Participating schools
- Jamil Rawas Public secondary school for boys/ Lebanon
- Shajret Aldur school/Jordan
- Tebnah secondary school/Jordan
- Asma Bent Omeis School/Jordan
- Khadja Um AlMo’minin secondary school/Jordan
- Alal comprehensive school/Jordan
- Al Zahraa secondary school/Jordan
- Maymouna Bent AlHarith school/Jordan
- Alwahadneh secondary school for girls/Jordan
- Al Mazar secondary school/Jordan
- Rusaifa Prep.B/S No.3/ Jordan
- Camlik isitme engelliler ortaokulu/Turkey
- Merkez Efendi Belediyesi Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi/Turkey
- Fatima Al Zahraa School/Jordan
Book Content
“Air team” presentations
1.Air pollution:
“Land team” presentations
2.Land pollution
“Water team” presentations
3.Water pollution
Team of Jamil Rawas secondary school/Lebanon
Team of Jamil Rawas Secondary school/Lebanon
Team of Jamil Rawas school/lebanon
Team of Khadija Um AL Mo’minin school/Jordan
Camlik isitme engelliler ortaokulu/Turkey
Team of Tebnah secondary school/Jordan
Team of AL Mazar school/Jordan
camlik Isitme engelliler ortaoukulu /Turkey
Shajaret AL Dur school/Jordan
Merkezefendi Belediyesi AIHL /Turkey
Team of AL Mazar school/Jordan
Team of AL Wahadneh school/Jordan
Maymouna Bint Al Harith Team/Jordan
Rusaifa Prep B/s no.3 team/Jordan
Alaal secondary school team/Jordan
Maymouna Bent AL Hareth team/Jordan
Al Zahraa secondary school’s team /Jordan
Fatima Al Zahraa school’s team/Jordan
Team of Maymouna Bint AL Harith school/Jordan
Team of Khadija Um AlMo’minin school/Jordan
Team of Jamil Rawas public secondary school/Lebanon
Land pollution is the deterioration (destruction) of the earth’s land surfaces, often directly or indirectly as a result of man’s activities. Natural habitats have been destroyed and environments have been polluted, causing diseases in both humans and many other species of animals. Land pollution is a serious issue that has many causes and many effects; and above all, it has solutions.
Land pollution has many causes, and all of them are caused by human activities. Deforestation carried out to create dry lands is one of the major concerns, because the land that is once converted into dry or barren land can never be made fertile again. Moreover, farmers sometimes overuse highly toxic fertilizers and pesticides to get rid of insects, fungi and bacteria from their crops. Each household produces tons of garbage each year, and the items that cannot be recycled become a part of the landfills that hampers the beauty of the city and cause land pollution.
As a result, there are many dangerous effects for land pollution. The toxic chemicals, which could lead to many problems, can reach our body through foods and vegetables that we eat as they are grown in polluted soil. When deforestation is committed, the tree cover is compromised, and this leads to a steep imbalance in the rain cycle. In addition, disturbed rain cycle affects a lot of factors. For example, the green cover is reduced, and trees help balance the atmosphere, without them we are subjected to various concerns like Global warming, the greenhouse effect, irregular rainfall and flash floods among other imbalances.
Above all of that, we still have some solutions that could help us in reducing land pollution. First of all, make people aware of the concept of Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. Second, reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural activities. Third, do organic gardening and eat organic food that will be grown without the use of pesticides, and many other solutions.
In conclusion, we walk and survive on land. It is literally the base of our ecosystem. It is in our good interest to take care of it and nurture it. So, isn’t it enough for people to start using these solutions in order to reduce land pollution?
Team of Al Mazar school/Jordan
Team of Shajarat Al Dur school/Jordan
Al Wahadneh school’s team/Jordan
Team of Maymouna Bent AL Harith school/Jordan
Team of Maymouna Bint Al Harith school/Jordan
Team of Alaal comprehensive school/Jordan
Maymouna Bent Al-Harith team
Rusaifa prep B/S no.3 team /Jordan
Asmaa Bent Omeis team /Jordan
Maymona Bent AL Hareth team /Jordan
Tebnah secondary school’s team/Jordan
Asmaa Bent Omeis team/Jordan
Team of Khadija Um AlMo’minin school/Jordan
Team of Jamil Rawas secondary school/Lebanon
Water pollution is one of the most dangerous forms of pollution humans have ever caused to the planet and that is due to how easy it spread across the oceans and the seas and the tremendous effects on marine life… so what are its causes? And what makes it fatal to us and to the marine life?
The reason water pollution is a big issue is because it’s caused by the daily human activity, namely:
- Industrial waste: dumping waste into the sea by factories and that is due to the poor waste management system most factories have.
- Plastic pollution: humans recklessly throw plastic into the ocean and that is due to the huge consumption of plastic that humans use on daily basics
- Global warming: Believe it or not, water pollution is also caused by global warming which is caused by humans as a result of their use of fuels that release greenhouse gases. (more details in the consequences).
Now on with the vicious consequences of water pollution:
- Spread of diseases: animals’ waste is often washed away by rivers which later on mix with the industrial waste we are dumping, thus creating great environments for water borne diseases like cholera, diarrhea, and jaundice
- The formation of huge waste patches in the ocean: plastic that is dumped into the ocean often merge together to form great patches of plastic that often are approximated to size of some countries, a great example about that is the great pacific garbage patch which is about 1,6 million kilometers in size.Despite all of this, we humans can still do something about it, it is never too late, and we can minimize the damage by taking the following measures:
- Hiring qualified waste management system: by hiring a waste management system that cares enough about the environment to make sure to minimize the damage caused by the factory to the lowest.
- Minimize the use of plastic: it is not the action of throwing of plastic into the sea alone that is causing pollution but rather the nature of plastic itself which takes a lot of time to degrade, so using other forms of products that are biodegradable would be efficient to have a cleaner environment.
- Use of renewable energy: greenhouse gases cause global warming. And the latter damages marine life and thus the use of energy that is more efficient like solar panels and wind turbines.
Team of Al Mazar school/Jordan
Team of Shajret AL Dur School/Jordan
Al Wahadnah school’s team/Jordan
Team of ALaal Comprehensive school/Jordan
Team of Maymouna Bint Al Harith/Jordan
Rusaifa prep B/S no.3 team/Jordan
Asmaa Bent Omeis team/Jordan
Maymouna Bint Al Hareth team/Jordan
Asmaa Bent Omeis team/Jordan
Al Zahraa secondary school’s team/Jordan
The natural resources in our planet (Air, water and soil) are our gift from God .. We should protect them to save our life and the life of the next generations..
Thanks for reading our book and A BIG THANKS to our teachers that taught us how to collaborate and that supported us to complete this collaborative product…
Best regards from Lebanon , Turkey and Jordan….
Published: Mar 17, 2020
Latest Revision: Apr 14, 2020
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-748689
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