Why is solar energy better than fossil fuels? by Alessandro Fusinato - Illustrated by Alessandro Fusinato - Ourboox.com
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Why is solar energy better than fossil fuels?


Artwork: Alessandro Fusinato

  • Joined Jan 2021
  • Published Books 1


Nowadays we live in a world characterized by many environmental problems. For sure, one of the main and most important, is the level of pollution (the presence or introduction into the environment of an harmful or poisonous substance that damages it), costantly rising. Many are the solutions that can be applied to reduce that and avoid what are the main consequences of its growth. One of theese is prefer solar energy, renewable, cleaned and sure, to fossil fuels that, instead, are more expensive and polluting.

Why is solar energy better than fossil fuels? by Alessandro Fusinato - Illustrated by Alessandro Fusinato - Ourboox.com


Fossil fuels use, in addition to the depletion of the reserves and decrease of stocks of non-renewable resources (slow fossilization process), leads to a varoius issues, economics and environmental, that wouldn’t exist or would decrease a lot with the usage of solar energy. The reserves distribution isn’t homogeneous all over the world and many countries have to incur important expenses for their importation that, due to the method of extraction and the means of transport, can be the cause of numerous environmental disaster. Solar energy use, instead, even if it needs complex system for its extraction, would means lower costs, mostly for Italy where the wheater conditions are in favor of its use, reduction of carbon dioxide emission and use of totally clean and renewable energy.

Why is solar energy better than fossil fuels? by Alessandro Fusinato - Illustrated by Alessandro Fusinato - Ourboox.com


Other solutions to the pollution caused by fossil fuels can be the eolic energy or the hydroelectric ones that, as the solar ones, are renewable and non-pollutant. Eolic energy is produced exploiting the force of the wind that makes the turbines move, hydroelectrical energy come from the conversion of kinetic energy produced by the falling water into electrical thanks to particular alternators.

Why is solar energy better than fossil fuels? by Alessandro Fusinato - Illustrated by Alessandro Fusinato - Ourboox.com
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