Hello, Friends! My name is Cooper. I am a white dog.
I want to be BIG, but I am small.
My friends are BIG. Look at my friends. Are you BIG too?
My friends have LONG ears and BIG noses.
My friends are tall and I am short.
The dogs JuMp HiGh! Can you jump high too? Can I see??
You are SuperKIds! Look: You can JuMp
WOW! You JuMp HiGh! I want to JuMp HiGh! I Want to Run Fast!
Cooper wants to be SUPER! Like SUPERMAN! But SUPERDOG!
I want LOOOOng Legs! I want a Looooooong neck!
Are my Legs loooong now?? Am I BIG? No, I am sad.
Wait! My friends are stuck.* They can JuMp HiGh, but not now. Help!!
I am small. I want to help!
How can I help the dogs?
I go under the gate.* I am SUPERDOG!
Thank you for your help! Cooper is not BIG. But it is OK!
I can help.
Cooper is Super!!
Published: May 27, 2018
Latest Revision: May 27, 2018
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-486734
Copyright © 2018