by publishing and distorting various confidential information of others.
Manipulated: Pretending to be the victim himself.


What Are The Tips To Avoid Cyberbullying?
First of all, communication tools and internet should be used consciously.
User password that is difficult to capture and guess should be determined.
Security (antivirus, etc.) software must be up to date.
The ethical rules in face-to-face relationships should be applied in the same way in the virtual environment.
Not reading, disapproving, sharing and blocking messages from people you do not know always makes you safer.
Your personal information is private to you and should not be shared with others.
When browsing websites, be skeptical, search for the source of the information, and do not share your personal information on every website.
Watch out for unidentified mails coming to you. Consider the possibility of a fake account and be careful in such cases.
Real life behavior should also be protected in the virtual environment and it should be known that cyberbullying is a crime.


Digital Citizenship


The Internet is a multidimensional medium. While it is an excellent environment to learn, teach and have fun, it can also be an environment full of risks and dangers if it is not used consciously and enough precautions are not taken. The internet environment does not only pose a risk with its security aspect; Technological opportunities, especially brought by mobile and social networks, can also turn into different risks. Mobile and social networks, especially used by children and young people, bring some negativities from personal privacy to cyber bullying. This situation causes some violations of rights and laws and can cause deep wounds in people’s daily life.


The developments in information and communication technologies and the rapid impact of these developments on the socio-social structure have started to attract the perception of being a good citizen to the perception of being a good “digital citizen”. People are now beginning to communicate more online than face-to-face. This means the perception of being a good digital citizen, that is, within the framework of rights, laws and responsibilities in the virtual environment as in real life; It started to create the necessity to act by considering the perception of ethics.

A digital citizen is a citizen who can criticize when using information and communication resources, knows the ethical consequences of their online behavior, does not abuse technology, and promotes correct and moral behavior when communicating and collaborating in the digital world. In this context, both families should be conscious and their children should be informed about being a good digital citizen. On the way to being a good digital citizen;


All internet service providers have materials and filtering programs that can help you with your children’s online experiences. Use programs that filter inappropriate content and adjust your parental control settings through your operating systems.

Check the privacy settings of the networks, smartphones, and other online social platforms your kids use. Decide which setting provides enough security and apply it. Also, keep in mind that filtering programs and anti-virus software are now available on mobile platforms.


Teach your kids not to easily communicate with people they meet on the internet. Although one-on-one meetings with the people they meet are not preferred, some young people do not follow this rule. So talk to them about the security conditions. If there is a need to meet, explain to them that they should always meet in bright, public, crowded places, go with at least a friend and share this plan with a reliable adult. Also, warn them not to share as much personal information as possible with their new friends.

Çocuklarınızın oynadığı çevrimiçi oyunların yaşlarına uygun olduğundan ve zihinsel ve fiziksel sağlıklarını olumsuz yönde etkilemediğinden emin olun. Bunun için sağlık profesyonellerinden destek alabilirsiniz. Bazı oyunlar zeka gelişimi açısından faydalı olabilirken, bazı oyunlar tam tersi etkiye sahip olabilir.

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