eTwinning projects

by Darina Babjačková

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eTwinning projects

  • Joined Dec 2019
  • Published Books 3
eTwinning projects by Darina Babjačková -
Our school

This school year we do five eTwinning projects. There are some photos and link, what we do in each of these projects.

eTwinning is a great platform for students, teachers for all of us.


Tento školský rok realizujeme päť eTwinning projektov. Nájdete tu fotky, link ako ich postupne realizujeme.

eTwinning je vynikajúca platforma pre žiakov, učiteľov pre všetkých.



 Long-term (school year’s time) project as an attractive extension and enrichment of the core curriculum of English lessons with the support of Web 2.0 tools and collaboration with peers from European schools.


A project for A1/A2+ CEFR level English learners that consists of approximately 9 small activities to do. Pupils are supposed not only to develop their writing, speaking and reading skills but also how to use web 2.0 tools in learning foreign languages. Teachers will have an opportunity to share their experience in using ICT tools in their work.


Students will improve their writing and communication skills and make new friends in different countries in Europe. They will also learn how to use Web 2.0 and ICT tools in learning foreign languages. By sharing different cultures and traditions they will increase their cultural and ethnic awareness. Teachers involved in the project will learn about various tools and resources to use in their lessons. The final products of all activities will be presented on Twinspace.


link for twinspace:



September – Stretnutie a oslava Európskeho dňa jazykov.
Október – Prezentácia študentov a ich škôl a záľub na fóre Twinspace.
Účasť na Týždni kódov (súťaž o kódovanie).
November – zvyky pri čítaní, obľúbené knihy a literárne postavy.
December – vianočné tradície v celej Európe
Merry Christmas from Slovakia (picture gift from google)
Január – trojdňový virtuálny výlet po partnerskej krajine (mapa spolupráce).
Február – ohrozené zvieratá v našich krajinách. , Zábavný zvierací kvíz.
Marec – Geografické znaky okolo nás.
Oslava Dňa Zeme.
Príroda – Populárne jedlá našich regiónov.
Máj – Oslava dňa Európy.
Počas  celého projektu sa uskutočnia niektoré online stretnutia – telemosty v bezpečnom prostredí twinspace
eTwinning projects by Darina Babjačková -

Be creative, be friendly, be European


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