What steps SEO companies in India are taking in 2020 to boost your rankings?

by SEM Reseller

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What steps SEO companies in India are taking in 2020 to boost your rankings?

  • Joined Oct 2019
  • Published Books 91

2020 is the year of thinking about new SEO trends and opting new SEO experiments. There have been a lot of changes regarding SEO and Google over the last few years and businesses need to keep up with them.


Google BERT Update


In 2020, one of the major Google updates that we got is BERT. Google’s BERT algorithm update helps Google better understand the intent behind whatever you search. This means now you need to write content for people not for search engines.


Keeping this in mind, the SEO company in India is now taking a few steps to make your content more specific for the users. Following are some major points.


Checking out all the content on the website and find anything that does not look natural or conversational or if there is any content that does not make a good sense if it appears in the Google search results for the targeted keywords.


Change your content language to make it more conversational and less focused on the main keyword. Including more LSI keywords related to your topic helps Google to understand more easily what your content is about.


They also measure the performance of your page more frequently either weekly or monthly. If you found that taking all these measures help to boost the ranking of that specific page and related keywords, try to implement these tactics with all pages available on your website.


Along with this embedding video on the webpages is also a great addition to your website and help you boost your ranking. You can use several video platforms such as YouTube, Wistia and Vimeo that ensure your video does not harass the website loading speed.


Voice Search


Voice search is among one of those innovative SEO tools that are not going away anytime soon, so the SEO company in India make sure to optimize your website for it. Almost one-third of the answers you get from the voice search comes from the first three results of that search, so being in the top results of Google is very helpful for your business. Getting your page in a featured snippet is a good way to improve the chances of appearing in voice searches. Here are a few ways that you can opt to do so.


Choose a web page from your website that can benefit from a question and answer format.


Separate them into different questions along with headings and answers for them.


Doing this help you appear more in snippets. Repeat this process for another web pages too if you find any increase in traffic of your website.


So, have you optimized your website for these latest SEO trends? Hire the Best SEO Company in India that can help you to make these changes and increase the ranking of your website.

Source: http://semreseller0.over-blog.com/2020/04/what-steps-seo-companies-in-india-are-taking-in-2020-to-boost-your-rankings.html

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