While Ali was walking on street,man in front has a car accifrnt , Ali sees it and calls ambulance. man was laying on the floor.
After that ambullance arrives and takes the man to hospital. when they arrive to hospital Ali realizes that doctor is his old friend Mert and he is suprised.
Ali introduces himself to doctor. Mert glads to see Ali and they get start to have a chat.
Ali’s brother gets sick 3 months later and Mert doesn’t care about his brother. then ali ask’s why Mert did like that.
Mert says he didn’t take care of Ali’s brother because they fighted each other. Then realizes that he is doctor and take care of Ali’s brother.Then Mert apologizes to Ali and takes care of Ali’s brother.
Published: May 29, 2018
Latest Revision: May 29, 2018
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-488347
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