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What is autism? (Collaborative Product )

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  • Published Books 25
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com



Autism spectrum disorder is a complex neurodevelopmental difference that is present at birth or emerges in the first years of life. Autism affects the structure or functioning of the brain. Occasionally under the term autism due to its use in the text for autism spectrum disorder.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study autism in 1 in 150 children, the 59 given for 2018 would actually be autism.


Autism can be seen in different races, ethnic groups and different groups, depending on the family’s income level, lifestyle and education level.


Although there is different incidence information regarding gender, the consensus is that you will see it more in boys than girls.


Various degrees of learning disability and mental retardation can also be observed in most people diagnosed with autism.


Why is a special education category that is frequently heard about. (ASD – from autism spectrum). It can be listed among the main facts related to autism spectrum disorder;


It is thought that autism spectrum disorder is caused by neurological reasons. Autism spectrum disorder (about 35%), due to abnormal electrical movements in the brain; seizure, involuntary movements, loss of consciousness, etc. Neurological problems may also occur.

Autism spectrum disorder is not a mental illness; However, its symptoms may resemble certain mental illnesses.

Scientific research has shown that autism spectrum disorder is not related to child-rearing characteristics or socio-economic characteristics of the family.

There are findings that autism spectrum disorder may be hereditary, including; However, the gene or genes that cause this have not yet been found.

While it can be assumed that it occurs in 1 in 500, recent data would suggest that autism spectrum disorder is present in approximately 1 in 59 children. Additionally, its prevalence in boys is 4.3 times higher than in girls.

Contrary to popular belief, there are different levels of mental retardation. Additionally, on intelligence tests, certain areas return much lower than other rechargeable areas.

A minority of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (about 10%) have very strong memory, musical talent, etc. It is found in superior quality.


According to the published version of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-V), Autism is called “Disorder within the Scope of Autism”, which shows that the two areas are inadequate.


1) They are strong in social communication and options


Difficulty establishing and maintaining relationships

Inability to make eye contact

Inability to express emotions

Having trouble starting and resuming my update


2) Limited-Repetitive Behavior Patterns (Repetitive Behaviors)


Stereotyped and repetitive motor movements

Insistence on sameness, rigidity of routine

Limited and intense interest

Sensory under or over stimulation




Autism, the word meaning of which means introversion, means complete or partial separation (isolation) of the person’s communication and sharing with the environment and people. The word autism was first used by Hans Asperger in 1938. Hans Asperger researched a type of ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) known today as Asperger Syndrome.





Today, it is not known why autism spectrum disorder occurs, but there is evidence that it is genetically based. However, it is not yet known which gene or genes are responsible. There is information that environmental factors can also cause autism. Both genetic bases.

It has nothing to do with economic conditions; This type of autism spectrum disorder is found in all kinds of societies, different geographies, races and families.




Neurological Causes
Genetic Causes

3. Structural Reasons

Prenatal-During-Birth-Postnatal Factors
Neurological Causes

It is thought that autism spectrum disorder is caused by neurological reasons. A significant portion (approximately 35%) of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder experience seizures, involuntary movements, loss of consciousness, etc. due to abnormal electrical movements in the brain. Neurological problems may also occur

Genetic Causes

It is thought that more than one gene and some environmental factors may be effective in the emergence of autism.

While the structural defect in the genes may come from generations ago, the functioning of the genes may also be disrupted by factors such as drugs used during pregnancy, viruses and radiation.

Structural Reasons

Some studies indicate that structural differences in some parts of the brain may cause autism.

Prenatal-During-Birth-Postnatal Factors

Research has proven that multiple conditions that affect brain development during these stages can cause autism. In particular, rubella disease contracted in the womb can lead to severe autism.




Social Development


Communication skills


Sensory Features


Motor Development


Mental development


Special Skills



1.Social Development: It is known that the social skills of autistic children are inadequate. For the social development of autistic children, they must be taught to initiate appropriate social interactions and respond appropriately to interactions initiated by others, and to increase and sustain their positive growth.


2.Communication Skills: Inability to communicate with individuals around the environment is the most obvious symptoms of autism. Behavioral problems such as looking at the other person’s face, difficulty in expressing differently, deficiencies in non-verbal communication, yelling, hitting, shouting when not receiving the intended communication are observed.



3.Sensory Characteristics: Reactions to Auditory Stimulations: Autistic children show very different reactions to sounds, and the fact that they do not react to some sounds in early childhood evokes the idea that the child has a hearing problem.


Reactions to Visual Stimuli: Although autistic children do not look at human faces or many objects around them, it can be seen that they can look at some moving, rotating or bright objects for a very long time, and some of them are sometimes disturbed by light and even feel more comfortable in a dark room.

Reactions to Pain, Hot and Cold: While these reactions occur in some children as not noticing pain, heat and cold, in others, they can also be seen as hypersensitivity such as crying when washing their hands with cold water or screaming when a needle pricks their hand.

Reactions to Touch: Autistic children who react to being touched or held by anyone reject physical contact and avoid establishing relationships with their environment.


The father of a child with autism describes his child’s resistance to being held as follows: “My son Mark was a very difficult baby. He was crying for a very long time and it was making it difficult for us to even feed him. He didn’t like it at all when he came into our arms, but he was relieved when we added more to the stroller and released him. “I can see now that Mark is very sensitive to touch, making it very uncomfortable in our ears at times.”


Reactions to Objects: Although autistic children react very differently to sensory stimuli in their environment, it is observed that they generally try to recognize and explore a new object by smelling, licking and moving their fingers over it.


4. Motor Development: It is observed that autistic children learn some movements that require the use of large muscle motor skills, such as jumping rope, dancing and swimming, later because they have little or no ability to imitate them.


5. Mental Development: Difficulties in using tests that determine the intelligence levels of autistic children and the low performance of these children in tests make it difficult to determine their intelligence levels.


6.Special Skills: These are generally speaking skills that do not contain abstract meaning. Bus departure times, numbers, etc. details may also appear in the form of some relevant visual abilities

What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com




Does not make eye contact with others
If he doesn’t look when I say his name,
If he acts like he doesn’t hear what is being said,
If he doesn’t point his finger at what he wants,
If he doesn’t know how to play with toys,
Does not show interest in the games his peers play,
If he said some words repeatedly and in unrelated situations,
If they are behind their peers in speaking,
If they have strange movements such as shaking or struggling,
If he is overly active and always acts in his own way,
If his eyes are stuck on something,
Rotating some items makes unusual movements,
Overreacts to changes in daily life

You need to do it before autism. With early diagnosis and a correct education method, the symptoms of autism can be controlled in approximately fifty percent of the cases, and great progress can be made in the field of education.

What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com




The only people who can make a diagnosis are doctors. They are not autistic, their appearance is not different from other children; However, their behavior is different. Diagnosis is made by experts for biological observation, developmental tests, and by asking parents questions about biological development. Autism can be diagnosed starting from 12 months of age. Diagnosis at an early age means that education can begin as soon as possible.

In our country, experts who can diagnose autism are child psychiatrists and child neurologists.

Child psychiatrist:  A doctor who diagnoses and treats. He/she observes your child, interviews you, evaluates your child according to diagnostic criteria, performs a medical examination and makes your diagnosis. Recommend medical examination and medication if necessary. The medicine is used to support education and control movement movements. It is not yet possible to treat autism with medication.

You should take your child to a child psychiatrist at regular intervals so that he can follow the changes.

Pediatric neurologist: A pediatric neurologist is a specialist in brain and nervous system problems in children. A pediatric neurologist can also evaluate autism. Additionally, examinations (MR, CT, EEG, etc.) and examinations are also required. However, I think only a quarter of all autistic people have such problems. Do not sit with these tests and wear your child out financially and morally when the doctor does not say that this is absolutely necessary.

Which institutions and experts can you contact?

You can visit university hospitals that have Child Mental Health and Diseases Departments.
You can visit public hospitals affiliated with the Ministry of Health that have a pediatrician or child neurologist.

If your child is diagnosed with autism, he/she must prepare a ‘Child Special Needs Report’ (ÇÖZGER).


What should you do to get a Child Special Needs Report (ÇÖZGER)?


To obtain a Child Special Needs Report (ÇÖZGER), you need to apply to a hospital with a Disabled Health Board. Disabled Health Board; It consists of internal medicine, general surgery, ophthalmology, ear-nose-throat, neurology or mental illness specialists.


What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com



Autism; It is a chronic disorder with core symptoms such as restricted, repetitive behavior patterns and impairment in socialization and verbal and non-verbal communication. For biological and clinical research, the perspective on the disease has changed a lot. It was previously thought that autism was caused by the attitude of the parents, lack of love, or fear of establishing social relationships. For the last 20 years, autism has been interpreted as a neurobiological etiology related to biological upbringing or past life. Use the same system you use today to diagnose autism. The common feature of these systems is that they emphasize that there must be a deficiency in three abilities to diagnose autism. The most important symptom of infancy is their inability to establish eye contact.Autistic children cannot establish and develop relationships with their peers in preschool assessment. You can choose them to do things they can do on their own. They do not join others in their games. Attachment of enhancers to inanimate objects is more pronounced than attachment of enhancers to humans. Delay in language development is the first symptom that attracts the attention of autistic families. I am the light of autism, this disease is also for you. Being able to use autism requires serious communication. Language and communication difficulties are grouped under the headings of delayed or non-developing spoken language, failure to respond to speech initiated by others, use of stereotypical and repetitive language, using personal inflections, idiosyncratic use of words, abnormalities in the intronation, rhythm and emphasis of speech. If these situations are considered in order: it is a situation that cannot be closed by using available communication methods (such as gestures, facial expressions and signs). Because autistic children have problems in non-verbal communication.It is especially for the use of facial expressions used in communication, the use and understanding of body language, and the use of emotional gestures and facial expressions such as surprise and sympathy, which is why autistic people cannot reach their peers. Autistic children give the impression that they cannot hear when something is said; they do not react even when their explanation name is said. They do not spontaneously initiate a conversation for communication purposes unless necessary. People with autism have their own unique way of speaking. This form, in which stereotypical and repetitive language use is dominant, is called echoic speech. Echolalic speech comes in two forms: immediate and delayed. Immediate echolalia, at that moment 1. Disturbance due to communication and social development. 2. Repetitive, limiting interests and behaviors. 3. Disorders in these areas were seen 30 months ago. This form, which is dominated by stereotypical and repetitive language use, is called echolalic speech. Echolalic speech comes in two forms: immediate and delayed. Immediate echolalia, at that moment 1. Disturbance due to communication and social development. 2. Repetitive, limiting interests and behaviors. 3. Disorders in these areas were seen 30 months ago.This form, in which stereotypical and repetitive language use is dominant, is called echoic speech. Echolalic speech comes in two forms: immediate and delayed. Immediate echolalia, at that moment 1. Disturbance due to communication and social development. 2. Repetitive, limiting interests and behaviors. 3. Disorders in these areas were seen 30 months ago.

What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
  1. Impairment due to communication and social developmentDifficulties and deviations are the hallmark of autism. Autism manifests itself with the inability to bond with parents and the inability to develop attachments to people. They think that their children have autistic conditions and their fathers do not need them. There are research findings showing that autistic babies, known as well-behaved and never-crying babies, cry differently from normal babies. Autistic people can be indifferent to being kissed, hugged and loved, and sometimes they react excessively and it is a repetition of a voice against attention for one’s own sake. For example; The mother asks her child, “Do you want something to drink?” Delayed echolalia is the inappropriate repetition of a sound, the jingle of a quoted advertisement, that was heard hours or days ago. These children also reverse pronouns at the same time. If you choose the option, they say “You want cookies” instead of “I want cookies.” The speech of autistic people is mechanical and excitatory rather than communicative.
  1. Repetitive, restrictive interests and behaviorsAnother characteristic of autism is limited and repetitive behaviors and interests. They have great interest. They can watch a spinning record for hours or spin a top for hours. The autistic biological clock spinning plates in the movie “The Miracle of Love” is an example that explains this situation. Autistic children may be overly interested in the sensory properties of objects. They can take the scent you can use into their mouth. They function in extraordinary reactions to their own or their environment’s daily functions and to the influence of environmental conditions. Autistic children are extremely insistent that “sameness is a consideration”. This is because the conditional obsession with sameness still affects biological language. Herbs for children, they wait, they ask standard questions and expect the same answers to them. This is for them to develop solid habits in this regard. TripAdvisor, like wearing only certain types of clothes, eating certain foods, or always following the same route to school. These children are hypersensitive and prone to drastic reactions to a small change in the environment – such as the display of furniture placement. If they are given another one that is identical to the lost object, they understand that it works surprisingly well and they can accept that object.For autistic children, see. They exhibit stimulating behavior. There may be stereotypical movements – walking on tiptoe, turning, hand-clapping – or less noticeable events – rubbing a tissue, sniffing an object – that are considered strange by those around them. There is nothing here other than sensory seeing. If allowed, autistic children will stimulate their condition for a long time with these behaviors. This condition is meant to hinder the learning of condition care, education and other proper activities. The most dangerous behavior that autistic people exhibit is self-mutilation. These are terms used. The most common self-injurious behaviors are hitting the head and biting oneself. In addition, behaviors such as scratching the face, pulling hair, hitting elbows or legs, continue. Self-injury can reach life-threatening levels. Inappropriate expression of emotions is also evident in autistic children. Photos Autistic children may exhibit inappropriate reactions, such as laughing, when they are frightened or injured. They may cry and throw tantrums for no reason. Under dangerous conditions, they act fearlessly. They exhibit intense and irrational fears of necessary but undesirable objects such as sesame seeds, erasers, or grass. Kanner’s autistic detail has been lost in the “normal”. They are for scores below 70 on the Wistiks Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-R). Meanwhile, there are research findings showing that they exhibit superior abilities such as mathematical studies, music and mechanics.
  1. Abnormalities in these areas are seen 30 months in advanceResearchers and clinicians have agreed that signs of abnormal development specific to autism begin 30 months before 30 months. (Lord and Ward, 1993). Abnormalities or delays have been identified (Özusta, 1996). Normally, a newborn baby is autistic in the first two, three, and sometimes four weeks of his life. The relationship with the environment is related to senses such as hunger, thirst, heat and cold. He is indifferent to the realities of the outside world. Mother or a stranger is the same for him. He does not react to her getting closer or further away from him. Babies start to get out of the autistic state in the third or fourth week. First of all, the baby perceives the presence of the person who meets his needs – usually this person is the mother. The baby, who gradually establishes a relationship with this individual, can use him, separates him from other people and reacts to his absence. However, an autistic baby does not need its mother; He cries rarely and remains unresponsive to various stimuli. There seems to be a thickening wall between the outside world and these babies. Eyebrow tints are loose.In the first six months, they do not want things like normal babies. You have no communication. There are problems eating solid foods. You don’t always see eye to eye with these babies of data; their gaze covers precisely the distributions of their appearance. Because of their passion, they can move objects to any place. Babies are very selective and only listen to the music they like. Their speech is also delayed compared to their age. It summarizes what has been said about the unspecified characteristics of Victor, the first known case of autism. Victor, who was moved to Bethlem Royal Hospital in 1799 when he was five years old, learned that he could barely control it from two stages, that even a single word could be read until he was four years old, that he had watched all of these since his infancy, but that it did not come close to these, that it did not have the option of playing alone, and that it could be used only once. He is a child who can make the same tone as a whistle without forgetting it, and then talks about himself in the third person after initiating the features. Appearances in children are among the problems that can be solved among psychiatric disorders. According to the American Psychiatric Association, one of autism developed in 1994, pervasive developmental systems are under primary leadership. This is because autism causes lifelong problems in the social and communication environment.”For the diagnosis of “autistic syndrome”, “infant autism” or “typical autistic”, see Autism is a prototype of complex neurodevelopmental disorders related to “Autistic Spectrum Disorders”. Autistic Spectrum Disorders include “Autism”, “Asperger syndrome” and “Atypical Autism” from 250 preschool children. There is strong evidence detailing abnormal brain development. Although autism is not diagnosed until late in the preschool period, neurodevelopmental abnormalities are present when babies are born. Neurodevelopmental limitations progress throughout the first months of life. This early evidence is needed in children with autism. Many autistic symptoms can begin early in life. On this page, set the age of onset and use it as a diagnostic criterion. Explanations regarding the age of onset are always kept in mind. It is a condition that needs to be kept in. Symptoms begin before 30 months. It is also possible that autistic symptoms will go away retrogradely. It is very difficult for parents to recognize it. Early diagnosis and treatment undoubtedly have a very positive effect on the prognosis. In this respect, it is important to inform families about what the early symptoms may be.Bebeğin sessiz, sakin olması, seyrek olarak ağlaması, sosyal iletişim becerilerinin az olması, uzun süreli göz ilişkisi kuramı, konuşmanın gecikmesi dikkat edilmesi gerekiyor parametrelerdir. Sağlıklı bir bebeğin gelişim basamakları hakkında ailelerin bilgilendirilmesi, bu aşamada çok önemlidir. Araştırma bulguları ailelerin gelişim basamaklarında aksayışı 18. aydan sonra fark ettiklerini ve genellikle 2 yaş dolaylarında tıbbi yardım alma girişiminde bulunuruklarını belirtir. Başvuranların ancak% 10’una tanı konuyor. Temel olarak çocuğa yanlış tanı koymaktan kaçınmak ve biyolojik yaftabilirsiniz önlem için, otizm tanısı, belirtiler fark edeceğiz sonra 2-3 yıla kadar konulmuştur. Erken girişim, otizmli bazı çocukta belirtilerin iyileştirilmesi sonuçlanmıştır. Otizmin erken tanısı, eğitim planlarının daha erken yapılmasını, aile desteğinin ve eğitiminin yapılmasını, ailelerin stres ve kederle baş etmesini ve uygun tıbbi bakım ve tedavinin verilmesini sağlar. Tüm bu tasarlamak ışında, Tablo 2’de erken tanı göstergeleri içindir. ailelerin stres ve kederle baş etmesini ve uygun tıbbi bakım ve tedavinin verilmesini sağlar. Tüm bu tasarlamak ışında, Tablo 2’de erken tanı göstergeleri içindir. ailelerin stres ve kederle baş etmesini ve uygun tıbbi bakım ve tedavinin verilmesini sağlar. Tüm bu tasarlamak ışında, Tablo 2’de erken tanı göstergeleri içindir.
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com



Early Childhood Period:

If your child is under 3 years old and has been diagnosed with autism or PDD, he/she can receive early childhood education. This education, biological tour education, and providing the need for biological education are provided through informing and supporting the family. RAM planning by the Special Management Services Board.


If your child is between the ages of 3-6, he/she can receive special preschool education. Preschool education is compulsory before special education. “Special Education Kindergarten” refers to the classes opened for children between the ages of 48-66 months within the scope of special education schools and institutions. The period of pre-school education required for children in need of special education who are registered through the e-school system can be extended up to 78 months with the Special Education Evaluation Board Report, which is essential at the end of September. Official application of the child’s guardian is possible, and the child can be placed in the appropriate institution by the decision of the provincial / district special education services board. Preschool education, if possible. He/she must attend private educational institutions or special education classes.

primary school:

If your child is between the ages of 6-10, he/she can receive inclusive education in a primary school with normally developing children. In cases where this is not possible, he/she can attend a Special Education Application Center or a special education class within a regular primary school. With the increase of compulsory education to 12 years, the age of starting primary school will be reduced to 66 months, while the duration of pre-school education will be extended to 78 months, taking into account the developmental characteristics of children in need of special education, so that these children can start primary school at the 79th month.

Middle school:

If your child is between the ages of 10-14 and has a primary school diploma, he/she can continue his/her secondary education in general and TripAdvisor secondary education institutions together with his/her peers through inclusion. He/she can attend a special education class within the private middle class.

High school:

If your child is between the ages of 15-23 and has a secondary school diploma, he/she can continue high school through inclusion, together with his or her peers, in general and important institutions or in a special education class within a regular high school. Can attend Special Education Business Application Center.

Organized as ‘Hospital Grade’.

Your child with autism who is out of compulsory education age and cannot benefit from general education programs; Attending vocational courses on different subjects and durations to improve basic life skills, adapt to society and gain business and career skills. In addition, families apply to the governorship of their province for a vocational course at public education centers for children with autism.




There should not be too many stimuli in the environment that will distract your attention.

Space should be created for autistic children to relax.

The student to be seated next to him must be one of the children who can empathize, show interest in him, and have leadership qualities.

It may be preferable for autistic children to sit alone.

He may be allowed to take a favorite item or object with him.

School rules, classroom, garden, canteen etc. must be clearly and concisely determined.

The child should know what he is expected to do and what he should not do in which environment.

A booklet of rules can be prepared that the child will always carry with him and refer to when necessary.

New rules to be added should be notified to the child one day in advance.




Common misconceptions start with autism
Vaccines cause autism.

The misconception caused by vaccines reveals the reason for the meaningful relationship between scientific relationships and meaningful relationships.

Autism is diagnosed only at the age of 3 and above.

Autism is a congenital disability. With careful observation and evaluation, the risk of autism can be determined starting from 18 months.

They are all highly intelligent.

Contrary to popular belief, there are different levels of mental retardation. Also, certain areas are different in intelligence tests.

They have emotionally dull mothers who are called refrigerators.

The notion that mothers who lacked emotional intimacy were called “refrigerator mothers” in the 1950s was disproved many years ago.

All of them have the same appearance.

It has different physical contents.

They are all gifted.

Autism spectrum disorder (about 10%) has very strong memory, musical ability, etc. superior talents are encountered.

They do not have speaking skills.

They have speaking skills.

They are similar to children with Down syndrome.

Autism and Down Syndrome are quite different from each other.

They are very intelligent, they do not forget anything.

Contrary to popular belief, most individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder have different levels of mental retardation. In addition, certain areas may be much lower than other areas in intelligence tests.

The cause of autism is consanguineous marriage.

Although the cause of autism is still unknown today, it is believed that it may have a genetic basis and is triggered by environmental factors. Consanguineous marriage may cause some recessive genes to become dominant.

Their physical characteristics are different from other children.

The physical characteristics of children with autism may not be distinguishable from other children.

They get better by using medicine.

The only cure for autism is early and intensive education. Medications do not correct the main symptoms; they can only be used for accompanying problems.

Autistic people are “Rain Man”.

Autism spectrum disorder characteristics vary from individual to individual.

Autism is an intestinal disease.

Autism spectrum disorder is a complex developmental disorder.

Autism consists of cold parental attitudes.

The “refrigerator mother” notion, put forward in the 1950s for mothers who lacked emotional intimacy, was disproved many years ago.

Autism diagnosis is not removed.

Scientific research shows that with intensive and effective education before the age of 3, a significant number of children can receive education together with their normally developing peers at later ages.

Autism is a disease and it gets better.

Autism spectrum disorder is a lifelong complex developmental disorder.

Autism can be cured with medication.

The only cure for autism is early and intensive education.

Autistic people do not feel pain.

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder may have high or low sensitivity.

Autism is cured with short-term training.

Autism is a developmental disability that usually lasts throughout life.

All children with autism are geniuses.

Only 10% of children with autism are gifted.

Children with autism do not like hugs.

Children with autism need support in developing appropriate interactions.

If he looks at rotating objects, he definitely has autism.

Just being interested in repetitive behaviors is not enough to say that you have autism.

Autism gets better with diet.

The only cure for autism is early and intensive education.

Autistic people do not live long.

People with autism do not have any metabolic health problems.

People with autism have special abilities.

Only 10% of children with autism are gifted.

Children with autism all have the same physical characteristics.

Children with autism all have different physical characteristics.

Autistic people cannot speak.

Some children with autism have speaking skills. Early education can positively affect speaking skills.

Autistic people are aggressive.

Children with autism need professional support to express their emotions. Individuals with autism are actually at increased risk of experiencing violence.

Autism occurs as a result of trauma.

Autism is a congenital disability.

The cause of autism is the working mother.

It is thought that autism occurs as a result of genetically based and environmental factors.

Autism is contagious.

Autism is thought to occur as a result of genetically based and environmental factors and is not a condition that is passed from person to person.

People with autism have cognitive disabilities.

Autism manifests itself as a deficiency in communication and social interaction skills, repetitive movements and limited/intense interests. Various cognitive problems may also be observed in approximately half of the cases.

The cause of autism is excessive television watching.

It is thought that autism occurs as a result of genetically based and environmental factors.

Autistic people are hyperactive.

There are important findings in the literature regarding the comorbidity of autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, but not every individual with autism is hyperactive.

Asperger’s have superior abilities.

Aspergers may be obsessively interested and knowledgeable about specific items, such as music and historical meteorology, but in general they do not have higher than normal intelligence.

Autism is a habit, it runs in families.

Consider reviewing the genetic basis and environmental factors of autism.

What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com
What is autism? (Collaborative Product ) by MRT  - Ourboox.com

What is Atypical Autism?


Taniya AUTHORIZED autism is called Adequate Criteria Allowed to children who prefer . Atypical autism has symptoms such as difficulty in speaking, difficulty in communicating, developmental disorders, repetitive speech, and difficulty in socializing, but these symptoms appear at a later age or are so minimal that they prevent a full diagnosis.


Characteristics of Atypical Autism


Atypical autism and other features can be corrected by overcoming the speech and communication problems experienced by individuals with early diagnosis and correct treatment methods. Early diagnosis has a great impact on overcoming the problems and allowing the individual to continue his life normally. Therefore, families should observe their children’s movements and development, be sensitive about doctor’s checks, and follow up by establishing a healthy communication between them and their children. If the child has atypical autism symptoms, a specialist should be consulted immediately and the treatment process should be started quickly.


Atypical autism treatment


Atypical autism treatment practices help children improve their social skills, express themselves more, and reduce behavioral problems by receiving special education and psychoeducational therapies. The group that responds best to treatment for atypical autism. The reason why the child shows reaction reactions may negatively affect the child and cause him/her to refuse treatment. In this process, the child should be supported and supported throughout the treatment process.


Atypical Autism and Family Education


In atypical autism, treatment can be accelerated by supporting expert checks and professional training, as well as education, communication and games within the family. For effective treatment, the child should be supported, the child should be encouraged, welcome activities and games should be done within the family to instill a reassuring variable for socialization, and be tolerant towards your child and blame the child for actions he cannot do.

It is necessary to have the necessary knowledge and equipment and to provide support in providing treatment through various methods. The Treasure Within Me application is for children with autism and their families. The Treasure Within Me is about applied autism disorder. It is important to support children and help them develop their skills. The Treasure Within Me is available in the application. The Treasure Within Me application is one that can be downloaded to all mobile devices. It makes entries based on the autism symptoms the child has. The Treasure Within Me application has games that support various communication and mental developments of people with autism.


What is Atypical Autism?


Taniya AUTHORIZED autism is called Adequate Criteria Allowed to children who prefer . Atypical autism has symptoms such as difficulty in speaking, difficulty in communicating, developmental disorders, repetitive speech, and difficulty in socializing, but these symptoms appear at a later age or are so minimal that they prevent a full diagnosis.


Characteristics of Atypical Autism


Atypical autism and other features can be corrected by overcoming the speech and communication problems experienced by individuals with early diagnosis and correct treatment methods. Early diagnosis has a great impact on overcoming the problems and allowing the individual to continue his life normally. Therefore, families should observe their children’s movements and development, be sensitive about doctor’s checks, and follow up by establishing a healthy communication between them and their children. If the child has atypical autism symptoms, a specialist should be consulted immediately and the treatment process should be started quickly.


Atypical Autism Treatment


Atypical autism treatment practices help children improve their social skills, express themselves more, and reduce behavioral problems by receiving special education and psychoeducational therapies. The group that responds best to treatment for atypical autism. The reason why the child shows reaction reactions may negatively affect the child and cause him/her to refuse treatment. In this process, the child should be supported and supported throughout the treatment process.


Atypical Autism and Family Education


In atypical autism, treatment can be accelerated by supporting expert checks and professional training, as well as education, communication and games within the family. For effective treatment, the child should be supported, the child should be encouraged, welcome activities and games should be done within the family to instill a reassuring variable for socialization, and be tolerant towards your child and blame the child for actions he cannot do.

It is necessary to have the necessary knowledge and equipment and to provide support in providing treatment through various methods. The Treasure Within Me application is for children with autism and their families. The Treasure Within Me is about applied autism disorder. It is important to support children and help them develop their skills. The Treasure Within Me is available in the application. The Treasure Within Me application is one that can be downloaded to all mobile devices. It makes entries based on the autism symptoms the child has. The Treasure Within Me application has games that support various communication and mental developments of people with autism.



Asperger Syndrome


Asperger syndrome is a problem in childhood that makes social interaction difficult. The most important symptoms are excessive flexibility, communication problems and flexible weakness. It is similar to autism in terms of general features. Just like autism, Asperger syndrome is a disorder whose cause is unknown and affects life for a lifetime.

Asperger syndrome was defined by Doctor Hans Asperger and excluded autism. Unlike autism, there is no developmental delay in language and speech skills. Symptoms of Asperger syndrome may vary, Details are present in older children.

Asperger Syndrome Diagnosis


Asperger syndrome is diagnosed between the ages of 4 and 11, and the typical features of Asperger are impairment in social interaction, repetitive behaviors, lack of cognitive development and extreme introversion. Children are observed in different environments and their learning style, motor development, strengths and weaknesses, and independent living skills are examined. It is more difficult to diagnose Asperger’s in adults. Early diagnosis is common in Asperger syndrome, as in Autism.

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Asperger Syndrome Symptoms


Asperger syndrome does not affect children, teenagers or adults. Routine of Seven: Children with Asperger syndrome often start talking. This feature differentiates it from autism. Typical features of images in children with Asperger syndrome are as follows:

Although they can talk, they have difficulty initiating and maintaining conversation.
They like routine, they don’t like nice things.
They are extremely introverted.
Member Member Login, they speak in monotone.
On the other hand, they cannot understand the tone of voice and cannot perceive the jokes.
Conversations are formal, eye contact is weak.
They may have details.
They talk excessively and engage in one-sided conversations because of their loved ones.
Learning motor skills occurs later than their peers.

It does not mean that he has Asperger syndrome. In order to fully diagnose Asperger syndrome, it is necessary to consult with specialist doctors.


Difference of Asperger Syndrome from Autism


Children with Asperger syndrome spend their infancy in the same health as other babies. In Asperger syndrome, he starts talking and speech is normal. It differs from autism in terms of cognitive and language development. He is more talkative about Asperger’s syndrome and even excessively talkative since he is interested in it. They know that they are not compatible with society, the autistic child is not aware of this.

Asperger Syndrome Treatment


Although Asperger syndrome lasts a lifetime, its symptoms are greatly reduced with appropriate and effective treatments. Targeted training helps them to take an active role in society by providing them with self-efficacy. The treatment required for Asperger syndrome consists of improving social skills and effectiveness and behavioral management. The education program, which is constantly adjusted in parallel with the child’s development, should be continued at home as well as at school.




Down syndrome is a genetic difference, a chromosomal anomaly. In its simplest terms, while the number of chromosomes in an ordinary human body is 46, this number is 47 in individuals with Down syndrome due to the presence of three 21st chromosomes. Down syndrome is not a disease that needs to be treated, but a genetic difference. It occurs when there is an extra chromosome in the 21st chromosome pair. The risk increases in pregnancies over the age of 35, which are known to cause down syndrome. But 75-80% are babies of young mothers. There is no difference in country, nationality or socio-economic status. On average, it occurs once in every 800 births. Around 6 million individuals with Down syndrome live in the world. It is estimated that there are approximately 70,000 people with Down syndrome in Turkey. It causes mild or moderate mental and physical developmental delay.



23 of the chromosomes that make up the human body come from the mother and 23 from the father. In Down syndrome, the 21st chromosome is not 2 but 3 (also called Down syndrome Trisom 21). The result of this is that the total number of chromosomes is 47, not 46.


3 tips There is Down syndrome.

1-Trisomy 21:  It is the standard type that accounts for 90%-95% of the Down syndrome population. The new type 3’2 chromosomes come from the egg or sperm cell, or due to some incorrect division in the early stages of fertilization, they are formed with each chromosome, making a total of 47 chromosomes.

2- Translocation: It is the type that makes up 3%-5% of the Down syndrome population. In this type, a piece of chromosome 21 breaks off and attaches to another chromosome (e.g. chromosome 14). The individual contains 46 chromosomes as a rule, but has 47 chromosomes as genetic information. Here too, there are 3 chromosomes 21, and the individual shows the same characteristics as the standard type. Other types of Down syndrome are not inherited. However, in the translocation type, one of the parents must be a carrier. Down syndrome is hereditary. This rate is 33%. It is 20%, while the surrogate father is between 5% and 2%. It is important to know the risks in future births with the translocation type, why genetics is more important.

3- Mosaic:  This is the type that makes up 2%-5% of the Down syndrome population: In this type, some cells carry 46 chromosomes, while some must carry 47 chromosomes. The 46 chromosome rechargeable line continues as 47 chromosomes and creates a mosaic structure.




The physical characteristics of the appearance in people with Down syndrome are slanted small eyes, flat nose, short fingers, curved little finger, thick nape, a single line on the palm, and the big toe is lighter than the other fingers. All or some of these features may be seen.

Babies with Down syndrome grow slower than their peers, although there are exceptions. Their mental development is lagging behind. This retardation seems to become more evident as the age increases, but with appropriate educational programs, children with Down syndrome can achieve many successes and establish meaningful lives in society. A regular and disciplined training program and plenty of repetition are the most important factors here.

Lower age individuals are generally shorter than their peers, and if they do not acquire proper eating habits due to their slow metabolism, they may experience weight problems in later ages.

They need physiotherapy support due to varying degrees of muscle laxity (Hypotonia). It is very important that you meet with the physiotherapist as soon as your baby is born, get information and prepare a forward-looking support program. Depending on the degree of hypotonia, babies may have difficulty holding their heads for a long time, but with physiotherapy included, they complete the developmental stages at their own pace.


Savant Syndrome

Savant Syndrome is a condition characterized by an individual with significant mental disabilities exhibiting some abilities much more than the general average. Savant syndrome, coined by Langdon Down, is derived from the French word “Savoir”, which means “Wise”. Although different names such as “Idiot Savant” or “Autistic Savant” were used in the early periods, these terms are wrong and derogatory, and autism is the same. Also referred to as Savant., Why finding a strong bond is the Approximate competition center of all cases Saving Abilities from coming out later. It is stated that it has excellent depth, but is limited to a very narrow area. The type in which abilities emerge later is also called acquired Savant. It is stated that it is at a perfect depth, but is limited to a very narrow area. The type in which abilities appear later is also called acquired Savant. It is stated that it is at a perfect depth, but is limited to a very narrow area.


Savant Syndrome Symptoms

Savant syndrome operates most commonly in individuals with autism. Autism is a type of neurodevelopmental disorder that makes social interaction with individuals difficult, limits interest, and causes repetitive behaviors. This disease is a mental illness. The most common symptoms of autism, also called autism spectrum disorder in medical terms, include:

Difficulty making eye contact,
Lack of shared interest in entertainment, interests, and achievements
Having trouble empathizing and understanding your feelings,
Inability to establish friendships with peers,
Difficulty learning to speak or inability to speak,
Difficulty starting or maintaining a conversation
Insistence on constantly repeating the same things,
Difficulty understanding insinuations, jokes and what other people want to say.

The presence of one or more of the symptoms in someone may be a sign of autism or different neurodevelopmental or psychiatric diseases. Apply to health institutions for examination.


Savant Syndrome


It has been stated that it develops as a damage to the hemisphere. These thoughts are not scientific yet and have not been proven, and the reason is the development of the syndrome. Individuals with autism are in the group with the highest probability of developing Savant Syndrome. Autism, just like Savant Syndrome, is a disease that is thought to have an important cause due to genetic factors, although the cause has not yet been fully identified. The probability of autism in boys is 4-5 times higher than in girls. There are factors that can be considered among the causes of autism that most commonly cause Savant Syndrome:

The mother is in a state of fear, panic, stress and emotional turmoil before birth,
Parents do not spend enough time with their child due to being overly busy at the time of birth,
Leaving children alone and watching excessive television
Genetic inheritance from the family.


Savant Syndrome Diagnosis


Early diagnosis and treatment are of great importance in reducing the symptoms of autism and bringing individuals with autism back to life. Although there is no concrete medical test to diagnose autism, the disease can only be diagnosed through observation. Comparison of children with their peers, socialization, observation of whether there are value differences in thoughts and behaviors are their first suspicions. If families feel any negativity in order to examine how their child is developing compared to other children, they should immediately contact healthcare institutions. Situations such as not being able to react to events with enthusiasm, not being able to point with the finger at objects that interest him, and being able to focus on objects such as television and washing machine for hours are some of the findings that indicate the presence of the disease. Examining neurodevelopmental disorders, observing them, asking some questions to their families and caregivers, it is possible to understand whether Savant Syndrome is present or not, but it can still be noticed by the family or detected by health professionals. There is no definitive treatment. The biggest and only cure for the disease is effective and qualified special education.


Savant Syndrome Treatment Methods


Savant Syndrome is not a single disease. This disease treatment is the same as the treatment for diseases such as autism, central nervous system and brain damage underlying the syndrome. In addition to the treatment of existing diseases in the Savior Sendromu. It is also very effective in the treatment of mental and developmental disabilities. The most effective treatment method for autism is special education. Individuals with autism are trained in institutions that are specially opened for these individuals and where activity expert trainers provide training for mission purposes. He/she can improve himself/herself in a way that will never be understood, gain respect from the society and have a successful social life. Children should be brought to health institutions, where the treatment method recommended by the physician should be started as soon as possible. The education plan for children diagnosed with Savant Syndrome should be shaped accordingly, and the individual should receive proper training by experts in order to have a successful professional life.

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