almog’s world

by almog yurik

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almog’s world

  • Joined Dec 2017
  • Published Books 1

Hello my name is Almog I’m 11.5 years old,I live in Alfe Menashe,Israel.

My favorite color is red,I have 2  brothers Reaphael and Beari.

My best friends are Asaf and Guy ,I have a programing lesson I learn how to make games.

I have a pet her name is Luna she is a german sheperd this is a dog kind she is very cute and clever.



almog’s world by almog yurik -

Last year my family and I went on a trip in the USA.

It was a lot of fun but the most amazing places was in Disneyland in Orlando and Las Vegas.

In las vegas we were in the main street and we saw the fountain show and it was amazing and then we were wating for an uber driver about 2 hours and we were very tired.

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