aleyna arviş

by aleyna

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aleyna arviş

  • Joined Dec 2019
  • Published Books 1

artlicles about my life

hi!my name is Aleyna. I am 14 years old.I have a fun family.

I have a 9 year old brother usually likes to play computer games and football.a little naughyt. Makes my mother very angry.usually does not eat at home.He loves to mess with me but he drives me crazy. nevertheless ı love her very much.going to fourth grade I can’t say you like studying

My Father is a very fun person it is a complete head equivalent loves to spend time with my brother and me my father lives in ıstanbul because of hi job coming to see us on weekends dad likes to play football just likr my brother.


my dad usually watches adventure movies. she likes mom food.

my mother likes india movies I don’t like ındia movies. she gets angry when we don’t eat my mother food.

now it’s my turn I usually like to spend time with my famil.

I can’t talk to anyone when Im depressed.

I like to be alone.

I like to play volleyball. I don’t like playing football.

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