Riddles for children by Дарья Петрович - Ourboox.com
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Riddles for children

Учитель английского языка
  • Joined Jan 2018
  • Published Books 1


I live on a farm.

I am pink.

I have a little tail.

My nose is called a snout.

And I say «Oink, oink».

I am ….

Riddles for children by Дарья Петрович - Ourboox.com

I have 4 legs and a tail.
I am very smart.
I like to play with you.
When I see a cat,
I say “Woof, woof”
I am …

Riddles for children by Дарья Петрович - Ourboox.com

I have 4 legs and a long tail.
I like to run fast.
I let you ride
on my back.
I eat hay.
And say “Neigh, neigh”.
I am ….

Riddles for children by Дарья Петрович - Ourboox.com

I am a pet.
I am soft and furry.
I like to sleep and drink milk.
I don’t like mice and dogs.
I say “Meow, meow”.
I am …

Riddles for children by Дарья Петрович - Ourboox.com

I am a big
farm animal.
I can be black, white
or brown.
I like to eat green grass.
I give milk.
I can say “Moo, moo”.
I am ….

Riddles for children by Дарья Петрович - Ourboox.com

So colorful and bright, 
Is fond of talking much. 
Likes eating carrot 
It is …

Riddles for children by Дарья Петрович - Ourboox.com

A lot of spots. 
A long, long neck 
A funny scarf. 
It ‘s a …

Riddles for children by Дарья Петрович - Ourboox.com
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