Is Barcelona a cosmopolitan city? by Noelia Borque - Illustrated by Gisela, Noelia, Marta and Manel -
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Is Barcelona a cosmopolitan city?


Artwork: Gisela, Noelia, Marta and Manel

  • Joined Apr 2018
  • Published Books 1

Is Barcelona a cosmopolitan city?


Barcelona`s population is changing. Do you agree or not ?
If your answer is yes, would you like having a look at this fantastic booklet ?
Do you want to guess if there are a lot of people of diffent countries in our city?
Let´s try !!!


Barcelona is the economic, cultural, and administrative capital of Catalonia, situated in the northeast of Spain, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.



Is Barcelona a cosmopolitan city? by Noelia Borque - Illustrated by Gisela, Noelia, Marta and Manel -

More than 150 nationalities live in Barcelona, a reflection of the Catalan peoples’ open and receptive character that foreigners find so attractive.

people in Bcn

We welcome people from different countries, as you can see in this pictures. It’s been taken in one of the most famous squares among European skaters. 

Is Barcelona a cosmopolitan city? by Noelia Borque - Illustrated by Gisela, Noelia, Marta and Manel -


Barcelona, as a cosmopolitan city has got restaurants with different dish of all over the world. 

You can smell curry, taste tropical fruit, listen to different languages, multiple types of music, and you can see temples of different religions.

Is Barcelona a cosmopolitan city? by Noelia Borque - Illustrated by Gisela, Noelia, Marta and Manel -
Is Barcelona a cosmopolitan city? by Noelia Borque - Illustrated by Gisela, Noelia, Marta and Manel -
Is Barcelona a cosmopolitan city? by Noelia Borque - Illustrated by Gisela, Noelia, Marta and Manel -


A lot of nationalities live in Barcelona, this is a reflection of Barcelona’s citizens’ open and receptive character that foreigners find so attractive. In this graphic you can see the different nationalities:


Is Barcelona a cosmopolitan city? by Noelia Borque - Illustrated by Gisela, Noelia, Marta and Manel -
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