Creating Your Book Cover by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -
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Creating Your Book Cover

After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books Read More
  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 1554


“Don’t judge a book by its cover” says the famous adage, but we all do it anyway. A book cover is important but that doesn’t mean that you should pay a graphic artist up to $1000 out of your own pocket to do it.


Here are several easy ways to make your book cover for free, or almost for free. Even if you are not an illustrator and don’t have photoshop.


My first suggestion is to use Powerpoint. If your book is square (as in Ourboox), just create a square format in powerpoint and create your cover on Powerpoint. When you’ve finished, save your square slide as a jpeg file. You can then use it as the cover of your book.




There is also a cool website called Canva that helps you make covers incorporating text and pictures. For free or for a couple of dollars.



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