Banana Cafe by Galorian  -
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Banana Cafe

The author with the Banana Smile. Stories, such as moral stories have the power to shape mankind’s destiny. Some stories Read More
  • Joined Aug 2015
  • Published Books 79
Banana Cafe by Galorian  -

Think of it…

1 + 1 = 11


Me + Me + Me = We


Ba + Na + Na + Ca + Fe = BananaCafe


Wow, where to start…

Maybe by saying that I love bananas!

and her?

She loves coffee!


In Hong Kong there are many Bananas…

Yellow on the outside, white from the inside.

Caught in the crossroad that leads to alienation, bullying and social anxiety. Maybe this is why she is adicted to coffee.


Around me she tries to be more white from the inside and around her HK Yan friends she tries to be more yellow on the outside, and not just yellow, but with black marks.




Yes, she is cool and I wish she knew it.





So, what’s the story?


Well, we made it,

We took a trip to Europe, bought a Peugeot, painted it banana, and now we live a dream.

No need to fit false ideal in hopes,

No need to be ashamed,

As long as she is happy, I am happy.








Cause life is a dream, and she is my dream come true.





On a Cup of Coffee – Change of perception:


  1. If you love something – make the best of it out of pleasure without any fear or doubt – that same thing was meant to you and for you.
  2. If you don’t love certain thing – avoid it and don’t do it.
  3. If you can’t connect to a certain thing and on the other hand you can’t avoid it – try to change or refine it in your thoughts and connect it to a subject that makes you feel happy.
  4. If you can’t love something and you are avoided of changing it or you don’t want to change it, accept it as it is. The very acceptance as for itself generates wonders and to let that happen try to understand what is the good you can produce out of that situation.
  5. When changing an angle of perspective toward something you accept it and in fact you grow and develop. The biggest benefit is the change of point of view – an important and essential key element to changing your life.

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Banana Cafe by Galorian  -
Banana Cafe by Galorian  -
Banana Cafe by Galorian  -
Banana Cafe by Galorian  -
Banana Cafe by Galorian  -
Banana Cafe by Galorian  -
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