The Picture Of Dorian Gray

by fedaa.knaneh

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The Picture Of Dorian Gray

I love to write about stories or any event that I read, and I can save them, I believe that Read More
  • Joined Jan 2019
  • Published Books 3
  • Writers name : Oscar Wild .

  • My name : Fedaa knaneh ,  grade :10 “5” .

  • Main characters : 1- Dorian Gray ,

  • 2- Henry Wotton , 3- Basil Hallward . 

  • Plot (sequence of events) :

    A young man returns to london after the death of his rich grandfather , who was tormenting him and beating him as a young man returns young beautiful and has a good heart meets a person named henry was aware of his grandfather and painter  basel but the two personalities are completely different from some of his ideas were poisoned and looking for fun always criticize everyone the painter was a good personality and brilliant … basel is drawing a painting for two roles and get a lot of admiration and here begins the story where a curse that makes all what happened to dorian actually change the painting on the dorian , such as old age and bad deeds and wounds even … so dorian sold his soul to evil and with henry’s negative influence on him changes dorian becomes a bad person to become a murderer  later .



  • Main idea :  A major theme in the picture of dorian gray  by oscar wilde is importance of beauty . At the beginning  of the book , the author claims that the purpose of art is display beauty . in the novel , beauty is valuable than morality . the significance of beauty in highlighted in the  first chapter where basil hallward is obsessed by dorian gray and likes him because of his looks .hallward confides to lord henry .

  • my opinion : the story was good as an initial attempt to read it and often expresses the hidden  evil within every human being .we cannot dictate that we are under the influence of evil , but that the existence of god is good . and also how the author of this book has written a great art and an expression of the current situation in which we live .


    –  The important chunks from the story : 

      1- perfectly charming – ساحر للغاية 
      2- turning quickly -يتحول بسرعة 
      3- stepping forward- يخطو إلى الأمام 
      4- wonderful bright look – نظره مشوقه ورائعه 
      5- been flattering me – تم إغرائي 
      6- laughing loudly – يضحك بصوت عالٍ
      7- certainly strange – بالتاكيد غريب 
      8- love becomes tragedy – الحب يصبح مأساة 
      9- servant brought – جلب الخادم 
     10- what is past is past – ما هو الماضي هو الماضي .

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