My Life by Tomer Judes - Illustrated by Tomer Judes -
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My Life


Artwork: Tomer Judes

  • Joined Dec 2017
  • Published Books 1

My name is Tomer Judes, i am 11 years old.I live in Alfe Menashe, Israel.I have 1 brother Amit and 1 sister Roni.My favorite color is red.I like to swim in the pool and ride on a bike. My friends are Guy, Almog and Shaked. I like to learn at school English, Sports and Math. Most of the time i play on the computer [I”m very like to play overwatch]. In the evening I read a book, i recommend the books about Percy Jackson. I was in Slovenija and I buy a nintendo switch, I buy also a Just Dance,  Mario Odessy, Splatoon, Mariokart Deluxe, The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, Arms and 1 2 switch.


My Life by Tomer Judes - Illustrated by Tomer Judes -
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