The Ever After by tina - Illustrated by Cristale Rafail & Katherine Jacinto -
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The Ever After


Artwork: Cristale Rafail & Katherine Jacinto

  • Joined Nov 2015
  • Published Books 40

Oh well, as the saying goes “You can take the monkey out of the jungle, but you can’t take the jungle out of the monkey.” And this is what happened to our dear Cinderella. Even after she married her Prince and moved into the castle, she still hasn’t stopped cleaning. Poor girl, this is the only kind of life she knows. But seriously, this girl needs to find a life — and fast!  What would you suggest her to do instead?

The Ever After by tina - Illustrated by Cristale Rafail & Katherine Jacinto -

What about our Prince? Well, the Prince, as we know, is young, dashing and charming. He was pressured into marriage because his father, the King, was ill. The Prince loves Cinderella but as a young man, he felt that he still wants to enjoy his youth. So he went partying almost every other night and hardly stayed at the castle. He went pub-crawling with his jet-setting royal friends. Cinderella met most of the Prince’s friends but felt uneasy in their company. After some time she decided to stay at the castle and clean rather than to party with the Prince and his friends. Eventually, the young couple spent less and less time together. Until one day, Cinderella discovered these selfie photos in the Prince’s I-Phone. She suspects that the Prince might be cheating on her. Do you agree with her? Why or why not?

The Ever After by tina - Illustrated by Cristale Rafail & Katherine Jacinto -

 One day, while attending a charity event alone, Cinderella received Instagram photos and Tweeter tweets of the Prince partying in Ibiza with several gorgeous girls. This was too much for her and she broke down crying in the middle of the event. What do you think? Have the authors been spending too much time watching Viva and Viva Plus?

The Ever After by tina - Illustrated by Cristale Rafail & Katherine Jacinto -

The young couple decided work on their marriage and went to seek professional help.The Royal Council of Advisors advised them to go to this famous therapist who have a popular radio show. On the scheduled day of the therapy, they were surprised to discover that the famous therapist is no other than Cinderella’s former stepmother. It so happened that when Cinderella married the Prince, she lost contact with her stepmother and sisters. The Stepmother was so excited to see the young couple that she talked and talked and talked. Before they knew it, the hour was over and the young couple left without getting any help at all. What about you? Maybe you could help. What advise would you give the young couple?

The Ever After by tina - Illustrated by Cristale Rafail & Katherine Jacinto -

 Finally, frustrated and beaten at the rate her marriage was going, Cinderella decided to consult with her Fairy Godmother. And this is her advise to her:

“Oh hush, you silly girl. Did you really believe that marriage is a picnic? Where everything is abloom and the sun shines all the time? Marriage is not a picnic — it’s more of a roller-coaster ride. You will have as many ups as well as downs and the only way to survive it is with your hands up in the air and your eyes wide open. Enjoy it as much as you can. Have fun or better yet, have fun together!”

The Ever After by tina - Illustrated by Cristale Rafail & Katherine Jacinto -

…and party they did! Cinderella and the Prince decided to organize karaoke nights at the castle so that they could have fun together. They also turned their minuses into a plus –her love of cleaning and his love of partying. Cinderella set up a successful cleaning company that uses ecologically friendly cleaning products and the Prince became an events organizer and from what we’ve heard, the parties he organized are the best! The coolest part of it all is that most of their earnings go to “Shoe Your Love” foundation — a charitable organization that provides shoes to poor children all over the world. Now, who said fairy tales can’t have a happy ending? THE END

The Ever After by tina - Illustrated by Cristale Rafail & Katherine Jacinto -
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