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ספר ראשון לילדים רק באנגלית

message to life – you are not alone “
Write and drew: nadav sela

עמוד 1
It’s fun to live life

Some things that you’re alive despite the injuries is good !! This is the best and fun for you and those around you. And know that before any injury is like a bee biting Although it’s painful but patiently and proper correct treatment is very good and helpful

אלו שתי ידך בציור עם עקיצת דבורה those are your two hands with bee biting

עמוד 2.
And from what happened learn what was wrong. And made sure that you behave ok and do not cause the same fault. Remember it’s okay to cry it clears Hlonotc (your eye).

Crying Painting

ציור בכי

And hug and to be hugged it is great It gives positive energy to The other person in the hug.

Drawing a hug

Life is like a game page 3

Like chess – you are the king and the queen is your wife, and your childs are princes and with you friends and family are supportive tools are soldiers in the battle.

Drawing of a family in chess

The player in front of you will try to attack and tricks to win, but you and your wife the Queen sturdy, and safe and with the help of your childs and friends you will create a life force – the best defense is attack. Choose right the way and like playing chess bring the winner.

Just like backgammon game – manage well your side, and with luck in cubes you will prevent the other person to hurt you – all the things Bring you the victory .

Drawing backgammon you won 15-0
ציור ששבש

When you play soccer invest in protecting and prevent the ball reaching your net, and through the link to your pioneer on the other side to score the winning goal. Prevent the other hurt you, stay strong and steady – as at the game in your life success lies approximately is depend on you day by day…

Page 4
That is you ran with a t shirt that listed On her 10 you are 10 it is great to run because that’s how you learn to escape and run fast to help your friend.

It is you are traveling on bikes of disabled
This means that in any situation you like to spend energy. And it is good to spend energy!
That’s how you get rid of bad things and bad feelings.
Align. Power!!

Page 6
Life Is like combine

Every year farmers grow wheat again.
First you have to plow the field, then digging up the stones that came from clods and then straighten and smooth the ground. And when everything is ready and before the rain comes sow the wheat. When the rain comes the water flows directly into the fields and lots of mud and therefore need to be careful not to sink and get stuck.
So you would prefer to open an umbrella when rain and well dressed when you’re out in the cold. Winter often brings diseases, so when the body is weakened better to stay home and rest in order to get strong again and to be reaffirmed.
The seeds germinate and develop at the root down, and growing up the stalk and leaves. So you were a little baby and grew up to be a teenager with time and person.
When the wheat plant grows and the field matures, is cooler changes from green to yellow and disruptions are filled with ( גרעינים ) grains – is ready for harvest, it’s time! Then comes the huge combine, harvesting run the table and went inside the field. For years the person grow wheat Bray in order to make from her bread,
But once were harvested by hand with a sickle, then aided Horses, and later came to the combine first and after he went perfected new cars of today.
So when you were a baby you did not know to do almost anything, and slowly you learn to crawl, stand, walk. You’ve grown up and you keep learning all the time – improves yourself as a the combine
Sometimes the combine is stoping and has a malfunction. The farmer that on it check, and look what is the problem and fix it in order to continue to working. So you, if you fall or fails do not despair, get up and try again – fix what you need and continue on your way.
When its container is full with grains ( nucleus) traveling the combine to the end of the field, spilling grain ( nucleus גרעיני ) to gondola which the truck will take them to the plant where their from seeds will creat flour That will help to creat bread for all of us.
And you continue to help at home, to the kids and of course your wife and you can help your friends who need your support. As the seeds make flour and arrive to every home, so that you too can be a help to many other peoples – you have a lot of forces …
Fun to see the combine reaps the field,
Always so happy to see you working, enthusiastic, smiling – just like or love ….
Page 7

Always love with you

You always have love!
It covers you and is everywhere that you go to –
It is your …
If you fail do not despair! Gains strength, and learn
Then come back to yourself and try again.
And if you fall you will know with confidence that you have the power to rise.
So get up and try again –
Use the power of love …
And when tears Rae’s in your ayes,
Know crying is good and healthy –
He cleans and removes Windows ( ayes ) and take out bad things.
Hugging is good! It is good to those who you huge,
And well of course to you when you been huge.
In huge pass good energies from one to the other –
Embrace or huge is the life force,
Is always adding more good and gives more …

Drawing big heart

דף כריכה אחורי רק באנגלית

my name nadav sela
at age almost 40 i passed very hard car accident
After last candle of canuka 20011 since then i say it’s my miracle because I am alive
before the injury i did not wrote stories and drew
The best thing that happened because the baldy injury i start wrote books and drew
Both of them very help me because i pass messages to the kids and adults that help and help them to help other to paint it’s great way to Illustrate things


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