Four little stories by our group - Illustrated by Sapir Dabbah, Lorin Pinto, Adi Shoshan, Nadav Siman Tov -
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Four little stories


Artwork: Sapir Dabbah, Lorin Pinto, Adi Shoshan, Nadav Siman Tov

  • Joined Dec 2015
  • Published Books 1

Dream a little dream… – Nadav Siman tov


I assume everyone should have a dream, but I also know that one’s dream is another’s minor detail in life.


That’s what makes my future goal to be so easy to indicate – yet so uneasy to accomplish. I want to be a


father. How simple is that? Well, not that simple, at least not for a couple of men.


Neither nature nor the state of Israel allows two men to have kids, yet decided I will do everything that a father


should be plus everything a mother should be – just in case I will have the chance. I know I’m responsible, I


know I’m devoted, I know I’m caring, loving, protective and much more. I believe I have proved it once with


my baby sister, another few times with my nephews and quite a few more times with my soldiers – during my



Four little stories by our group - Illustrated by Sapir Dabbah, Lorin Pinto, Adi Shoshan, Nadav Siman Tov -




I’m an uncle of three lovely nephews, once adding them to my resume – I can say that by the time I will have


kids of my own I will experience raising kids in all ages from babies, to young school kids (where I volunteer),


youths and men from the age of 16-21.



During my service I felt my soldiers highly appreciated me, soldiers I didn’t have to give any attention to, yet I


have. It didn’t take long before they said it to me straight ahead; I was the one to talk reasonably with those


who felt like they are sick and tired of everything. Everything they had to do and they didn’t know that that is


also a part of being a combat soldier in the IDF.


And so I managed to restrain the rebel spirit of an 18 year old man time after time.


I know that no one is perfect and every parent makes mistakes, but I hope to do as fewer mistakes as possible


when this day comes.

Four little stories by our group - Illustrated by Sapir Dabbah, Lorin Pinto, Adi Shoshan, Nadav Siman Tov -

My travel – Adi shoshan

Last summer I traveled for a month to the west coast of USA and to Costa Rica. Ever since I was young
I knew I will travel somewhere faraway for a long period of time, I was passionate to explore different places,
and to be encountered with variety of cultures and life styles.

Last summer my dream came true. It was not that simple, I planned my trip with four girls I have never

before. I had to be very brave and decide if I am going to take the risk of traveling a long time with people I
have just met and I didn’t know if we are going to get associated, and if we have things in common.
Moreover, I had to take a risk and invest a big amount of money on something I was not sure about. I was
responsible for my equipment, for my money, and for the decisions I made. In addition I felt independent,
there were no close family members in case I needed them.

Four little stories by our group - Illustrated by Sapir Dabbah, Lorin Pinto, Adi Shoshan, Nadav Siman Tov -

Although I didn’t know my partners for this trip I went ahead and did it. Consequently, I was obligated to be

sociable, open minded and flexible towards my trip partners that accompanied me for a long period of time

even when we disagreed about essential decisions, or when they made me feel irritated.  We were all loyal to

each other, which is a necessary quality when you are a part of a group and you are not alone.
This adventure made me realize what I am capable of. Today, I know all these characteristics are a part of

me, and that I am mature enough to deal with new experiences and challenges in life. I definitely surpassed

my worries and my concerns, and obtained my old childhood dream.

Four little stories by our group - Illustrated by Sapir Dabbah, Lorin Pinto, Adi Shoshan, Nadav Siman Tov -

~Good Karma~
Sapir Dabbah




Four little stories by our group - Illustrated by Sapir Dabbah, Lorin Pinto, Adi Shoshan, Nadav Siman Tov -

I set the alarm to 8:30AM because I wanted to do my nails and some laundry before I begin the day.

But I woke up at 10:15AM. I open my eyes, go to the window, and take a deep breath to start a new day in Dharamshala India. Every other day would start with breakfast but today I’m going to yoga class.

I pull myself together so I won’t be late. When class is over, all I could think of is food, so I go to the German bakery restaurant (yes, in India) to get something to eat. While wandering what I should get, I see an Israeli man sitting alone and ask him to join me. He says yes, and with his recommendation I order veg-burger for lunch.


When we are done he tells me to follow him, I didn’t understand but I rolled with it. I walk out the restaurant and see him going towards a Royal Enfield motorcycle, a motorcycle!! I asked what we are about to do, He answered that he takes me to travel in the village. I didn’t expect that and I get excited.



We ride to the villages in the valley, underneath Dharamshala – it is fun being with him. He drives safely and there is an understanding between us. We find a lake and spend there an hour or so, the sun touched us with the right heat. We drink fresh sugarcane juicethat we both like, buy some yarn and go back to his room. When we arrive the sun sets and it is getting darker. We play Poi-juggling and in a second a thunderstorm starts. This night I won’t forgot: us sitting on the porch, listening to good music and watching the best concert that comes from

the sky.


You decide what life is. You can choose how your life will look like. I believe that encountering people is a present for lifetime. Think of all the memories and benefits you receive from society. I try to open my heart and see the beauty of the world.





My story – Lorin Pinto

While I was in the process of choosing what to study, I was working as a tutor in a local school. Thanks to this experience I found out what I want to study and do in my life. As a part of my job, I needed to teach a group of students that not only had difficulties in English, but also did not have the motivation to learn it. The first few lessons did not go very well because the students did not participate nor pay attention. The students did not care about their grades and they did not see the value in learning English. I understood that something was not working and I had to be creative and think of something in order to change the situation.

Four little stories by our group - Illustrated by Sapir Dabbah, Lorin Pinto, Adi Shoshan, Nadav Siman Tov -

I started to look for new ways that will motivate the students to study English and involve them in the process of learning. I incorporated in the lessons different games and made up contests between the students in order to engage the students and make them more active in the lesson. After a while, I noticed a big difference in the students and their attitude towards the English lessons. They started to pay attention, participate in class and to ask questions. They improved a lot and got better grades than they did before.
During this time, I felt very proud of the students’ achievements and the process they made. I realized how much I enjoyed teaching the students and thinking of new ways to encourage them to study. I came to the conclusion that I want to develop a career in education, and I decided to do my first degree in English.

Four little stories by our group - Illustrated by Sapir Dabbah, Lorin Pinto, Adi Shoshan, Nadav Siman Tov -
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