Dragon Balls by ahmad younis - Illustrated by ahmad and oday - Ourboox.com
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Dragon Balls


Artwork: ahmad and oday

  • Joined Mar 2018
  • Published Books 1

One day there was a young boy called Goku who lived at his grandfather Gohan. Goku was seeking to become the strongest among all. Goku went once for training in the jungle, and during his training Goku heard a pleasant voice coming in. Goku waited until the car stopped. A young girl called “Polma” went out and Goku went to her and asked her, “What do you want from this place, you?” She replied: It is supposed to be here the ball No. 1, Goku asked her surprised : Ball what? she answerd him : There are seven balls like you look for if you find them all and you will achieve any wish that you want .

Dragon Balls by ahmad younis - Illustrated by ahmad and oday - Ourboox.com

Goku was excited and wanted to look for these balls and said enthusiastically: Let’s start a journey to search for these balls. bulma was happy with what she heard and said: What are you waiting for? lets get started . Polma drove the seven ball radar and said : the no.1 ball in this scary cave. bulma and goku start to search in these scary cave . goku behold something shiny , he started to forward to this something shiny , when he make sure that this the no.1 ball he go to bulma and asked her to see what did he found . when bulma see the ball she get shocked , in the same time she was happy.

Dragon Balls by ahmad younis - Illustrated by ahmad and oday - Ourboox.com

After finding the # 1 ball they have 6 balls to find. Polma pulled out the seven-ball radar, she said, and she was shocked: there are 2 balls moving from one place to another, there seems to be someone else looking for these balls. We need a friend to take us to the place of the balls, “said Bolma.” I knew who would help us, ” hoshi” he had a fast car can teleport us from place to place faster then any car . i  will call him right now. bulma said , hi hoshi i will need you to teleport us to a place , can you ? of course i can , hoshi said . i need half hour to arrive to you , bye


Dragon Balls by ahmad younis - Illustrated by ahmad and oday - Ourboox.com

after hoshi arrived them to the spot they want they went to a high mountain . its take from them 3 hours to climb this mountain , after they climbed the mountain , they saw a weird guy , with a green skin and he was hold in 2 balls . goku said with madnes voice : hey you , give me this two balls . the weird guy said : i need these 7 balls to be the strongest at the world . then lets fight you weird guy , goku said , if i win i will take these balls from you , and if you win you will take the ball from us . first my name is ” piccolo” , piccolo said , and i will accept this challange .

goku and piccolo start to fight . piccolo hold goku face and he hit him on the ground , goku get up and go for him fast , piccolo try hold him again , but goku dodge it and he said loudly : ka-ma-ha-me-haaaaaaaaaa, and a huge blast get out from goku hands , and goku won with this move .


Dragon Balls by ahmad younis - Illustrated by ahmad and oday - Ourboox.com

piccolo has been defeated , and He said with a humorous voice : HHHHHHHH, i am the The weakest from my team , you will fight one who is stronger from me . after this speach piccolo disappear . goku get a litle afraid and said : we have now 3 balls from 7 , thats good .  lets search for the rest . after they arrived , bulma said : ahh , i forget to ask you how do you do this move kame… . goku answerd : from my grandpa gohan , he is the best with these moves . after this speach , another weird guy appeared with 4 balls (the rest ) . goku said : hey you , give me these balls , or i will crush your bunes ! the weird guy laughed on loud . it is important to you to take these balls , the weird guy said , i need it to ask from shenron to
Greetings my  National. goku said : hey you look , if you win you will take all the balls , but if you lose ,you will give me these balls , and what is your name ? the weird guy answerd : i will accept your challange , and my name is ” king frieza ” . and they start to fight , the final battle began .

Dragon Balls by ahmad younis - Illustrated by ahmad and oday - Ourboox.com

goku went to frieza neck and tried to throttle him, but easy to stray. frieza hit his stomach and Goku ended up and arrived at bolma to try to help him but kick her frieza . Goku is very angry and slaughtered. “this is my full power movement , this my spirit bomb , and hte energy come  from the ground, from the sea and from the trees, and these energy from the nature Prepared on a giant ball . goku throw this ” spirit bomb ” on frieza and frieza stuck on these ball . goku take the balls and ran away with bulma . when they feel comfortable the put the seven balls on the ground .

Dragon Balls by ahmad younis - Illustrated by ahmad and oday - Ourboox.com

goku said on a loudly voice : get up shenron , achived my wish.  The atmosphere has become black and cold . and a Great light appeard , and a huge green dragon appeard , goku and bulma were shocked , and they said : are you shenron . shenron aswered : yes iam shenron you have now 1 wish , i will achive any wish you want . goku said : bulma what is your wish ? bulma  said : you have the Priority . goku said : are you sure ? bulma said : yes . goku said with a high voice : shenron please achive my wish , shenron said : what is your wish ? goku said :             i want…

Dragon Balls by ahmad younis - Illustrated by ahmad and oday - Ourboox.com
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