Summarize the story
She was in a pregnant woman, when the time came for her, everyone was shocked. A donkey
was pregnant in a donkey, and everyone seemed to argue, and a woman found herself
alone because everyone did not want his son. She started saying what would I do with this
embarrassing child, but in the end, she was forced to accept her son.
Regardless of the extent of her attempt, he
could not act as a human, but the donkey was
angry because they could not act as a human.
Ways to survive, they laughed together and in the morning one day the old man asked the donkey to carry it on his back above the clouds and he slept and the donkey dreamed that his mother was sick and called him
The donkey got up, and no one knew what to do. The donkey found his mother in mourning for her missing son, and they stared at each other, and then each embraced each other and lived with some of them happy
The name of the story:
Donkey Child
Written by: Lindiwe Matshikiza
Illustrated by: Meghan Judge
Hero: Donkey
Secondary characters: The old man, his mother, the neighbors , little girl
At any time: In the morning
new words 5
Donkey = حمار
pregnant woman= امرأة حامل
Bring blankets= احضر البطانيات
Confusion and anger= الارتباك و الغضب
Published: Feb 6, 2021
Latest Revision: Feb 7, 2021
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1035317
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