The Secret of the Silver Lake

by saeed

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The Secret of the Silver Lake


  • Joined Jan 2021
  • Published Books 5

תוצאת תמונה עבור The Secret of the Silver Lake


Title of the book : The Secret of the Silver Lake

Book writer Michelle Telford

Publisher : Eric cohen books

Year of Publication 17-3-2006

The story is level four

The main character Eddie AND LEO

Man and place is an abandoned house

The story is sent to the almighty teacher OMSIA-B-KINANA


in a wooden cabin next to a strange old house. Eddie met two boys called Leo and Richie who told him the story about the old house and the killer ‘Jack the Devil’ Devlin, who had once lived in the haunted house. One day they decided to go to Devlin’s haunted house. To their surprise suddenly someone appeared holding a large knife. When he saw the kids, he shouted at them. He thought that somebody had sent the boys to this house to investigate a murder that he had committed. He threatened them with his knife and warned them not to tell anybody that they had seen him. A few days later they decided to tell the police what had happened to them in the haunted house. A few weeks later the police found the man and jailed him…thanks to the boys.


Michelle Telford


This book was written by Michelle Telford. Michelle Telford was born in London, England. He is married with four children. He didn’t write anymore books, “the secrets of silver lake” is his only book, and the genre of the book is adventure. Today, he lives in Manchester. I read this book because my school forced to read me. I don’t like this type of books because in my opinion are boring and silly but it have got good things. Then I talk about it.

תוצאת תמונה עבור Michelle telford



Eddie: is a thirteen year old boy with ginger hair. He was revealed in the story as a very curious and adventurous personality. When Leo and Richie told him the story about the haunted house he asked more questions about their adventure because he was such an inquisitive boy.

Leo: is a thirteen year old boy with blond hair. In the story he was revealed as a friendly and brave character. He behaved in very friendly way when Eddie came to Silver Lake and befriended with him. When Leo decided to enter the strange house he had a lot of courage

תוצאת תמונה עבור اولاد اثنان


In the history there are more character kike the mother, the father and the brother of Eddie but are not very important.



new words

Abandoned house=بيت مهجور

A demon= شيطان



Island= جزيرة

Adventure= مغامرة

Curiosity of=فضول

crude oil=نفط خام




תוצאת תמונה עבור جزيرة


תוצאת תמונה עבור جزيرة مع اولاد



 Where did it happen?

in a wooden cabin




How about when??

No time was mentioned

תוצאת תמונה עבור كوخ خشب



The story problem

 in a wooden cabin next to a strange old house. Eddie met two


boys called Leo and Richie who told him the story about the old


house and the killer ‘Jack the Devil’ Devlin, who had once lived


in the haunted house

תוצאת תמונה עבור كوخ خشبي في الغابة


Information about the story

The subject of the story

is curious kids

The story genre

is adventures and curiosities

The moral lesson

is to be curious and get into something that is not your own


The character I loved was

Eddie Because I am curious

תוצאת תמונה עבור طفل خائف

The reward I want to change in the story is

not to bring them home

תוצאת תמונה עבור بيت قديم

Thank you for listening to the story

תוצאת תמונה עבור شكرا لكم بلانجليزي

תוצאת תמונה עבור the secret of the silver lake

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