I.C. Parco di Veio
Rome, Italy
Our Italian St Valentine’s Poem
E l’amore guardò il tempo e rise,
perché sapeva di non averne bisogno.
Finse di morire per un giorno,
e di rifiorire alla sera,
senza leggi da rispettare.
Si addormentò in un angolo di cuore
per un tempo che non esisteva.
Fuggì senza allontanarsi,
ritornò senza essere partito,
il tempo moriva e lui restava.
Luigi Pirandello
And love looked at time and laughed,
because it knew it did not need it.
It pretended to die for a day,
and bloomed again in the evening,
without laws to respect.
It fell asleep in a corner of its heart
for a time that did not exist.
It fled without moving away,
it returned without leaving,
time died and it stayed.
Perfettamente complementari
Elisa 2F
Il mio giorno preferito?
Quello in cui sto con te.
L’essenza dell’amore sai qual è?
Quell’emozione tra me e te.
E non avremo mai i cuori
Perché non ci faremo graffiti
E sulle nuvole voleremo
Come gli angeli nel cielo
My favorite day, do you know which it is?
The one I’m with you.
The essence of love do you know what it is?
That emotion between you and me
And we will never have sharp hearts
because we will not make graffiti.
And we’ll fly in the clouds together
Like the angels up in the sky.
(Doina Andrei, Liceul Tehnologic Special pentru Copii cu Deficiențe Auditive Buzău, Romania)
Şi dacă …
de Mihai Eminescu
Şi dacă ramuri bat în geam
Şi se cutremur plopii,
E ca în minte să te am
Şi-ncet să te apropii.
Şi dacă stele bat în lac
Adâncu-i luminându-l,
E ca durerea mea s-o-mpac
Înseninându-mi gândul.
Şi dacă norii deşi se duc
De iese-n luciu luna,
E ca aminte să-mi aduc
De tine-ntotdeauna.
(Doina Andrei, Liceul Tehnologic Special pentru Copii cu Deficiențe Auditive Buzău, Romania)
And if…
by Mihai Eminescu
And if my window feels the branch
Of a stuttering poplar tree,
It is to make me dream once more
Of clasping you to me.
And if the stars glow on the lake
And light its darkling shoal,
It is to flood my mind with peace
And quell my roiling soul.
And if the clouds draw themselves back
To let the moon blaze through,
It is to make my heart recall
How hard I ache for you.
Fatma Kul 50.Yıl Secondary school
Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı – Desem ki
“Desem ki vakitlerden bir Nisan akşamıdır,
Rüzgarların en ferahlatıcısı senden esiyor,
Sende seyrediyorum denizlerin en mavisini,
Ormanların en kuytusunu sende gezmekteyim,
Senden kopardım çiçeklerin en solmazını,
Toprakların en bereketlisini sende sürdüm,
Sende tattım yemişlerin cümlesini.”
Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı – Let Me say
I think it’s an April evening,
The most refreshing of the wind is blowing from you,
I’m watching the blue of the seas,
I’m walking through the best of the forests,
I’m breaking the flowers,
I drove the most fertile of the land in you,
You’re the one I’ve tasted.
The Song of the Archipelago(Love) –
by Odysseas Elytis
The archipelago
And the foam of his foams
And the gulls of his dreams
At his tall mast the sailor wakes up
A song.
His song
And the horizons of his journey
And the echo of his nostalgia
In the most rocky rock the fiancée is waiting for
A boat.
His ship
And the eagerness of his meltems
And the flop of his hope
In the mildest waves of an island it rocks
The coming.
I won’t say go to you.
You’re cold get my jacket.
These are the best hours of the day.
Stay with me.
I won’t say go to you.
Still you know.
Let me lie if you want lies,
You hurt.
I won’t say go to you.
But don’t go, Lavinia.
I will hide your name
Don’t know, Lavinia
Özdemir ASAF
Croatian poet – Dobriša Cesarić
Osnovna škola Antun Gustav Matoš Tovarnik
Mala kavana
The little café
Macedonian Contemporary Love Poems
Poetry – Igor Isakovski
we advise each other with our eyes, you say.
and I think that we speak with out souls –
it’s somehow the same, my brother on another
and third continent, because we know
how the other one breathes, even when
we don’t write to each other for months
(even when I don’t write to you for months)
I don’t send you my new poems,
I don’t write to you what I hear
while I sleep while I read.
I don’t tell you if and how much I drink
(often abundantly, as a south american
rain running down my throat,
an amazon of tides and floods)
I don’t tell you how the walls around me
tremble, but I sometimes write down
a poem: so that it comes handy in the long
dawns, a bit before sunrise
to put me asleep, to wake you up
you send me your music
such unpretentious lists
packed with melancholy that no
sunlight can paint
and now I think how many pairs of ears
can endure it before they start
to burst like rich chinese fireworks
we advise each other with our eyes, you say
why would be need ears, I think.
we understand each other with our souls, silently, I know
you know it too, my brother, I know that you do.
Poetry – Tihomir Jančovski
One day, when you will not open your eyes, surely,
you have died.
Or your eyes will stay fixed and glassy
and someone will close your eyelids with the palm of their hand.
Not to be frightened by them,
by the look of the lifeless glassy sockets:
dull, pale and terrifyingly
stiff and eternal!
Once, I saw that a dog dying
and men departing from this world
look the same.
In everyone’s lifetime,
there are three moments:
birth, marriage, and death.
In the final score,
only they count
but only one of the three
can be avoided
by every being.
Animals do not get married
neither do plants
or stones.
The marriage between oceans and continents
lasts far too long to be understood.
Mud is made of earth and water . . .
I love you
Like dipping bread into salt and eating
Like waking up at night with high fever
And drinking water, with the tap in my mouth
Like unwrapping the heavy box from the postman
with no clue what it is
Fluttering, happy, doubtful
I love you
Like flying over the sea in a plane for the first time
Like something moves inside me
When it gets dark softly in Istanbul
I love you
Like thanking God that we live
Nazım Hikmet
Turkish Poet
A Ukrainian poetess Lina Kostenko
Cherkasy Collegium “Berehynia”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Спини мене, отямся і отям!
Така любов буває раз в ніколи.
Вона ж промчить над зламаним життям,
За нею ж будуть бігти видноколи,
Вона ж порве нам спокій до струни,
Вона ж слова поспалює вустами!
Спини мене, спини і схамени,
Ще поки можу думати востаннє!
Ще поки можу… але вже не можу.
Настала черга й на мою зорю:
Чи біля тебе душу відморожу,
Чи біля тебе полум’ям згорю.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Oh, stop me, come to senses, halt my dreams!
Such love descends from heaven once in never.
Over my broken life like a typhoon it screams
And leaves behind horizons in its fervor.
It tears our serenity to bits,
Its fiery lips are scorching words to ashes!
Oh, stop me, stop — and help me find my wits
Before my sanity forever crashes!
While reason holds… but no, the hope is lost.
At last my hour has come to see the dawn:
For next to you my soul will turn to frost
Or next to you I will enflame and burn.
Translation by Slava Galperin
Verman Nicoleta,Liceul Teoretic Mihail Kogălniceanu, Romania
Poezii de dragoste
Mihai Eminescu
Floare albastră
– “Iar te-ai cufundat în stele
Si în nori si-n ceruri nalte ?
De nu m-ai uita incalte
Sufletul vietii mele.
In zadar rauri în soare
Gramadesti-n a ta gandire
Si campiile Asire
Si intunecata mare;
Urca-n cer varful lor mare
Nu cata în departare
Fericirea ta, iubite !”
Astfel zise mititica,
Dulce netezandu-mi parul.
Ah ! ce spuse adevarul;
Eu am ras, n-am zis nimica.
Blue Flower
,,Why, again didst thou depart
For the stars, with them to feast?
Thou wouldst not forget al least
Me, for thou my life’ s soul art.
Sunny rivers dost thou park
Vainly in thy thought concealed,
The Assyrian rich field,
The sea plunged into the dark.
The old pyramids address
Their tops up to God they see …
Do not search so far from me
O, my dear, thy happiness!”
Published: Feb 4, 2019
Latest Revision: May 10, 2019
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