The Bermuda Triangle by Aviva Taragin -
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The Bermuda Triangle

  • Joined Jan 2016
  • Published Books 17
The Bermuda Triangle by Aviva Taragin -

The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean that has baffled scientists due to the high number of ship and plane crashes in the area.

The Bermuda Triangle is located off the Southeastern coast of the United States in the Atlantic Ocean, with its apexes in the vicinities of Bermuda, Miami, Florida, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. It covers roughly 500,000 square miles.


You won’t find it on any official map and you won’t know when you cross the line, but according to some people, the Bermuda Triangle is a very real place where dozen of ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation. Since a magazine first coined the phrase “Bermuda Triangle” in 1964, the mystery has continued to attract attention. When you dig deeper into most cases, though, they’re much less mysterious. Either they were never in the area to begin with, they were actually found, or there’s a reasonable explanation for their disappearance.




A fascinating theory has been proposed by meteorologists claiming that the reason for the mysteries pervading the Bermuda Triangle area are unusual hexagonal clouds creating 170 mph air bombs full of wind. These air pockets cause all the mischief, sinking ships and downing planes.

By studying imagery from a NASA satellite, the scientists concluded that some of these clouds reach 20 to 55 miles across. Waves inside these wind monsters can reach as high as 45 feet. What’s more – the clouds have straight edges.

Anything caught inside one of these air bombs could be very well knocked out of the air, flipped over, sunk. More observation is needed to confirm this theory that could finally explain many of the infamous Bermuda Triangle events. Scientists are pouring over satellite imagery to confirm.

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