Traditional Dishes in Denizli by Buse Gümüşay -
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Traditional Dishes in Denizli

  • Joined Mar 2020
  • Published Books 1

Denizli is a white dream city.
Traditional Dishes in Denizli by Buse Gümüşay -



Our unique healing in winter, tarhana soup, which is one of the flavors that we can not taste, is another delicious in Denizli.

Because bean is one of the wonders of Aegean cuisine.Finally, garlic and mint add healing when mixed in. Enjoy your meal and wonder if you don’t.




Wheat, chickpeas and pieces of meat are met in the same pot and sent to the oven in the evening.

That journey will end only in the morning.

The flavor, which is the method of mixing with a wooden spoon, is also a feast for the palates when it meets with its delicious sauce consisting of tomato paste, spices and oil.

Traditional Dishes in Denizli by Buse Gümüşay -


We know the soup of carrots, and it is like the mischievous ones.Soup made from meat, specially prepared dough takes its place separately.this dish is actually used for rabbit meat.The more lush a meal is, the more lush it is.

Traditional Dishes in Denizli by Buse Gümüşay -

Yen böreği


When we say pastry, do not think that we are talking about breakfast or snacks at a time.

This MEAL is the main dish you know.It contains a delicious mortar with ground meat, onions, black pepper, cumin and chili peppers, and an unbearable flavor of corn flour in its dough.

Traditional Dishes in Denizli by Buse Gümüşay -

Börülce böreği

This flavor, which is basically composed of crumbled dry dough and boiled cowpea, gains in mind with its saturation, and one of the most suitable for it is pickle.

Traditional Dishes in Denizli by Buse Gümüşay -

 Kuyu kebabı (Kuyu tandırı)

Before making a well kebab that manages to separate itself from all the kebabs you can see by making it in a well of about 1.5 meters deep, the kindling is collected and burned in the well.

Then a copper pan with a little water is placed on the cores and the meat is shaken in the well with an iron stick.Although it can be made with other meat, it is accepted that the meat is lamb.

After cooking the well kebab, the oils that accumulate in the copper pan at the bottom of the well are consumed with pleasure while making rice or served directly with the kebab.

Traditional Dishes in Denizli by Buse Gümüşay -



Prepared using flour, cheese, onion or sesame, katmer manages to come to the fore in his race with katmer made in different ways in many places.

Denizli style katmer, which is one of the most delicious proofs that cooking with little ingredients requires mastery, is one of the recipes that must be spoken of the hand skill.



Traditional Dishes in Denizli by Buse Gümüşay -
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