Conquering the Globe by Mitchell McGhee - Illustrated by Google Images -
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Conquering the Globe


Artwork: Google Images

  • Joined Apr 2020
  • Published Books 1
Conquering the Globe by Mitchell McGhee - Illustrated by Google Images -

In regard to the map pictured above, you can use intermediate directions to determine the general location of each continent. For example, North America is North of South America. In addition, Europe is East of North America, and Africa is East of South America.


The map below can be used for the same principal as before. For instance, Canada is North of the United States, which is North of Mexico, which is North of South America. In addition, Asia is North/West of Australia. Finally, Africa is South/East of Canada.

Conquering the Globe by Mitchell McGhee - Illustrated by Google Images -

As I demonstrated on the previous page, you can use intermediate directions by incorporating two different general directions to form a better idea of where something is. For example, North/West or South/East. The final picture below does a good job of portraying this concept in a visual format.

Conquering the Globe by Mitchell McGhee - Illustrated by Google Images -
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