“Lost” by Aurora Riccione - Illustrated by Aurora Riccione and Sara Beccaceci - Ourboox.com
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Artwork: Aurora Riccione and Sara Beccaceci

  • Joined Jan 2021
  • Published Books 2





                  by Aurora Riccione and Sara Beccaceci






The life of two sisters was destined to divide, but not forever…

Amber will never forget the day when her sister Joy died.

She was nine years old and Joy was sixteen. Their family was going to Texas by car.  Amber was really excited because they were supposed to go to Ariana Grande’s concert. Unfortunately it didn’t happen…

The sun was shining but suddnely the weather became rainy and cloudy so much that they had a disastrous accident. Their car was on a bridge and it crashed against a lorry. They all were saved except Joy: Amber saw her sister’s body falling down into a river. Then the cadaver was dragged by the current. She thought that it was a nightmare but her parent’s yells took her back to the reality. She felt died inside.

Nobody knew anything about her anymore.

“Lost” by Aurora Riccione - Illustrated by Aurora Riccione and Sara Beccaceci - Ourboox.com


Twenty years later…


Amber suffered a lot for her loss but she tried to follow her sister’s footsteps: despite her young age she was very mature and responsible. Amber infact found a boyfriend, her colleague Mark, with which she had two beautiful twins, James and Charlot. They lived in Florida but the couple often wasn’t at home because of their journalist job. So they had to take a babysitter. James and Charlot were very lively but they liked listening to stories.

Amber took on a very beautiful and kind girl, her name was Rose and she was thirtysix. The women became friends and they had a lot of common interests: they liked cooking, doing sports and shopping. But they never talked about their families or their close life.


“Lost” by Aurora Riccione - Illustrated by Aurora Riccione and Sara Beccaceci - Ourboox.com




One day James and Charlot had to sleep but they didn’t want so Rose said that she would have told them the most adventorous story that she knew. She said to them that it was a secret.

“I lost my memory twenty years ago. I didn’t remember anything, only that finished in a little road where there lived a few people. They were poor farmers, I was lost and they took care of me.

“Lost” by Aurora Riccione - Illustrated by Aurora Riccione and Sara Beccaceci - Ourboox.com




They said that my story was on every newscast but I didn’t remember anything. Then I decided to go to live in a city, forgetting my story and starting a new life with a new name: I was a new person. I didn’t want that people recognised me for my past. The farmers told me it. When I was young, I had a beautiful family but the person that I loved more was my sister. I would like to meet her one day. My name was..”

In that exact moment, Rose and Amber, who was listening all the story from behind the door, said together: “Joy”.









Rose was Joy and she didn’t die. The two sisters finally met!

“Lost” by Aurora Riccione - Illustrated by Aurora Riccione and Sara Beccaceci - Ourboox.com
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