Enviromental Turc

by Stefania

Artwork: Turc Stefania

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Enviromental Turc


Artwork: Turc Stefania

  • Joined Dec 2020
  • Published Books 1







The local food are the various farms and the various crops that you have in a certain area established by man.

Examples for crops are legumes, fruit, vegetables

For farms some examples are eggs, cheese, meat…








The problem with not using local foods is that we certainly don’t know what we eat; also because in the last century a lot of fertilizers, pesticides and industrial machinery have been introduced in agricolture.

These new fertilizers are used to produce more and speed the production, but it pollute the soil and the environment.








In my opinion, a solution to bring back local foods and reduce pollution through various chemical fertilizers is to make the populations of the various states buy the products they produce in their own state and not to buy food from other states so the economic competition between the states is reduced.


Another solution could be that the state gives help to local producers to make them grow the most and so the population buys better and unpolluted products.

By doing so you start to have only healthy products without pollution.

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