Hello, Circle, It’s me, Square by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג - Ourboox.com
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Hello, Circle, It’s me, Square

After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books Read More
  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 1556

Hello, Circle. Hello? Hello? Hi, Circle. It’s me, Square. How are you? Why don’t you answer me, Circle?

You know I’m not allowed to answer you.



But you just answered me.

That was just to tell you that I can’t answer you.

But you answered me again.

Yes, but that was for the very last time.


Why can’t you speak to me?

You know why.

I have no idea.

Because I’m a circle and you are a square.


It doesn’t say anywhere that Circles and Squares can’t talk to each other.

Are you sure?

No, but what difference does it make? You’re a circle. I’m a square. So what?

Exactly. Circles don’t have any corners. That’s why. You’re full of corners.


I have only four corners. You can count them. I’m no triangle or pentagon. Just a regular square.

Why should I count them? I can see with my own eyes. But my Mother told me never to speak to anyone who has corners. Any corners. That’s why.

It’s not like we’re getting married.



It’s not like we’re getting married and having children or something.

That would be terrible. To have children? A square and circle having children? Would they have corners?

Perhaps one or two corners. From my side. Or even three or four. But also well rounded. From your side of the family.

That would be terrible.



Because they would be different.

Yes, they would be squircles. They would be special. And we would love them. But we aren’t getting married, are we?


We are just talking.

But isn’t that how it starts?


No, it starts when I ask you to go with me to the movies.

The movies? I could never go with you to the movies. What would people say?

We could go to a late movie. No one would see us.

We could. But your corners might hurt me.


Don’t worry. I will cover all the corners.

Haha. All right then, but just this once.

See you a-round then.

Haha again. Don’t be such a square.

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