Gli immigrati – Immigrants by Alunni 5^ A - B - Illustrated by This poem was written by Beatrice Adamo and was illustrated by the students of the primary school classes 5 A - B -
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Gli immigrati – Immigrants


Artwork: This poem was written by Beatrice Adamo and was illustrated by the students of the primary school classes 5 A - B

Students 5^ A - B Primary School
  • Joined Feb 2019
  • Published Books 1

Questa è la poesia degli immigrati,

che dal loro paese sono arrivati.

per colpa delle guerre o della carestia

Sono purtroppo dovuti andar via


Arrivano da noi con barche poco attrezzate

E sono persone che ne sono abituate

loro non sono tutti uguali

sono tutti diversi tutti quanti speciali.


Girano il mondo con il loro cuore

per conoscere anche nuove persone

sono in Italia, in altri paesi

e adesso non devono essere offesi


Una persona bisogna conoscerla fino in fondo

cosi scopriamo che in lei c’è qualche cosa di profondo

in questa grande umanità.


Ci sono molte diversità

C’è chi parla inglese o francese

lingue di ogni diverso paese

ma tutte queste diversità

danno all’uomo altre qualità


Così vi concludo e infine saluto

e spero anche che tutto questo vi sia piaciuto.


(Beatrice Adamo)






This is the poetry for the migrants,

who arrived from their countries.

because of wars or famine

Unfortunately, they have had to leave

Gli immigrati – Immigrants by Alunni 5^ A - B - Illustrated by This poem was written by Beatrice Adamo and was illustrated by the students of the primary school classes 5 A - B -





They come to us with poorly equipped boats

and they are people who are used to it

they are not all the same

they are all different and all as special.

Gli immigrati – Immigrants by Alunni 5^ A - B - Illustrated by This poem was written by Beatrice Adamo and was illustrated by the students of the primary school classes 5 A - B -





They travel the world with their hearts

to meet new people as well

they are in Italy, in other countries

and now they should not be offended

Gli immigrati – Immigrants by Alunni 5^ A - B - Illustrated by This poem was written by Beatrice Adamo and was illustrated by the students of the primary school classes 5 A - B -





A person should be known in its entireness

so we discover that there is something profound about them

in this great world of humans.

Gli immigrati – Immigrants by Alunni 5^ A - B - Illustrated by This poem was written by Beatrice Adamo and was illustrated by the students of the primary school classes 5 A - B -





There are many differences

Some speak English or French

every language of every different country

but all these differences

they give other qualities to a man or a woman

Gli immigrati – Immigrants by Alunni 5^ A - B - Illustrated by This poem was written by Beatrice Adamo and was illustrated by the students of the primary school classes 5 A - B -





So I conclude and finally greet

hoping you’d like what you’ve read.

(Beatrice Adamo)

Gli immigrati – Immigrants by Alunni 5^ A - B - Illustrated by This poem was written by Beatrice Adamo and was illustrated by the students of the primary school classes 5 A - B -
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